
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 3-Nothing going on here, or is it

The third chapter was made to focus on Grover's point of view and a few paragraphs of Percy as well. Hope I did him some justice and I hope that you enjoy reading this. Also if possible leave a comment so I can know How I'm doing.



Percy's acting different. It's not that noticeable but the way he carries himself is different. He seems more attentive. As if he knew something I don't. He keeps looking around the room, in a frantic motion. What's even more different is he's paying attention to class, he never pays attention to class. Even weirder he's paying attention to Mrs.Dodds. He's looking at her right now. I wonder what changed, what exactly made him want to pay attention to her.

''Oof", my head. What hit me? As I look around I notice something in the corner of my eye. 'Is that an eraser'. I then turn around to notice Nancy Bobofit looking at me. Nancy Bobofit, the class troublemaker. With her curly red hair and freckles, which Percy says look like they were sprayed on with liquid Cheetos. She gives me a mean look and then sticks her tongue at me. She laughs and looks away.

Percy then leaned over to me and whispered "Psst, Grover, you okay", 

I breathed in then whispered back " Yeah, I'm fine".

Seems Mrs.Dodd noticed us talking because she looked livid. 


Mrs.Dodds growled at Percy, "Percy Jackson it seems that you believe you can talk in my class, well if that's what you believe then get up here and solve these questions I will put on the board."

Mrs.Dodds looks pleased with herself for targeting Percy. Usually, she does this but today she seems more focused on embarrassing Percy. She even has this victorious grin on her face as if this was a great achievement. 

I look towards Percy and notice he seems pale but otherwise calm. He must be keeping a facade of confidence. I suppose he wants to show a brave face. He's doing a great job. He then looks at me and I give him a pity look, alongside one of reassurance.

I do wonder though, what exactly is going through his head. 



OH, why, was I brought here, was it all only to suffer? Wait yes I was brought here to suffer. That makes things worse for me. I then look towards Grover and see him giving me a pitying look. I know that you're trying to help but pity isn't helping. 

Okay Percy you need to pay attention if you want to go through this mentally unschathed. Looking at Mrs.Dodds write the questions I notice something weird.

The math questions are not floating everywhere anymore. How is that possible? I check my book and notice that anything that doesn't have any numbers in it stays still. While the rest just float around.

Is this something else that the being in the void gave me? What's next super strength? That would be pretty useful though, hmmm. What if you are turning into Spider-Man? You can process this later Percy you have other things to deal with. 

Like these math questions. 'Argh', my head. All these equations. Hmm, it seems that if I start focusing on a subject that subject will enter my head forcefully. Another thing to think about later. 

Okay, I have high school-level math in my head, which helps me a lot. Middle school math doesn't hold a candle compared to Trigonometry, Geometry, and Algebra 2. This also tells me that I died before I could finish high school as the math seems to be around two years worth. 

Mrs.Dodds then hisses at me "Percy Jackson, come here now, the questions are ready for you to answer. If you can that is."

As I got up I noticed Grover giving me another look of pity. Stop giving me pity Grover. I know that I wasn't the best at math but at least have some hope for me. Ah, who am I kidding if it was me in his place I would be giving him the same look. The least he could do was not give me that look every single time. 

At the corner of my eye, I notice something. No not something, someone. I turn my head as I walk to the front and notice red hair and freckles, which my brain automatically called sun kisses. New term learned.

She notices I stare at her and she gives me this look. Then she smiles. I don't know whether to call it cute or chaotic. I think it's both.

I get to the front of the class in front of the board and Mrs.Dodds says in a sickly sweet tone that came out of nowhere and says" Well what are you waiting for? Get to answering."

Okay, I got this. As long as I stay focused I can solve this. Darn it Grover stop giving me that pitying look. Adhd really won't leave me in peace. 

Breath in breath out, time to amaze everyone and show the new me. 



Giving Percy another pitying look, I watch as he reaches the front.

He picks up the chalk, or what was left of it. He positions the the chalk on the board, he presses on it. He breathes in and then out. 

His hands start flying, they're everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something soaring through the air. 'Is that another eraser?'

The eraser soared through the air towards Percy. Instead of hitting his head. Percy ended up dodging it. He tilted his head and just continued answering the questions.

'How?' He didn't even see that, so how did he dodge? So much has changed about him. Such as him knowing how to do that math problem even though he has dyslexia. And him being able to dodge in ignorance. 

I look back and notice Nancy Bobofit having the most confused look on her face. Which then changed to one of annoyance. Where she then leaned back into her seat with a huff. 

I look back at Percy and Notice that he is done solving all the questions. With a look of satisfaction on his face. His eyes quirked and his lips quivered upwards as if to smile. Percy then looks at her in the eye. It was like he was challenging her. Percy wouldn't do that. At least I don't think so. I don't know what to think right now. 

"Mrs.Dodds was that good enough, or is there something else that needs to be done."

Did he just attempt to sass her? I need to talk to Chiron when I get the chance. Chiron would know what to do.

Mrs.Dodds then hissed out the answer to his question " For that sass you'll have detention after class, other than that you can go back to your seat." She then gave a satisfied smirk towards Percy.

Percy's look of satisfaction changes to one of annoyance. He frowns and walks to his seat. Curiously he looks at Nancy Bobofit but looks away faster than he changed directions. 

"Well, class it seems that we need to end class here for now. Next time we will do more work and we will have a quiz tomorrow since the actions of Mr.Jackson show that he understands the curriculum. And if he can understand it so can you." Mrs.Dodds states this with a wicked grin.

