
Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Swee

" This guy , how heavy is his taste , he's still able to eat ? " Waking up , she looked at her reflection in the mirror , explosive hair , tattoos , and a demon- like face . Look at her for more than a second and you'll have spicy eyes ( your eyes will bleed - aka she looks really ugly ) . Before her rebirth , she was in love with someone else , bent on escaping , and after having relations with him , hates him deep to his bones . After her rebirth , she looked at the beauty on the bed , seriously thinking , the one who left his shadow in the past , seemingly should be him ? In her past life , her mind was muddled . She tried to get rid of the outstandingly beautiful husband that she didn't want , was victimized by slag men and cheap women , and her most trusted friend brainwashed her . In the end , she found people rebelling and friends deserting ( isolated and alone ) . In this lifetime , all of the evil people scheming and longing for her divorce should yield . Sorry but this young miss's IQ is on the line !

Similing_Happy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Go Down

Oh ... But how am I going to change ? To Si Yehan , crushing her was easier than crushing an ant . He got whatever he wanted . Ye Wanwan took a deep breath , forcing the fear of that man out of her . There must be a way ! At least she was no longer the stupid , mindless and same impulsive teenager . " Oh my god ! Wanwan ... " She heard a sudden exclamation . Hearing this familiar voice , Ye Wanwan stiffened and turned to look at the door . Immediately , she saw the face of a person she'd never forget .

A pretty face that people would never suspect It was her best friend from her previous life ! " Wanwan , how could Mr. Si do this to you ?! " Shen Mengqi rushed over and held her hand . She looked at the messy bed and Wanwan's bruised body in astonishment . Ye Wanwan lowered her eyes , looking at her hand clenched in pain from Shen Mengqi's tight grip . This time , she didn't miss Shen Mengqi's clumsily hidden feelings of jealousy . 11 " Wanwan , are you alright ? Are you okay ? Wanwan , don't scare me ! Shen Mengqi fretted anxiously . She saw that Wanwan's gaze was strange and wondered if she was traumatized . Ye maintained her composure and drew her hands back . She shook her head and replied , " I'm fine . " Wanwan

In her past life , the reason why she'd been tormented so relentlessly by Si Yehan was due in part to Shen Mengqi . She had many fights with Si Yehan and didn't dare tell anyone other than Shen Mengqi , her most trusted friend . Who would've known ... Shen Mengqi actually had feelings for Si Yehan ; she long coveted the title of " Mrs Si " . On the surface , she was helping Wanwan , but she was actually using her to get closer to Si Yehan . She even tried to drive a wedge between them countless times and led Wanwan to be tortured by the wrath of Si Yehan each time . Wanwan hadn't noticed her level of deception before . She even felt deeply grateful to Shen Mengqi for being her wing woman . Staring at her own reflection in the mirror , Ye Wanwan couldn't help but smile wryly

Actually , this hideous disguise was Shen Mengqi's idea , and she actually agreed . No matter how others saw her , as long as Si Yehan loathed her , it'd be worth it . But what she hadn't anticipated was that despite her revolting appearance , Si Yehan could tolerate all of it . " How are alright when you look like this ?! Wanwan , don't worry , I'll help you ! " Shen Mengqi said , with a look of kindness . Ye Wanwan sneered in her heart . Oh , sure . The Shen Mengqi from her previous life had also been like this , generously offering to help her escape and asking for Gu Yueze's help .

In the end , Shen Mengqi betrayed her and told Si Yehan that she was " eloping " with Gu Yueze . This had intensified her conflict with Si Yehan . From that point onwards , Si Yehan's temperament became cranky and unpredictable . His possessiveness towards her became intolerable . Facing Si Yehan head - on was like courting death . Why had she been so foolishly stubborn before ? She'd even listened to Shen Mengqi and obeyed her , hurting herself again and again . The Ye family hadn't exacted their revenge yet . Her parents were still waiting for her at home and she still had to guide her older brother onto the right path . She had so much to do .

She needed to pacify Si Yehan first ; she couldn't do anything that would provoke him again . She set herself up against a terrifying enemy . " Wanwan , wait for me ! I'll come back for you ! " Shen Mengqi , only caring for herself , spoke words devoid of meaning . She then left . Once Shen Mengqi left , Ye Wanwan's helpless and fragile expression turned cold and numb . Shen Mengqi's countless attempts to encourage her to escape hadn't succeeded . The last time , she was accused of having an affair . It was like Shen Mengqi was determined to the death to ruin her life . So let's find out ... Who will die this time . If you find any errors ( broken links , non - standard content , etc .. ) , Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible