
Percy Jackson: Forgotten Son Of Hades

after living the worst possible life any person could live our mc was reincarnated into the rick Riordan verse as the son of hades, what changes will this new factor bring into the world, will it be good or bad come and find out. (Percy Jackson and other books belongs to Rick Riordan) [dropped]

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43 Chs

CH.9 Dinner With The MRS

Arriving in the dining room I saw surprisingly a small room and table; I was honestly expecting a huge room but hey I guess he like being close to his wife. Speaking of said wife Persephone was waiting at the opposite of the table with a wine glass in hand.

Like hades her status as a goddess was not a lie, she was a true beauty, she was tall almost as tall as hades, she had a beautiful yet deathly pale face mostly likely because of the underworld, she had dark long curling hair which seemed to float as if it was weightless, her eyes where multicolored but washed out as if the underworld took all the colors from it.

"So, you're another one of his children" Persephone said to me after sipping from her wine glass.

"Yes, it would seem so" I said and then sat down at the table, the was a mixture of different food that I've never seen before but all were given off a mouthwatering smell.

"I'm sorry" I said and started eating a creature which tasted like chicken.

"Sorry for what" Persephone said.

"I don't know sorry for being born I guess; my existence is basically a slap to your marriage so sorry" I said and continued eating.

Persephone dint really say anything for a while and just stared at me until she sighed "its fine I guess I'm used to it, plus not your fault my husband decided to cheat on me" she said with glaring at hades for the last part, Hades for his part just looked away.

"Anyway, not that's out of the way, I need to ask what you are going to do now" hades said staring at me causing me to stop eating,

"My mother died because of my mistake, and I swore that I'm going to fix that mistake" I said seriously.

"As much as I admire your loyalty to your mother, I have to tell you that the chances of you bringing you mother back from the dead is zero to none" hades said.

"I could say the sad thing about gods being real but here we are" I said

"Sigh, fine I see there's no talking you out of this but don't come to me when you fail" hades said and continued eating.

"I won't" I said and continued eating as well.

"You really are his son" Persephone said.

"I'm nothing like him" I said with a little anger.

"that's what they always say" she said making me grind my teeth.

"I have a question" I said to hades.

"what" he said.

"What exactly is this" I said and made my shadow scythe.

"Ah I see you already know how to do that, pretty impressive, you might be one of the most powerful children I've had, and to answer you it a shadow scythe "hades said.

"I know that I mean what is the energy that I use to make it called" I said.

"Oh, that's called divinity darling and I have to say you have a lot for a demigod" Persephone said.

"Divinity, hmm that would make sense" I said looking at the shadow scythe.

"Also is that a good or a bad thing" I said looking at Persephone.

"It has its pros and cons, for example you will be a powerful demigod but like you've experience it will attract a certain number of monsters" Persephone said making me sad at the last part.

"Ah sorry about that sweetheart" she said seeing me sad.

"Its fine you dint do it on purpose" I said and then looking at hades.

"When can I leave here, I have to start looking for a way to fix my mistake" I said to him.

"About that, it might be better for you to stay here for some time" hades said

"why" I said

"Me and my brothers swore an oath to not have children anymore and because you were born, I just broke said oath, which means that Zeus will try to kill you as soon as he finds about you" hades said.

"Why, I mean I get it, its Zeus guys a total asshole from what mythology said about him but I don't think he will just kill me for being born and breaking an oath especially since I know he would've have broken it first" I said.

"You do not wrong about that sweetheart, the reason why Zeus would kill you is because Zeus killed hades last lover and hades killed Zeus last daughter, so basically he going to take the chance for revenge as soon as he knows who you are" Persephone said.

"Gods damit" I said.

"So, what I just have to wait here till I either die or you and you brother make up" I said grinding my teeth.

"Or until you can take on Zeus" Persephone said causing me to stop.

"If that's what it's going to take then so be it, I will bring my mother back and if means going one on one with Zeus himself then I'll do it" I said seriously.

"Well good luck then" Persephone said and then left.

After she left me, and hades continued to eat in silence until I finished and went back to the room where I woke up. As I was leaving hades said he would talk to me tomorrow.

As I laid in my bed I started thinking, thinking about everything that has happened today, thinking about what I loss and as I tough about that I started crying. I don't know whether it was my psyche, or because I was in a child's body butt cried like I've never cried before as if my body was waiting with all the tears that I've never used. I cried thinking about the times that I spent with my mother, I cried about how warm she was, I cried about how she was the first person to give me hope and most importantly I cried because even though I wanted to be alone I still wanted to be with her. I cried wanting to be alone with her, but it was to late now I'm just alone and its not how it felt before.