
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Derivasi dari karya
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chapter 4-Let's avoid trouble, okay?

Well, this is chapter four, You know I didn't think that I would get this far. We will be going back to full-on Percy Pov, in the future I may change Pov's again. It was fun writing Grover.

Alright let's get on with the show

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Me and my confidence just keeps bringing me more trouble. I had to antagonize Mrs.Doods okay. She and her dumb face with a look of superiority.

I know that I was supposed to avoid her today but my emotions aren't in check right now. Must be part of the memory problem.

Now I have detention with her. I need to be careful, I don't want her to attack me anytime soon. Maybe I can find my sword, Anaklusmos AKA Riptide.

It's not exactly my sword but it will be. That sword is extraordinary. Especially with how it can turn into a pen. It even comes back if I lose it.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think that it can be used in pen mode. I might be wrong though. Something about putting the cap on the opposite of the point.

Okay, I'm getting sidetracked. I need to focus. Now that I'm not as distracted with a magical pen. Why exactly is Grover talking to Chiron right now? I then look towards the classroom and notice he's heading right towards me. I should ask him.

"You done talking to Mr.Brunner?" I then mentally kicked myself for not asking him, I know he's done talking with Mr.Brunner, there was no reason to ask.

Grover looks at me and says, "Yeah I'm done."

"Alright cool let's go get lunch."

Now to ask the question.

"So what did you talk to Mr.Brunner about."

Turns out he was already planning to answer me.

"I was planning on telling you that, I asked if I could spend detention with you. That way you wouldn't be alone. He then said he would talk about having to serve detention with him instead of Mrs.Dodds."

This is one of the moments where I am still grateful. Even if I'm just a bit butt hurt over him keeping secrets from me. I'm not one to talk to right now. I am currently keeping a secret. Won't be telling that secret anytime soon.

While walking he gave me this determined look and opened his mouth.

"Percy, did something happen to you recently? You seem... different."

Here's the part where I have to lie to my best friend.

"I don't know what you mean. Nothing really special happened to me."

Heh, nothing special. Not like I was sort of reborn into another world or given memories that aren't fully mine. Don't have a title for it, yet. Even the abilities of Spider-man are showing themselves, even if they are coming in at random.

"Are you sure, You solved all those questions on the board easily. You have dyslexia. You can't answer those questions so perfectly."

Damn it, I had to get ahead of myself. I didn't think of the consequences that solving those answers would cause for me. I mean seriously, come on what was I thinking?

"Oh, well pfft I just focused hard, and then boom I could just do it. No biggie."

Why did I say that? What is wrong with me? I just sounded more suspicious. I'm too much of an idiot. I just hope he won't notice. Oh who am I kidding, who wouldn't notice?

Turns out I was wrong. He didn't even notice my mistake.

"I see, knowing you, that checks out."

"I... can't tell if that was an insult or a compliment."

"Why not both?"

"Both are good."

We then entered the cafeteria and I noticed a few glares here and there from those who were in the same class as me when I antagonized Mrs.Dodds. While standing in line for lunch one guy walked up to me looking down at me with his little glare of his. I feel like I should be afraid of him but well with how my future is gonna be spent with being both the hunter and the hunted. He even looks like the definition of a dog with all bark but no bite.

"Hey, you, yeah you, what's your problem? Why did you have to make Mrs.Dodds mad at us? Now we have to deal with a quiz we want no part of. That's on you."

As he growls out some spittle comes out and hits my face. That... really... and I mean pisses me off. I moved forward to give him a piece of my mind but Grover took hold of me and pulled me back. Then he moves forward as if he was gonna deal with this. I know he's a satyr but there isn't much he can do as his cover story is that he's crippled.

"Hey uh, why don't we calm down here? There's no need to be this mad. He made a mistake, we all made mistakes."

"Yeah that's true but he didn't have to drag us into his issues."

He then moves forward to grab Grover but I move fast enough to be between both of them. 'Seems I'm faster now, perhaps another factor that shows itself.' I grab this guy's hand and glare at him.

"Grover thanks for the help but I don't need it. This is something that I need to deal with. Now I know that I made a mistake but it's just a little quiz."

"IT'S NOT JUST A LITTLE QUIZ, she is going to make this perfectly hard for us all, because of you. You do know what kind of school this is right? A school for troubled kids, she is literally at home here. She can do practically anything because who would believe a bunch of "little criminals in the making."

Another mistake that I made because I couldn't keep my DAMN mouth shut. If this was only happening to me it would be okay, that's a lie it's not okay, but her bringing others into this is just wrong. It's even worse when I know he's right. This school takes what they consider the worst of the worst. I don't know whether she can do anything she wants because she's a fury or if it's just because of how the education system is.

"I understand that and I'm sorry. I wish I knew how I could help you but this is something that everyone is going through."

"You don't understand, my grades are already horrible. If I fail this quiz I might just have to repeat the year."

"I can help with that. We can study together."

"How you have detention with Mrs.Dodds."

"Not anymore, or at least not with her. I'm going to have detention with Mr.Brunner instead. So you can come to class and he won't get mad if you say that you want to study."

"You mean it, this isn't a lie, right? If it is, I will end you."

"It's not a lie I promise."

