[Ping! Hello Nathan, I am the system. To continue tutorial please think/say main menu.] "Huh" And that is how my life went from garbage, to shit.
I say good bye to Grover and Percy, not without asking for their dorm room so as I can help them study. I walk to my room with John, as we walked I noticed Magic Girl was following closely behind me.
I enter my room as John lays down on his bed, I give a small nod as I watch her say something In a weird language before I see John close his eyes and starts to snore. Wow, thats effective. I turn to her as she hold out her hand.
"I realized I haven't introduced myself, I'm Lou Ellen, Daughter of Hecate." She said, as I mentally applaud my deduction skills, I should have a skill for that. I put those thoughts away as I shake her hand.
"Nice to meet you, as you heard earlier my names Nathan Parker, no godly heritage." I said, as shakes her head in disbelief.
"When I got a Iris message from Chiron about someone using magic I thought I might have another sibling. Instead I find a human who can make a bow of the purest mana I've ever sense, let alone seen. In what? Three weeks? It's practically impossible." She said as I raised an eyebrow. I knew the system would help me grow fast but is it really that hard to train?
"Who taught you? As a Demi-God, and the daughter of the Goddess of Magic, I have an instinctual connection to it, but your a mortal. A mortal having magic is one thing, but being able to pick up magic faster than most Demi-Gods is another." She said, as I swallow nervously.
"I uh, am self-taught." I said her eyes narrow.
"Bullshit, thats impossible." She said as I sighed, why can't this be easy?
"Isn't there someway you can tell if I'm lying?" I asked, if she can turn invisible to mortals and even a Demi-God, thanks to Percy, I'm sure she has-
"Oh my god you don't." I said as I watched her embarrassed face get redder. How the hell does someone not think about having a magical lie detector? I would have one just for the sake of knowing.
"Shush! It's not like I'm an expert in enchanting. I suppose I'll have to believe you for now." She grumbles as I sigh in silent relief. Theres still many months before summer and I'd rather grind out as much as possible.
"I have a few questions about that by the way, I was wondering that since your mom's the Goddess of magic you could help me learn." I said, having a teacher could speed things up, especially when said teacher has access to a Camp that might have magical tomes. Hm, maybe I could hunt treasure and monsters, thought for later.
"Well, it's not like I can't. Ignoring such talent is a waste and Chiron only asked me to check on who was using magic, so I guess I could say I was supervising you." She said as I smiled. Yes!
"Fair warning, magics not easy to learn. Regardless of your talent you still have to learn other branches then shaping your mana, right now your doing basic spells. By the end of break you should be able to do minor enchants." Lou Ellen said as I nodded.
"Good, our first lesson will start tomorrow. I'll go check on Chiron, you should get some sleep while you can. Also," She said, before pulling out a knife and carving into the wall writing some greek world απόκρυψη. "This will hide any magic you cast in here, just make sure that your roomie is asleep and cover it with something." She continued before walking out of the dorm.
I realize that men't that Mr. Brunner ,who is most defiantly Chiron, won't sense me using magic. And test my new theory I had when making a sword. I made a sword of mana and see it drop by around 100 but stops there.
I chuckle, once I make somethings it doesn't disappear unless I will it to. Which brings me to my next test, I close my eyes and focus on what I want the sword to look like, invisible, like it's not there but is. I open my eyes and see that my magic sword is indeed invisible.
'Yes! That means if I just do this then I can be a whole lot safer.' I thought, before imagining a set of knight armor appearing on me and watch as my mana drops from 550 to 50, meaning it costs 250 minimum.
I wait a few minutes for my mana to get to max again before changing my armor to be invisible. I watch as this time my mana goes from 650 to 50.
'That took 300 mana to turn invisible? So at least 550 mana not including the increase with my okay control.' I thought, before deciding I don't like that. I stay up all night training by meditating and pumping more mana into my armor, ignoring the level ups in the skills and pings for making them
'The faster I get stronger, the safer I'll be.' I thought, before diving into my grind mindset once more.
*Explosion!* Sorry for the shorter chapter I wanted to get it out before going to bed, anyway what did you guys think? Was it Good? Bad? Tell me with a review or comment! I'll see you people's later! See ya!