
Perfect Human in Marvel

Jin is reincarnated in Marvel "MCU" with the perfect body of Daniel park with his limiter removed. Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than my personal character. I don't own The profile picture. English and I don't have any close relation, I wasn't "friendzone", but "acquaintance zone" by her.

Monarch_Ruler · Komik
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11 Chs

Ch 3 Unexpected situation


Name : Jin Grey

Race: Human$#$ "Evolving"

Status: Perfect (peak)

Energy : 5.8

Strength : 6.2

Dexterity: 6.4

Defence : 6.6

Speed : 7.2

Intelligence: 5.2

Abilities: energy absorption (mid level)

Potential- unknown(level 10 required for upgrading)

: Untapped potential



Looking at the status, he was shocked beyond reason, not because of the power increase.

No, that was expected, because of a perfect body, what really unexpected was the race, it was not mutant anymore.

Because the status doesn't give any explanation, I can't even find any reason, the only thing I can do is give a hypothesis.

The reason I can think of is that, perfect body don't allow mutation on itself.

I can't think of any other reason, even coming with this explanation, I needed to think about many possibilities and counter reasons before accepting this.

While Jin was thinking about these, something unexpected was happening outside the building he was in.

~~•Omni POV•~~

Outside the building in which Jin lived.

Around 40 metres from the gate of the building.

A big van, which was black colour but covered with some Ads. Not something you will put your focus on.

Inside the van was something nobody except, it was filled with computer and high-tech devices, which we don't know the use

3 people were talking about something while looking at the monitor.

There was also a guard in combat uniform present there with guns and armour.

Mike: "The signal stopped? , is there something wrong with the device?."

James: "These are checked on a regular basis, it's not possible that something is wrong with it."

Mike: "Then why did the signal stop?"

Mike said with annoyance in his voice.

James:"So, you are trying to say that I don't know how to use them."

James also replied with a hard voice, it was clear that he didn't want to back down.

Cole: "shut up you both!, maybe the mutant has support or he already ran away with his ability".

James and Mike stopped their fight.

They knew what was more important.

James: "I also think the same, the signal wasn't strong. So only we were sent, our devices are not as accurate as the best one".

Cole:" Let's not touch that topic".

It was clear that Cole didn't want to continue the topic.

Cole:"Lee!!connect with the hunting squad, tell them to use their own device to check everyone individually, tell them to do it fast, use thermal signature detector and mutant finder, they can also use force if necessary."

"Tell them to divide floor wise, we can't let it run"

Lee:" Yes sir"

Lee replied and used his microphone to give the orders to the squad.

There were 4 squads, each consisting of 7 people.

Kile after getting orders also started the preparation.

He orders the man to prepare.

After seeing that everything is okay.

Kile: "guys!!, Attention!".

" I just Got orders that we need to start, because of some complications we cannot find the accurate location."

" So we need to check the people personally. We will divide in teams of 3 and take one floor. You will knock on the door if they open, check the people's and use your thermal detectors to see if there is anybody inside if there is nobody then move to the next door."

" orders are clear now."

There were three ven in the parking lot of the building.

Just after getting the orders, the back door of the van opened and 7 peoples from each ven charged, they quickly divided into the team of 3 and then started moving to the designated floors.

They did it as it was ordered, knocked on the door, checked the people and moved forward.

In just 10 minutes they were done with half of the people. Around 20 minutes later they were finished with all the seven floors as they started moving to the upper floor.

Jin, who was still looking through his abilities, didn't know that there was a danger coming near him.

Not knowing anything, he was sitting on his sofa and daydreaming.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door.

" Knock..knock"

He stood up with a surprise.

It's still 5 o'clock who will come this early in the morning to his home, not knowing he went to open the door, he didn't think there was anything dangerous.

Just as he opened the door, he saw a man in a Squad dress surprised by it and jumped back.

The squad officer didn't waste any time and called him to come forward.

" do you live alone in this house "

didn't knowing anything I replied

" Yes, is there any problem officer?"

The squad person didn't reply, he took out a device and brought it forward. It made a green light shine and made a sound.


The officer, after seeing it puts the device back he told jin

" We got information that there was a mutant inside this building."

Jin , shocked after hearing this news, didn't show it on his face but he was shaking from inside.

Just as he was thinking about something.

The officer intercom made a sound, it looked like somebody said something inside it.

Jin wasn't able to hear it but the officer suddenly started moving back, towards the stairs.

Jin asks "what happened?"

The officer didn't reply just said

"we found the mutant, he is running outside"