
Exchange with Hades

Percy walked over and mounted Grane; golden reins appeared in his hand. Annabeth climbed up reluctantly.

"We won't make it on time. We should use a taxi," Annabeth said.

"Hold on," said Grane as he was launched at full gallop speed. A scream from Annabeth was heard.

"Percy, this is not a normal horse!" Annabeth yelled in panic.

"Seriously, I didn't realize. We're going at what speed?" Percy said, watching with vertigo as everything became a blur.

"Seriously, who is your master?" Annabeth said to the horse.

"They don't care. If my master doesn't want to reveal himself, it's for something Greeks," Grane said.

"You are Nordic; the runes are Nordic. Maybe Odin is your master," Annabeth said, waiting for an answer to which the horse did not respond.

"Nordics, they exist," Percy said, looking at the horse they were riding.

"I don't know, Percy. Look, a year ago, a girl, the daughter of Apollo, arrived at the camp. She said that a man in full armor and a helmet with horns, probably accompanied by two wolves and ravens, gave her a bag with supplies and three stones with carvings. She managed to defend herself from a Lestrygonian giant by disintegrating it with the stones. I wanted to study her, but Chiron did not allow it. Then there's the ax that saved you, the leather bag with money, the wolves, and now the horse. Not to mention that Chiron received a stone just like it from a raven the morning you arrived. And let's not forget that terrifying whistle we heard with Ares and in the casino with Grover," Annabeth said, listing the strange occurrences.

"So, we have a Norse God watching over us," Grover said, trying to fathom the extent of it.

"I don't know. Maybe my mother knows about them, but if so, something bad is happening for a God to interfere in a search," Annabeth said.

"We're here," Grane said, stopping in front of an appliance store in Los Angeles.

The three of them got out, and Percy thanked Grane, who neighed as he left.

Erik was already in the underworld, riding Sköll, up to the sign and down into the depths.

A man was in a small boat, and he was blind. "Nordics, who seek this land?" he said.

"I guess Charon. I need to talk to your master," I said seriously.

"Nordics, it's not your place. Go to that ice waste," he said dryly.

"I have information about your children," I said, to which he remained silent.

"Come in, pay the price for the trip," he said, extending his hand.

"Dollars, Drachmas, Imperial Gold, Common Gold, or Red Gold?" I asked, taking a bag that contained other bags.

"Greek drachmas," I said, giving him a bag of Greek coins. He began to row, and the river was full of souls.

Little time passed until we reached the shore. "Thank you, boatman. More visitors are coming; they will arrive soon," I said as he departed.

We walked to Hades' castle, and a three-headed dog was at the entrance. He growled at us, but Sköll and Hati grew beyond his size.

"Keep quiet, little dog," Sköll said, showing his teeth with fire escaping from them.

"Enough. We came to see your master. Behave yourself, and I'll give you a big bone," I said, taking out a Dragon Bone and throwing it to him, which he followed.

"Dogs, they've forgotten their roots," Hati growled as we entered a large garden where a woman with brown hair, surrounded by flowers, and a man with black hair, earrings, and typical rock singer clothes that looked just like Nico were drinking coffee and eating bagels.

"Nordic, what are you looking for in my Domains?" Hades said, stopping to look at me with my changing eye.

"Lord Aidoneo, I have some advice, or rather, an exchange," I said, to which he looked at me.

"Son of Odin, you have nothing that interests me," he said with a black sword made of what I suppose is Stygian Iron.

"Nico and Bianca, Hotel Lotus casino room 4003," I said, to which he froze, and the woman looked at him with a bit of anger but more concern.

"If you touched a hair, not even your father will save you," I shouted, to which I laughed.

"Oh, believe me, he wants me dead, but I'm not warning you. One of them will die, inevitably," I said, to which he looked at me.

"What do you offer, and who will die?" said the worried woman.

"Swear you'll accept the trade," I said, to which he looked at me.

"I swear I will honor it," he said, to which he growled.

"Swear well because I won't tell you how to save the son who will die," I said, to which he growled.

"I swear by the Stygian that I will accept the exchange, but you swear too," Hades said, while lightning sounded.

"I swear by my faith to honor my word," I said, as light enveloped me.

"Well, speak," Hades said impatiently.

"Bianca, she dies in a terrible way. There is no way to avoid it. If or if you will have to get them out of that place. Something dark is stalking them, but there is a way for her to still live," I said, while he broke the table where he leaned.

"As?" he said seriously, but his concern for his daughter was noticeable, just like Persephone's.

"Make her my Valkyrie; you'll be able to see her and her brother too. Just don't claim her soul for a few minutes," I said, to which she looked at me angrily and analyzed the plan.

"What do you want in return, Son of Odin?" Hades said angrily.

"Jackson's mother; he didn't steal your helmet or the lightning bolt," I said seriously.

"He was. Everyone accuses him," said Hades, almost bursting.

"Tests, like a powerful 12-year-old nephew of yours, yes, but totally inexperienced without knowing anything about you or this world. Quietly enters your kingdom, and you don't realize that I enter, when its smell is so strong that it feels like Miles," I said, to which he looked at me.

"He's right, honey. There's no way," said the woman who smelled of flowers, changing the flowers in the vase to hide her sadness when I said that Bianca would die.

"Thank you, Lady Kore. I also have a video of Ares's confession," I said, with a surprised and happy Persephone for what I called her since few remembered that her name was Kore. I took out my computer and put it on the table, playing the video. Hades began to throw fire on his head, and Persephone showed her clear anger.