Percy angered her. This is a new record. She gives Percy one last look and then walks away. This isn't good though, I'll talk to Chiron to see if I can take detention with Percy. Just so he won't be alone with Mrs.Dodds. That would be a horrible thing.

"*huff*, let's go, Grover, we got to get to Mr. Brunner's class."

Percy doesn't seem too happy. Going to have to do something that will make Percy happy.

Going to "Mr.Brunners" AKA Chiron's Class is exactly what Percy Needs. Latin is Percy's favorite class. It could help Percy relax.

"Welcome children, welcome. The class will be in session in a few seconds. Get yourselves comfortable and ready for class."

The moment Chiron talks, so much of the tension in Percy's shoulder seems to have gone down. 

"well are we all situated in our seats, yes, good then I want you to get your books out and open to page 235."

As class continues I see Nancy in the corner of my eye with this look in her eye. As if she was planning something. 

I soon found out I was right. She was planning to throw paper balls. She had little balls on her desk. All that I needed to know was who she would send it to.

Nancy keeps looking at Percy so maybe she's aiming for him. Maybe she feels embarrassed about the fact she was not able to get him during math class. I Should probably warn him.

"*psst*, Percy watch out for Nancy, she looks like she's planning to throw paper balls at you," I whispered to him to not alert Nancy of this.

"Hmm? Which one is Nancy again?"

What does he mean which one is Nancy? We've been in School for three fourths of the school year.

"The one with red hair and freckles, remember?" Hopefully, this is just a phase of his.

"Oh, her, okay well I'll be as careful as possible. You know me, I don't get myself into trouble."

"Yes, Yes you do Percy. The teachers, the students, and even the janitors know you get into trouble. I know you don't mean it but you have really bad luck."

"Even if something happens I can take care of myself you know." He then gives me this grin, he needs to start being more careful, he's already twelve. This is when the monsters start showing up. 

Even though I warned him he just seemed carefree. I could tell Chiron but he seems focused on this lesson so I'll leave him be for now. 

As the period continued, I noticed that there was no need to worry. The reason for there being no need to worry is the fact that no matter how many times she tries to get him with the ball, he just dodges it. 

He doesn't even look behind him. He either ducks or weaves. Don't understand how he weaves on his chair but he just does it. 

Nancy looks annoyed and this time she overextends her arm and throws the paper ball farther than the other ones.

It ends up hitting Chiron in his wheelchair form. Chiron stops teaching the lesson and looks down. 

He then looks up and looks Nancy in the eye. Who looked like a tomato at this moment. 

"Nancy, I do believe I do not condone this kind of behavior, do I not?"

"Yes, Mr. Brunner."

"So why exactly have you chosen to throw these paper balls? Now that I look at the class it seems that there are a certain amount of balls that seem to surround Percy. It seems that you missed him and hit me. Well since you decided to bother your classmate. Also not allowing him to learn when he needs it means you deserve detention after class, is that understood."

"Yes, Mr.Brunner."

"Good, now then let's resume the lesson, where was I, *ahh* it seems I found it let us continue."

After that Nancy kept giving Percy the stinkeye. She isn't happy. This is on her not Percy so she should not even be mad with him.

Percy seemed oblivious to everything for some strange reason. He has this vacant look in his eyes. Now that I look at them they seem to be glowing. I wonder what that means.

"Now then I am going to say a sentence and I want one of you to translate it, ready, good the sentence is "Acta non verba". Now who wishes to translate it."

No one chose to raise their hands. Which was typical. This class was still hard after all these months of class. 

Out of nowhere, I see someone raise their hand. What makes it even weirder is... that hand belongs to Percy. Percy never raises his hand. He would rather not do any work. 

"Well, this is a rather happy surprise, Percy. I would very much like to hear your translation of the phrase."

"The phrase translates to "Deeds, not words."

"yes, that is precisely correct, now why do you believe I used this phrase for today's class."

"You used it to show how we should show with our actions instead of just our words. Just like answering this question is a deed. This is also similar to the phrase "actions speak louder than words."

"Yes, correct again Percy."


"Well, I do believe that is the end of class. I want you to read pages 240-243 for tonight. That is all have a good lunch."

Before I left I chose to go talk to Chiron about Percy having detention with Mrs. Dodds.

"Mr.Brunner can I take detention with Percy."

"Now why would you wish to do that Grover."

" I don't wish to leave him with Mrs.Dodds, I don't trust her."

"You believe her to be a threat to Percy? What is your reasoning?

"The way she kept looking at him, she looked like she was hunting."

"In your eyes, she is akin to a predator, and Percy the prey?"

It hurts to say this but I have to. 

"Yes, I do believe so."

"Hmm, how about this, he has detention with me, that way he is with someone he can trust."

Why didn't I think of that? It's a good plan.

"So you agree then, good, I will speak to Mrs.Dodds about this enjoy your lunch."

"Have a good day."

After that, I walked out of the classroom and saw Percy waiting for me. He still had this vacant look in his eye. Even though he's not paying attention I am thankful he waited for me.

"You done talking with Mr.Brunner?"

"Yeah, I'm done."

"Alright cool, let's get going to lunch I'm starving."

Now to find some answers.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

I did around 2,300 words so I hope you enjoy it. It took me a few hours to write it. Writing in the dark is so annoying, especially when you can't turn the light on because your brother is sleeping. I have accidentally erased my work three times because I pressed the wrong button. I have so much more respect for other authors, I mean I knew that writing was hard but well didn't think I'd go through the bad luck of deleting what could have been chapter three. Other than that I hope you enjoyed reading this and have a good rest of your day.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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