
Perfection Program

You know the deal, getting hit by a truck, dying, being reincarnated into another world. Still that is a superstition, a lot of people killed themselves on the road in the hope of being reincarnated into that other world. In some way, I hope they did get into it. And there is that guy who still lives in highschool, always avoided socializing despite his family's advices. The day of Jérémy's death happened sooner than he had anticipated. A girl broke into his room and killed him, she strangled him to death. That's when Jérémy got reincarnated in another world. The world of Esteria, where he woke up in an forest close to an academy, the Esteria Academy And here in that Academy where plenty of elves and angels study togetjer, he will try his best to socialize and become a man ! Jérémy is here. Let it be the life of his life ! ----------------- Renka is an elf. Here at the academy she studi3d magic in order to improve and defend herself from the monsters. Will she uncover the truth behind the disease or will she become a monster to ? ------------------ Like the other two I was reincarnated but as an elf, I'm bored, let's get it over with. I'm a girl, not a boy. This is the story of us three killed by that same person on the night of october 23rd in 2069 that now live with a system called Perfection Protocol, a system with level up and skills to upgrade.

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

The Second Day (2)

It was about an hour later that Renka actually woke up in Edna's room, she guessed that one of the two boys played with her nose since she had been lying on the ground the whole night and had a terrible time waking up from her slumber. But the only person in here was Jérémy and he was sleeping in the confortable bed, in fact she wanted to join him to sleep soundly again but Jérémy was a boy and she would not want to stay too close to the opposite sex, she secretly hoped that he would fall from the bed and didn't bother pushing him.

- I want to sleep in a nice bed ! But that idiot is enjoying that superb confortable heavenly bed ! If I wasn't a good student I would push him and take all the bed for myself ! Where's Edna ?

She remember her teacher's word when she thought of that one girl, she searched everywhere in the room but couldn't find her, Renka was too worried that she almost lost all hope until someone opened the door, the same person she was looking for, the girl with white hair ! Renka had a relieved face when she saw it with her own eyes, but just the sight of Edna disgusts her with passion.

- What were you doing outside without us ? Flirting with some guys again ?

- What if I was ? Miss Teacher's pet.

- Then I would say it that you think of doing dirty things behind our back ! she giggled.

- Jérémy is faking is sleep ?

Whenever that question got heard from Renka, she stared at Jérémy, he was indeed faking his sleep but it was hard for her to tell since she never slept with anyone before, other than her previous parents but they are no longer part of her memory. Just in case she used her skill [Scan] on him to make sure to know if he was awake or not and it didn't let Edna doing the smug face she was about to do with what she learned, she sighed of shock.




With only that info the blond elf could answer the question and get mad at the young man faking his sleep with obvious weird patterns but Edna wanted to play a trick on her classmate to know how he would react and waited just a bit.

- We both know you are faking Jérémy ! Wake up or I call the teacher. claimed Renka with a serious tone.

- Jérémy, I really thought your name was Johnny, can you forgive me ? Also, I can see you're shaking.

Due to the fact that he was called Johnny, it confused the boy and he laughed discretly, faking sleeping noises and remaining in his position.

- How was your life before finding the school ? Edna asked out of the blue while approaching him by behind and poking at his hair with a tiny smile.

- Stop it Edna ! Jérémy is our classmate and you are bullying him ! One more time and I tell everything to miss Esteria !

' We're not just classmates, we're roommates now. This is your last chance ! Otherwise, you will sleep outside everyday.

He instantly turned himself in once he heard those harsh words that were obvious lies.

It surprised Renka that he really was awake even though she scanned him and it stated that he was awake, but Renka is the dumbest girl in this world.

- I was worried that you wouldn't wake up... Don't fake it next time because if you are sick we might not ask for the doctor...

About that, Renka cares about others even if they are boys and she is a vulnerable girl when it comes to sick people, she would believe anything they say and would do anything to heal their wounds, because she thinks that people only are lying to protect others and nothing else, but since she has her reputation she isn't very liked by any of the students, the total opposite of Edna which makes her heavily jealous of her popularity, that's why she wants to level up.

- Before... I was killed and I woke up in this world.

- I see, you're just sick. claims Renka with no idea of what he means, plus no one in this school believes in reincarnation, no one but Edna.

- Not to brag, but I'm here too. I've died in my own room, killed by a girl from my previous class. I can't tell which one. What about you banana head ?

- Banana head ? Are you referring to me ? asks the elf concerned and trying her best to remain calm.

- I do.

- I'm born here 16... or 18 years ago I'm not sure, I've spent my life with my family and they died from the disease so I had to go away before getting infected.

"Then why is she only LVL2 ?" thought both of her roommates.

"And Jeremy is... I already used Scan on him when we met. My mission is to mate with him, this is so ridiculous... giving me such a system that gives all kinds of powers just to do something as boring as mating. I will not." Edna thought.

"Why is Edna looking at me with such a quiet attitude ? Is she analyzing me ? Also, is her killer the same as mine ? And why does Renka stares in my eyes so much ?"

It was indeed creepy how much Renka stared in Jérémy's eyes, but not enough to scare him away, she sighed and walked toward the door.

- It's about time we eat, is there anything you want to do before that ?