"THAT DISGUSTING BASTARD, LOVER OF WAR. I WILL KILL HIM MYSELF," shouted Hades, to which I felt a volcano explode in the area.

"I have a suggestion: give this to Jackson so he can present it to Zeus, so he can also humiliate him," I said, smiling and giving him the Mjolnir-shaped flash drive.

"Yes, it's a good idea. This will make you lose face; your own son will steal from you," he said, laughing and taking the Pendrive.

"Now the mother of the child," I said, to which he rolled his eyes and released the woman.

Sally was pale, so I examined her. "You had to catch her like this; she's a mortal. Break her down molecularly in an amphora," I told him.

"In my defense, it was to act quickly. I didn't have much room for maneuver, and that Minotaur was a danger," Hades said, to which he was struck down just like Persephone.

"Sometimes he's a brute when he gets nervous, but usually, he's cute," she said, to which Hades rolled his eyes.

"You didn't send it; some giants from Lestrygon said they were sent by you," I said, surprised, to which Hades was shocked.

"Those brutes, child, I don't command all the monsters. Only some obey me, but I didn't send any to chase Jackson. I thought it was Zeus," Hades said, surprised just like me.

"Someone is framing you, honey; he is playing with everyone," Persephone said thoughtfully. Hades nodded.

"Tell Jackson that she is safe in New York. Not to use anything that the son of Hermes gave her, and if I guess 90%, it's that Ares is still playing and gave Jackson your stuff. Don't kill him," I said, to which Hades snorted.

"Fine, I won't kill him, but you better not forget your oath, Son of Odin, because I will hunt you down," Hades said.

I then took Percy's mother out of the underworld.

"Thanks for getting me out; you're also a demigod," Sally Jackson said when she saw me.

"Yes, but not from the Pantheon itself. I'm watching your son because something is wrong with the Greeks," I said as we left.

"Are there other Gods?" Sally asked, surprised by the information, to which I nodded.

"Yes, Nordics, Egyptians, Chinese, and others," I said, leaving her surprised.

"Then, you are the son of—" She said, groping for the answer.

"Odin, although I hate having him as a father," I said when she saw me.

"I left you as a child too," Sally said sadly.

"Oh, no. Odin wants to see him more dead than alive because he was born by breaking an oath," Sköll said, to which Sally was startled.

"Talking wolves," Sally said, looking at both of them.

"Hati and Sköll, my companions and family," I said, as we reached the surface.

"Now what? Let's notify Percy," Sally said, to which I denied.

"No, Jackson has to deliver the lightning and reveal the plot. Now I will take you to a safe place in New York. Chiron will join us," I said, to which I pressed a Raido rune, and we disappeared, arriving at the bar.

Sally got dizzy and fell to the ground. I gave her a glass of Mead that she drank slowly. I took the communication rune and said, "Chiron, I have Jackson's mother," as the rune vibrated.

"Thank the Gods, Erik. Things in the camp are out of control. Luke betrayed us, flooded the camp with monsters, and sneaked into the big house. I talked to Percy; luckily, we were able to defend ourselves, but Luke escaped," Chiron said.

"What a headache; if this continues like this, something bad will happen," I said, taking out a soda.

"What else can happen?" Sally said, looking at the bottles.

"Many things, Sally. An event so big that it can unleash the apocalypse on other pantheons," I said.

"Fenris can free himself, Sutr have all his power, Apophis eat the world, Ah Puch free zombies in Central America," I said, with her surprised.

"Erik, they're at the bar," Chiron said.

"Yes, I exchanged something with Hades; Luke won't be able to enter. This place is even protected by Yggdrasil," I said.

"Well, hold on; I'll be on my way," Chiron said.

"I think, Mrs. Jackson, it's better to let you know what happened," I said, telling her everything. After two hours, she was stupefied.

"Gabe was known to do that," Sally said annoyed.

"I give up too much for the sake of your son. I admire that; it reminds me of my mother," I said, smiling sadly.

"What happened to him?" Sally asked.

"He died when I was five years old. Jotuns and fire giants, at the command of Sutr and Loki, invaded my neighborhood. Lady Hela arrived in time to warn and get me out, but Mama, I took clothes that belonged to me and distracted them. Sutr, angry because I deceived him, I incinerated his soul," I said, with a tear falling from my left eye, revealing the metal and gemstone on the right, surprising Sally.

"I'm sorry; it must be difficult. All the Gods are like that with their children," Sally said.

"No, some are excellent parents. If you count Odin, Zeus, Loki, and several others," I said. Sally got nervous, waiting to hear something, but nothing sounded.

"Special bar; no god can see or hear in my domain. It's created so that the heroes of all the pantheons can come, relax, and have a drink, exchange information or so on," I said.

"Then the Gods are forbidden here," said Sally.

"Yes, there are only two that are allowed, Hephaestus and Hela," I said, to which Sally was surprised.

"Hephaestus is a good father, and Hela is a good Goddess, although this bar is almost always empty. I still don't give many tickets," I said, smiling.

"Besides, they're not old enough to drink," Sally said, looking at the bottles.

"We Nordics are not so easy to get drunk, at least. That's why minors have a reserve of soft drinks and juices. And some have been dead for more than 500 years and live trapped in bodies of 18 or 19 years, maximum 21," I said, with her surprised.