
the truth is known

Meanwhile, Percy had arrived in front of Hades. They had almost fallen into Tartarus, and Grover's winged slippers had dragged them to the entrance. Miraculously, they were able to get them off before falling. They climbed the stairs and walked through the black marble portico. Upon entering, each door was guarded by a skeleton in military uniform of different types and eras.

The backpack was getting heavier for Percy. They entered and saw Hades sitting on his throne, radiating power. All three swallowed.

"Jackson, you're late," Hades said with a bewitching voice, pressing Jackson.

"Sir and uncle, I come to make two requests," Percy said, swallowing and struggling.

"Only two? Let's listen to them, and if I don't like them, we'll see what to do with you," Hades said, while Percy looked at his room.

"There can't be a war between the Gods; it will be bad," Percy said.

"Very bad and terrible," argued Grover.

"Please give me back Zeus's Master Bolt," Jackson said, to which Hades started laughing, and his hair caught fire.

"You know Jackson, I would kill you, but you're very funny. I don't have it. I'm sorry to tell you that you were deceived," Hades said, pointing to Percy's backpack.

A hideous black crown shot out. "The helm of darkness," Annabeth said.

"If my helmet was stolen by one of you, luckily your benefactor proved your innocence and made me swear by the Stygian that I would not kill you, at least not now," Hades said, showing them the Pendrive.

"So that's why his Furies and his monsters were chasing me," Percy said, looking at the crown.

"The Furies, yes nephew, the Monsters were not me; it was the traitor of his camp," Hades said with the three being bathed in a shower of ice water.

"You're lucky; if that brat hadn't spoken on your behalf, and my wife liked you, you'd be dead right now, dear nephew. Now, tell me the two proposals," Hades said.

"My mother, you can free her," Percy said, to which Hades rolled his eyes.

"She's already free; your benefactor got her out of hell. Now get out and go with my idiot brother. I don't want this place to get more crowded than it is; this business is making me bleed gold. You know how much money it costs to maintain this place. Save yourself for today, Jackson; I find myself particularly generous," Hades said, with the three confused, throwing the flash drive, with Annabeth picking it up.

Percy took out the pearls that the Nereid gave him when a stunning woman arrived with Hades.

"Only three, you're lucky, Jackson. They can only carry one each. If I were your benefactor, I could get everyone out of here," Persephone said, with the three looking at her.

"One more question, Who is taking care of us, and who betrayed us?" Annabeth said, gropingly.

"Secret, Daughter of Athena. To your second question, Son of Hermes, scar on the eye," Persephone said, putting a finger to her lips, while everyone left, crushing the pearls, and Annabeth seemed to have a seizure. The pearls left them in the bay of Santa Monica; a ten-foot shark surrounded them, but Percy told it to go away. Then the coast guard launch arrived.

"It was a trap, everything. We came here for nothing. Percy, I'm sorry about your mother," Annabeth said as Percy recited the prophecy.

"The prophecy was right. You will go west, where you will face the god who has rebelled. But it wasn't Hades. Hades didn't want a war between the Big Three. Someone else had planned the robbery. Someone has stolen Zeus's master thunderbolt and Hades' helmet, and I'm throwing the blame for being the son of Poseidon," Percy said indignantly.

"Who could be so evil to do that, wish for such a deadly war?" Grover said ruefully. The answer lay before them, and Annabeth pointed at it. Ares was on his motorcycle at the coast, an aluminum bat on his shoulder with a sadistic smile.

Going down, they walked to him. "You tricked me, you stole the helmet and the master bolt," Percy said.

"Well, see, I didn't personally steal them. The gods fiddling with the symbols of other gods? Nothing of that. But you are not the only hero in the world who is dedicated to little errands," Ares said mockingly.

"Who did you use Clarisse for?" Percy said angrily, causing Ares's gaze to turn a stinging red hellfire.

"It doesn't matter. Look, kid, the thing is, you're impeding the war effort. You see, you had to have died in the underworld. Then old Seaweed would have been mad at Hades for killing you, old Deadman's Breath would have had the master bolt, and Zeus would be furious with him.

"You gave me the backpack in Denver; the master bolt has been here all the time," Percy exclaimed.

"Yes and no, I made a few small magical adjustments to the pod so that the lightning would only return to it when you reached the underworld. That way, if you had died along the way, nothing would have been lost, and I would still have the weapon," Ares said.

A thick fog surrounded them all. "Percy, the fog," Annabeth said alertly. Ares looked at this with his bat in hand.

"Oh, the idiot warlord thinks he's so smart," said a thunderous voice from the right of the demigods.

"Brother, there is time enough to delight us with Golden Ichor later," said another more feminine voice.

They were Hati and Sköll, who appeared in a gigantic form. "Annabeth, tell me what myth there is about giant wolves and tell me that you know how to tame them like Cerberus," Percy said, looking at both wolves, and they gave him a terrifying sensation.

"None; these aren't ordinary Wolves, Percy," Annabeth said, swallowing hard.

"Ares, it is better for you to tell who is pulling the Strings before you cause a greater evil; our lord already saw that something wants to manipulate Jackson," Hati said threateningly to Ares.

"Mmph, nobody drives me; there are no dreams or anything," he said angrily, which surprised the three of them.

"What the boy feared and that severed head," Sköll said.

