
Soul Mate

Let’s party…….Yuya shouts while dances to a new rhythm that our song writers wrote for my pre-birthday event. I am seated on one table while my body guards are drinking, marrying to celebrate my birth date today. Wow!!!! The people across the hall said when a beautiful and shiny girl arrived and walked in the center of the dance floor. Yuna???

Yes, it is Yuna! She was escorted down the stairs to the dancing hall. I was about to walk towards her to ask her to dance but Sabah went in ahead of me to ask for hand in a waltz. Angianasim then asked for another dance and General Hydra. Everyone is glad that Yuna graced us with her presence, she is so beautiful that it’s okay to look at her without getting tired of doing so.

I got shy and stood to get wine, but Yuna is already standing in front of me. Can I have this dance, your highness?, Yuna giving her hand to me and smiling her sweetest smile which was the first time I saw since I met and spoke with her at the gardens yesterday.