- There is a girl I need to show to you guys. If you try anything funny with her I report you okay ? smiles Edna, knowing perfectly who she meant.

- Fine we'll met that girl and after we're done with her we go to the cafeteria.

The only real boy in the group nods, Jérémy and Renka follow Edna, Renka being suspicious over Edna's behaviour but she didn't know what her plan was and it frustrated the elf so much that she bite her tongue and bleed. She stayed cautious and once she saw the girl that was taller than her she couldn't help but blush and evade this encounter she feared so much, not knowing the sex of that blond with feminine traits scared her as much as a spider, remaining stressed and hidden behind the wall she observed them and from the distance she could barely hear them.

- This is Aozora and Charlotte's friend, they are in the same class as us. Her name is...

- I'm Angelica, nice to meet you.

- Same. Jérémy.

- I can see you already are fond of each other, I need to clean my room before I get caught !

As soon as she said that, Edna hurried in the hallway to go check on Renka and making sure she was flustered enough to laugh behind her back and at the same time watch what would happen between the other two students.

- "Edna wants me to flirt with that guy... By now he thinks I'm a girl so maybe it will affect him a little ?" Do you have anything to say to me ?

- No.

- "He doesn't admit it but inside he definitely wants to know which gender I am. If I ask the good questions he'll definitely open up to me." So, did anything pick your interest in the school ?

- "How should I say ? Hearing her voice is good for my ears but I don't want to create a misunderstanding." I guess my roommates are interesting. "Please don't misunderstand !"

- Ah I see ! It's true that Edna is a little mysterious and Renka is... "Renka is annoying but I'm not gonna say bad things now to the new student." She cares a lot about everyone. "And she is the teacher's pet too." the blond faked her smile and it was enough for the boy in front to believe in her.

- I see. "Something doesn't seem right, did Edna... I want to ask but at the same time involving myself even more in her past would be strange. Just tell me to go."

- You are kinda cute. "Perfect ! He'll fall for me !"

Instead, Jérémy didn't react to the compliment, or at least not outside of his mind where he tried to collect his thoughts, he definitely liked the compliment but he doesn't want to blush or even admit it, not because of proud but because it's pointless as of now, upgrading his skills is way more important to him than spending his time with Angelica.

- Thanks. "Good, can I leave now ? I have to go."

- Do you mind staying a little longer ? the blond asked by putting her hand on his arm while he tried to leave and it stopped him.

- Yes ? "I'm forcing myself to talk, this is hard but I have to !"

- Nothing ! I just thought for a moment that you looked... "Very boring and ugly, I'm not gonna say that to his face." like a good guy.

- "I hope I am, but I'm not that good. I'm rather bad at being good." Hm...

Jérémy leaves before Angelica and takes his time searching for his roommates that happen to have stayed hidden behind the wall the whole time.

Edna smiles faking being surprised, meanwhile Renka is blushing thinking that he was already getting a date.

- What happened ? Angelica is a nice girl right Johnny ?

- Jérémy.

- What's the difference anyway ? Both starts with a J.

- Hey hey Johnny, I mean Jérémy ! Of course I know your name, I remember every name in the school like anyone with decency would ! "Obviously I'm a genius when it comes to remember names, but who was that girl ? Is she a new student ?"

- So Miss Iknoweverynameinhere, I'd like to eat but some snakes just appeared out of nowhere.

Renka looked from left to right then saw a group of three green snakes of little size with big tongues, both her and Jérémy used the skill [Scan] on them, Renka because she hates killing snakes but the face of adversity she saw in Jérémy changed her mind as she wanted to protect the new student just like she would protect anyone in danger.



[HP : 150/150]

[Weakness : Water]

Renka uses the skill [Water Droplet]

A cloud appears au-dessus of the snakes and rain on them, making them wet and take damage at the cost of 5 mana.



[HP : 60/150]

[Status : Wet]

The snakes have a hard time moving while wet and use [Jumpscare] on the elf but for some reason she isn't taking damage by the attack but still gets scared when she see this illusion of them up close. Edna doesn't do anything particularly impressing and sits down, she observes them since she isn't worried of being attacked when the snakes turn is over, Jérémy takes his mirror out of his pocket and uses the skill [Arrow Rain] with it losing half his mana and killing same, sharing the experience with Renka the model student.

- Listen well roommate male. Slimes are weak to Thunder, Snakes are weak to Water and Spiders are weak to Fire.

- Are we playing Pok... you get it Johnny ?

He sighs while also watching his experience going up but not his level which annoyed him a lot, meanwhile as he uses [Scan] on Renka he can see that she leveled up.


[+25 bonus points]



Intelligence : 10

Agility : 10

Dexterity : 10

Strength : 15

Mana : 20

Charm : 5 -> 30

Luck : 0

Renka acquired no skill, but it indeed made her more appealing to talk at, which doesn't affect any of her roommates but she can hear the voice of the system inside her mind while they all go to the cafeteria.

[System Warning : The Charm Stat increases your beauty and can lead to... lead to potential strange behavior with higher points.]

"I don't understand what it means, but as long as everyone likes me and respect the rules I'm okay."

Unaware of her stupidity, she followed her classmates into the cafeteria, not caring more about it and the three of them had to wait their turn to get their plateau repas ready.