His eyes soften and look contemplative. The look in his eyes then hardened. He opens his mouth and speaks,

"You wouldn't have a problem with me bringing my friends with me, do you?"

"No, no problem at all."

Huff," Alright… good talk."

He then turns in the direction of his friends and walks away. Well, that was dealt with more easily than I thought it would. I turn to look at Grover and notice that everyone in the cafeteria is looking at us right now. Right.. We made a scene. Actually, where are the teachers? This is highly irresponsible of them.

"Come on Grover."

"Uh right."

I drag Grover over a table while ignoring the stares given to us. I sit down and so does Grover.

"Percy you do know that we forgot to get food right?"

"Uhh… right you stay here I'll get the food."

I stood up and went to get some lunch. I picked up two pizzas and walked back to our table. I don't know what to do about the stares. These stares I'm being given are starting to annoy me. I just hope that lunch ends soon. Even if it won't.

I don't fully know if Grover is okay so I should probably ask.

"Grover, are you okay? I know that this was a bit much and I'm sorry for dragging you into this with me." May have gone a bit farther than originally but well, I meant it.

"Yeah, I'm okay but you shouldn't be the one asking that question. How are you feeling?"

I know how I'm feeling. I'm feeling regretful. I caused so much to happen.

"I'm feeling… whelmed. I think that's the word I'm looking for."

I know Grover's my friend but those looks of pity need to end. I know things aren't exactly going my way. I still haven't even understood the current situation I'm in. I'm still processing this. My memories also seem less jumbled up. I'm starting to remember Mom more clearly. Well as much as my brain lets me.

"Grover, what exactly do we have after this?"

"We have music after lunch, how did you forget?'

"Ah, well it just seemed so irrelevant that it slipped my mind."

"Alright, that's understandable."

Okay, I am getting tired, and it's only basically the first day. I already got detention and a… sort of fight. I mean we didn't hit each other. Okay instead of a fight it was an argument. I also resolved that peacefully. Which is a plus. I have so many issues right now that I feel like I don't even know what's going on. For now, though I need to focus on one issue and one issue only.

"Grover, I need your help."

"Yeah sure whatever you need." Always the most loyal friend, aren't you?"

"I need you to help me make a study plan."

"We could start by looking through the recent lessons in detention."

"Good idea Grover, we could use your notes as well. Maybe we can even get Mr.Brunner to help us."

"Alright, then we have the plan ready. Now we need to just do it."

With the conversation ended I now think about how the timeline is right now. I know that we're in May and as always the big events start in the summer. I have a field trip next week. And one week of normal school left till the story truly starts.

I also need to make time to learn how to control my abilities. I mean as Percy Jackson with his powers he is overpowered. With the ability to control water and the fading in abilities of what I'm starting to believe are those of Spider-Man.

Need to make a schedule. I can probably find an empty classroom at night. I could also just leave the school at night to go to the Hudson River. I wonder how I'm going to train my powers. I have a few ideas but I don't know if my ideas will work.

I could try using a blindfold and find a log or something. Probably going to need rope. Wonder where I'll get rope. I could go into the custodian's office, and might just find rope. Okay, that's my idea for my spider-sense.

This could also help me train the rest of my senses. Such as sound, smell, and scent. I could also work with reaction time. As well as speed. I wonder when the rest of my abilities will kick in.

With super strength, I'm going to need to watch over it. I've seen or well I've seen the memories that showed what happened when Spider-man stopped holding back. I need to make sure that I don't make the mistake of letting go of my strength. Just hope it doesn't show itself with horrible timing.

Now something else that I don't want to show up with horrible timing is being able to crawl on walls. I still don't truly understand how this power works with how an electrostatic force allows comic Spider-man to climb on walls. I could probably learn how to stick to any surface area and then unstick myself before things go too far.

Something that I know I'm not getting is the web shooters. What with me not being that smart. I mean to make something I would need to be a super genius. I am no super genius. Maybe in the future, I could find someone who can make me one. Maybe I can do something for Hephaestus and he can make me one. I don't know. I look forward to web swinging. It looks so freeing. The only other problem is the web. I don't know how to make webs but I'll deal with that when the time comes. Hmm, maybe they could be some special kind of rope.

Wait what if I use a grapple hook? That way I could have practice before I get the real thing. How would I use it though? It won't be like Batman's or the one used in dying light. One has an explanation for how it works while the other doesn't. I could probably do something like breaking the laws of physics with the grappling hook like it does in the game because of how my abilities work.

Now for my Percy Jackson abilities. As I thought before, I can use the Hudson River. I could learn how to move the water in a safe environment. Maybe I could do something with how all bodies have water and sense them. Hmm, that would work well with spider-sense. I will need a lot of practice something with sensing water inside the human body. I hope that eventually, I can turn it on and off as fast as I can with a thought.

I could also work up my resistance. Don't exactly have a plan yet but I will. Something else I could work on could be the geokinesis. My… huh well I guess I'll acknowledge it, my father is called the earthshaker for a reason. My ADHD isn't affecting me too much right now for some reason. Wonder if it's because I'm focusing on combat. I suppose the adhd had to make an exception or maybe it's just because my brain is becoming less messed up.


The bell is ringing at the perfect moment. Well, time to get to the next class.


<2,412 words in text>

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