"Jackson, run to New York; your mother is safe; this is all a Cronos trap," Hati said.

"Coward, that's what you are, Jackson; you think you can hide behind these Canes, just like with Echidna," Ares said, to which Sköll crushed him with his foot.

"You call this Greek courage; our lord faced us with 10 years, we devourers of the sun and the moon, for months, without being an Einherjar, he faced us only with his courage, courage, and cunning, yours is not courage; it is bravado, and we hate that," Sköll said, spitting fire from his mouth.

"Brother, wait, Jackson, face it," Hati said. Sköll turned to see his sister.

"Okay," he said, reducing his size to the height of a truck.

"Jackson, you can win, but trust yourself, use the water," Hati said.

The fight between the two started; Percy had gone into the sea, giving her the upper hand. Annabeth gave her a ring and tied it around her neck. A swing went to the head, where it hissed through the air, but Jackson was no longer there. His body thought for itself the instincts of the demigod. The water made him bounce and catapulted him towards the adversary, and when he went down he unloaded his sword.

But Ares was just as quick; he twisted, deflecting with his hilt the blow that should have landed squarely on his head.

The battle was intense. Ares counterattacked, forcing Percy to return to the shore, but Ares cut him off and attacked. The boy was concentrating; otherwise, he would die in pieces. Percy launched himself at close range, but Ares ripped the sword from him, from the hands with a brutal sword and hit him in the chest, sending him into the sea.

Jackson didn't move. "Stop him; he's going to kill him," Annabeth said to the wolves.

"We are not interested in what happens to you Greeks," Sköll said, to what Hati saw him.

"Girl, trust that brat," Hati said, watching how the water moved slowly, becoming pressurized.

"Now, brat, let's turn you into a Hero's barbecue," Ares yelled, at which Percy stood up with his sword and defended himself from Ares.

Ares raised his sword, and at that moment, let go of the tide. Riding a wave, Percy was thrown roughly over the god. A two-meter wall of water hit him squarely and left him cursing and spitting seaweed. Percy landed behind him and threatened to hit his head; disoriented Ares fell; he wasn't going for his head; he went for his heel. Ares in Ira caused an explosion that swept away the coast guard boat and some police cars.

A cry of pain, managed to make the earth tremble, causing the sea itself to part; his face showed pain and anger; another Demigod had hurt him.

"You have an enemy, little god. You just sealed your fate. Every time you raise your sword in battle, every time you are confident of victory, you will feel my curse. Watch out, Perseus Jackson. Be very careful," said Ares. His body began to glow.

"Percy, don't look!" Annabeth yelled.

As Ares threw his tantrum to curse Percy, Hati and Sköll also took their maximum form, gripping his arms tighter and biting them furiously. Ares yelled and disappeared. "Run, Greek, run away; you're lucky the boy didn't want you dead for your actions; they will be told later to all the Pantheons," Hati roared with his mouth full of golden ichor.

The glow faded, and Percy looked up again. Ares had disappeared.

"Jackson, go to New York; My lord is already clearing your name in the mortal world, and go with the flow of everything," Hati said, leaving.

Erik had played with the Mist, plus Sally joined the idea. I appeared giving an interview that Gabe had hired an assassin to kill her and Percy. The assassin kidnapped Percy with three friends. According to the script we practiced, Sally had dumped Gabe for being abusive and abusive. After all, poor old Percy Jackson wasn't an international criminal. He had caused quite a stir on the New Jersey Greyhound bus by trying to escape his captor, some memory-altering magic, and wow, people were singing like never before about a man in a leather jacket holding a gun on him and trying to get free. We also blamed him for the explosion at the St. Louis arch. A Denver waitress had seen the man threaten his hostages in front of his restaurant, had asked a friend to take a photo, and had notified the police that it had been me when I paid for the food. In the end, the brave Percy Jackson was being taken to New York, and Gabe was being held with a thousand "proofs" that were magically found in his phone and mail.

"Boy, you're dangerous," Sally said, taking some food at the bar.

"He inherited that from his father; he is the first original Troll in the world," Rune said.

"Yes, we already know the story deceives Thor and forces him to swim and dress as a bride; it is the first troll comment on the internet, and I am not a Troll. I like to play a joke or two on Samirah, but do not exaggerate; I hate that they compare me to him," I said, looking at both crows while Hati and Sköll returned.

"You were right Erik, Cronos tricked Ares," Hati said, wiping the Ichor from his mouth.

"Well, now it's the old man's turn," I said as I took the communication rune.

"Mimir, it's done; Ares was being used by Cronus. Tell the old man to go and fix that," I said.

"Your father is already at the Empire State, waiting for Jackson's arrival," Mimir said.

"Shit, he's fast when he finds Heroes, but if it's his son, throw him to death; I want payment for this," I said seriously; this was a job outside the Hotel, and I was going to plunder the old goat's pockets. Mimir did not answer; I knew that this was going to be expensive for them. Since I found the original rules of the hotel in the library well hidden, who would say "My dear father, uncles, and family," I had broken a few other promises with my grandparents Bor and Bestla.

I had them by the balls after certain threats, such as taking out the old rules of the Hotel. For some reason, Mimir and the Old Man had to give in, while my Uncles gave my early graduation a free hand. When I took out a copy of those rules and how they had twisted them, three of them were sweating when I took them out, except the old man who kept his composure.