
Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

One moment I was dying on a really uncomfortable hospital bed and the next... well, I’m alive... though this time, I'm not even human anymore... but who cares. If you want to read ahead! https://w w w.patreón.com/cornbringer

CORNBRINGER · Derivasi dari karya
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176 Chs

Chapter 57

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Currently on chapter: 76 on Patreön...

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Here it is the double chapter.


Learning to control my power, was not as easy as I expected, Thor while an eager teacher, was… an awful teacher, his analogy to control my new power was, that it was like holding a fart… needless to say, I knew I would have to learn how to control my powers on the go, trial by fire. It wasn't so bad though, with him I had someone I could go all out, of course, I would lose each time, but I feel each spar I learned something, be it small or big, that was still yet to be seen.

As for Heimdall, well… he was odd…. Not a bad odd, but it wasn't a good odd either, he was a weird god, but regardless of his weird personality and habits, he was a great teacher, eager to follow the orders of his father to the letter, meaning he was very happy to train me, as for his methods….. They were somewhat unexpected, for him… a warrior had to be calm and chill… I am quoting the guy, and while I can get on board with that, his methods to teach me how to control my other senses to their absolute limit were very weird… his training consisted of napping, watching movies, meditating, and listening to podcasts for each of these activities he would take a sense away.

But I suppose, in the end, I was having fun. And while I still had to learn how to do what both Heimdall and Thor had to teach me, I had learned a few things, for one…. I would rather fight Thor, than Heimdall, while I knew Thor was vastly superior to his brother, right now… fighting Heimdall was a pain in the ass, the bastard was a master at avoiding, he would literally dodge for hours in our spars before he decided to attack, Thor, on the other hand, he was a… berserker, he would go in, tank my attacks and laugh while kicking my ass, why did I pick Thor… well, my attacks connecting with him give me a fragile sense of achievement.

"I heard my daughter likes you!" Thor smirked, his arms crossing around his chest, "I approve of that fucking union! Let us drink!"

"Not gonna happen, Thor," I rolled my eyes at him, "I am about a hundred years older than her,"

"Give it some time," Thor added with a burp, "If not, we can always find you another woman, the All-father knows we need you to get laid, one hundred years and still a virgin, that won't do!"

I looked at Thor in annoyance, of course, I was a virgin, there is not much to tap in Tartarus, "It will happen when it happens," I replied.

"I know some bar girls that would ride you fucking dry!" Thor bellowed in laughter, slapping me in the back to add a point, "They would love a young god… well, almost god-like you,"

"Thor, I will get laid… but it will happen when it happens… right now I have other things to do, like killing Luke," I inwardly smiled at the thought of ripping Luke apart, piece by piece, maybe flaying him alive… that ought to make things interesting for me.

"That's why you need to get some!" Thor winked.

"I swear… sometimes I think you are the deity of frat houses," I sighed.

"I… maybe?" Thor shrugged, "So…. wanna go to New York? Or Boston?"

"Alright… let's go drink and see what girls you have in mind," I sighed, a weak smile forming on my face.

"YES! FUCK YEAH!" Thor barked, "I'll be back in a few, I need a few things before we go fuck the city!" and with that, he teleported out of the room.

"So fucking the city…" I didn't even have to turn to know it was Gunilla, "Never seen him so happy to wingman another guy,"

"I am pretty sure both Pantheons are betting on when and with whom I lose my V-card," I chuckled.

"Do men have V-cards?" Gunilla chuckled.

"I… maybe?" I shrugged, "So… how ya doing fangirl," I winked at her.

"If you want to keep both eyes attached to your face… stop that," Gunilla growled.

"Kinky," I chuckled.

"I hate the fact you became stronger than me," Gunilla sighed, "My threats bounce off you now…."

I snorted, "Your threats never worked on me,"

"Maybe, but at least before I had the power to carry them…" Gunilla admitted with a sigh.

"Whatever you say fangirl," I chuckled.

"It was one time! I was drunk and said you were cute… and now…. The honorable All-Father… is not letting that die down…" I could see her struggle, she was fighting with every inch of her life, to not insult Odin.

"I know what can make you feel better," I smiled, snapping my finger with magic, ~Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah~

"No…. I will not be humiliated again in that manner!" Gunilla shouted, running out of the room as I transformed into Agent P to kick her ass, P stands for Pranks.

~He's a semi aquatic parking laying mammal of action!~ "NOOOOOOOO!" Gunilla growled.

"I wonder if this will ever get old," I snorted, running after her.


[Odin POV]

Adam was getting stronger, alarmingly fast… if he continued the path he was… he would ascend to Godhood soon, he might not notice, because he is fighting not only the strongest God in our pantheon on a daily basis, but Heimdall, the most annoying god to defeated thanks to his powers, "He will surprise Zeus next time they see each other," I chuckled.

"How will that end?" Hugin cawed in curiosity.

"Well… Zeus will be humiliated," I chuckled.

"I still don't understand why… why do you risk so much with him… if the Greeks find out, a holy war will break," Munin cawed worryingly, her wings ruffling in concern.

"Well… you see, some prophecies, have two sides, in one of those scenarios... he ends up destroying the world… and on the other side… if I stop that terrible prophecy… well, let's just say that in that case, we are currently building political relationships with the next King of Mount Olympus," If I played my cards right, we would be winning a valuable ally, but for that, he had to be strong… strong enough to resist his father.