
Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Swee

" This guy , how heavy is his taste , he's still able to eat ? " Waking up , she looked at her reflection in the mirror , explosive hair , tattoos , and a demon- like face . Look at her for more than a second and you'll have spicy eyes ( your eyes will bleed - aka she looks really ugly ) . Before her rebirth , she was in love with someone else , bent on escaping , and after having relations with him , hates him deep to his bones . After her rebirth , she looked at the beauty on the bed , seriously thinking , the one who left his shadow in the past , seemingly should be him ? In her past life , her mind was muddled . She tried to get rid of the outstandingly beautiful husband that she didn't want , was victimized by slag men and cheap women , and her most trusted friend brainwashed her . In the end , she found people rebelling and friends deserting ( isolated and alone ) . In this lifetime , all of the evil people scheming and longing for her divorce should yield . Sorry but this young miss's IQ is on the line !

Similing_Happy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1:- Still escaping

Ye Wan Wan opened her eyes . She was faced with pair of eyes that sent chills down her spine and made her soul quiver . " Ah-- " Her pale fingers tightly twisted the duvet . Again , she had to endure the pain of her body being torn apart . Could this be hell ? Why is it that I'm obviously dead but had to come back here , next to this devil ? Her mind was muddled due to this man's scorching temperature and out of instinct , she resisted , " Don't touch me ! "

With one fluid movement , it was as if she was touched by ice . His ghostly , bloodthirsty expression clouded and his ice - cold lips bit down on her ruthlessly , as if wanting to swallow her whole . Ye Wan Wan was in such pain that she couldn't think straight . She muttered subconsciously , " Why ... Why me ... Si Ye Han ... Why must it be me ... ? " " Because it has to be you . 11 Hearing his deep and hoarse voice was like a shackle of chains that imprisoned her soul . Upon hearing the same answer he'd given her in her previous life , Ye Wan Wan fell into a coma .

When she opened her eyes again , the darkness of the night sky had turned into daylight . A floral scent filled the air and the warm glow of the sun filtered in , momentarily dissipating her uneasiness . Yet , in the next second , Ye Wan Wan tensed up again . A strong sense of distress spread in her as the man awakened . His arm around her waist tightened . She was akin to a pillow , being held in his arms . " Still leaving ? Next to her ears whispered the voice that gave her the creeps . 11 Out of her survival instincts , Ye Wan Wan shook her head .

She was unsure whether he believed her . He glanced at her for a moment and then looked down , giving her little kisses on her lips , chin and neck ... The heavy , hot breath buried in her neck gave her warning signs all over her body . She was like a deer who'd been bitten by a predator . She didn't dare move an inch . After what seemed like forever , he finally let her loose . In the next second , a surprisingly pleasant sight fell into Ye Wan Wan's view . He left the bed half - naked , the backlight outlining his slender stature and tapered waist .

However , this view lasted only for a moment as he swiftly picked up his clothes by the bed and buttoned his shirt all the way to the top meticulously . It was only a while ago that he'd been as ferocious as a beast , but in this moment , his handsome face was cold without a trace of humanity . It wasn't until she heard the sound of the door shutting that Ye Wan Wan allowed her nerves to relax . She could finally reflect on her current situation . She slowly glanced at the furnishings around her , and also at her own reflection in the vanity mirror opposite .

The black lips of the girl in the mirror had been gnawed at till there was only a faint colour left and the makeup on her face had been completely smeared by tears and sweat . On her body filled with bruises and hickeys was a horrific and bloody tattoo . She couldn't believe this was how she looked at only 20 years old ! At that time , in order to distance herself from Si Ye Han , she purposely made herself look ugly and disgusting . Now she'd actually been ... reborn ... Suddenly , an overwhelming sense of fear and despair caused her to choke . Why ... Why have I returned to 7 years in the past ?!

I'd rather die than return here , back by this devil's side . She clearly remembered that this was where she and Si Ye Han first had sex , and she'd been tormented thoroughly for countless nights afterwards . She'd lost her lover , her family , even her dignity and freedom . She'd lost everything . Must I go through all of it again ? No. Since God's given me a chance to live again , I have to change it all ! If you find any errors ( broken links , non - standard content , etc .. ) , Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible .