
Peerless One

"Peerless" follows the journey of our protagonist, reborn as 8-year-old Momonosuke in the world of One Piece. Choosing to stay in the present by swapping places with his sister, he embarks on a quest for glory. Join him on this thrilling adventure, where the echoes of a sword resonate through the unpredictable currents of the sea, shaping a destiny that defies the norms of this captivating world.

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7 Chs

Jack vs Momonosuke

After an hour of relentless combat, the battleground bore the scars of their fierce duel. 

Trees lay uprooted and strewn across the ground, their trunks cleaved by the errant swings of swords. 

The earth itself was marred with deep fissures, a testament to the sheer force and ferocity of the two.

Both warriors, pushed to their physical limits, stood panting, their clothes torn and bodies marked with wounds that dripped blood onto the ravaged earth.

Jack's breaths came in heavy gusts, his muscles aching from the sustained effort, yet his eyes still burned with a relentless fire.

Momonosuke, even more battered, leaned on his sword for support, his body screaming in protest, but his spirit remained unyielding.

Jack seemed to almost relish the sight of his weary opponent, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and anticipation. 

"Looks like the chase has taken its toll on you." he taunted, his voice carrying an edge of mockery.

"I can do this all day!" Momonosuke declared, A grim smirk on his lips, undaunted by the challenge before him.

Momonosuke suddenly charged towards Jack, his sword slicing through the air in a swift vertical blow. 

In response, Jack expertly maneuvered his shotels, crossing them in an 'X' formation, effectively blocking the strike.

The two warriors found themselves locked in a tense standoff. Their weapons pressed against each other, each trying to overpower the other in a battle of strength.

"Well done surviving this long, despite your condition." Jack remarked. 

His features twisted into a maniacal grin, emblematic of his typically aggressive and confrontational nature.

"It makes me really happy." He continued saying, his tone laced with an unsettling blend of amusement and menace.

The pirate suddenly exerted more force, pushing Momonosuke away, breaking the deadlock with a sudden burst of strength.

As the fierce battle between the two warriors raged on. A group of 50 members of the Mimawarigumi observed from a distance, captivated yet hesitant to intervene.

Drawn by the clamor of the clash, they soon realized that they were witnessing a duel between the wanted Ghost and Jack of the Beast Pirates.

This revelation prompted them to adopt a cautious stance, choosing to observe rather than engage.

They understood that regardless of the battle's outcome, the victor would inevitably have to pass their way due to the surrounding abyss.

With this in mind, they waited patiently for the opportune moment to act. Confident that they would have the upper hand in the end.

After sheathing his sword, Momonosuke assumed a basic Battōjutsu stance. 

Embodying the essence of those sword techniques which emphasizes the swift drawing and sheathing of the blade. 

He stood poised and focused recalling the various techniques he had developed under Kawamatsu's guidance. 

Unique sword techniques derived from different manga he had read in his past life.

In this moment of calm, amidst the storm of battle.. One particular technique surfaced in his thoughts. 

With his hand resting on the hilt of his sheathed sword. Momonosuke was prepared to execute this carefully chosen move.

Momonosuke initiated the Sōryūsen technique against Jack. 

With remarkable speed, He suddenly vanished from sight.

In the next instant, he reappeared directly in front of Jack, startlingly close and ready for action. 

This rapid maneuver caught Jack off-guard.

Momonosuke unleashed the first strike, an extremely rapid and powerful horizontal slash, cutting Jack belly.

Believing that Momonosuke's swift technique had come to an end and seeing an opportunity, Jack reacted instinctively. 

He let the shotel on his right hand descend towards Momonosuke's head. 

His movement was a calculated attempt to seize the moment, aiming to strike down Momonosuke in what he perceived as a brief moment of vulnerability.

But Momonosuke was already in motion for the second part of the technique.

Seamlessly, he swung the empty sheath of his sword that was in his left hand, following the exact trajectory of his initial strike.

Jack was unable to dodge.

Before his blade made contact with Momonosuke. The sheath struck his elbow with a solid, thudding impact.

The force of the blow, though blunt, was immense, causing a stark and audible crack as it broke Jack's bone. 

The sudden and intense pain registered on Jack's face. 

His blade slipped from his grasp, his arm now rendered incapacitated, dangling uselessly at his side, a testament to the severity of his injury.

Holding his remaining blade in his left hand. Jack mustered his strength and swung it with fierce intensity, generating a swift gust of wind that sliced through the air with a sharp whistle.

Momonosuke, summoning the remnants of his strength, braced himself against this powerful onslaught.

He managed to block the air blade, but the sheer force of the impact forced him to stagger backward several steps, bringing him perilously close to the edge of the abyss.

In the brief moment after the attack dissipated, Jack, seizing the opportunity, appeared right behind it. 

This sudden move caught Momonosuke off guard, sending a jolt of shock through him.

With a swift and deadly motion, Jack's blade was already rushing towards Momonosuke's stomach, threatening to end the duel in a decisive strike.

In that critical instant, time seemed to slow down for Momonosuke. 

The world around him appeared to freeze, every movement, including his own, progressing in a surreal slow motion.

The only thing that kept pace was the rapid current of his thoughts.

"Am I going to die?" He wondered, a serious contemplation amidst the chaos. 

"Even if I win, there are others waiting to strike. 

What can I do?" He watched, almost detached, as Jack's blade inched closer and closer.

"I refuse to die! Not today, not yet... I'm not ready!" Momonosuke resolved with fierce determination.

Then, in a moment that defied his slowed perception, Jack's blade pierced through his ribs, emerging from the other side. 

In a simultaneous motion, driven by pure instinct and determination, Momonosuke grabbed Jack's wrist with his bare hands, immobilizing him.

Jack, startled, attempted to pull back. 

But before he could do so, a sudden, overwhelming burst of energy enveloped him.

He felt an inexplicable heaviness take over his body, a sensation that struck fear into his heart.

He was rooted to the spot, completely paralyzed.

"Conqueror's Haki!?" Jack gasped, beads of sweat cascading down his shocked face, as the realization of Momonosuke's unexpected power dawned upon him.

"If you want to kill me, you should be prepared to die.." Momonosuke stated, his tone laced with grim determination. 

In one fluid, resolute motion, he drove his sword deep into Jack's abdomen.

A few seconds later, Momonosuke released his grip on his sword, still precariously perched at the edge of the abyss.

Jack, in a sudden movement fueled by pain and shock, stumbled backward several meters, before collapsing to his knees.

He coughed up blood violently, struggling to remove the sword from his body.

Simultaneously, Momonosuke extracted the shotel from his side, blood flowing freely from the wound. 

"Death is better than bondage.."

He gazed at Jack, his expression a peculiar mix of pain and a strange, almost serene smile.

Then, without a word, he allowed himself to fall backward into the abyss.

Jack watched, a complex array of emotions crossing his face as he saw Momonosuke disappear into the void.

"You fool !" He yelled, grappling with a mixture of respect, confusion, and a tinge of anger.

These thoughts were interrupted by another fit of coughing, bringing more blood to his lips, as he grappled with the aftermath of their brutal encounter.

The 50 members of the Mimawarigumi, alerted by the end of the intense battle, rapidly converged on the scene. 

"Attend to his wounds quickly!" Commanded the leader of the group, as they saw Jack, one of Kaido men, lying injured on the ground. 

A sense of urgency filled the air as they began administering first aid.

Jack, despite his pain, felt a wave of relief wash over him at the sight of allies. He lay there, breathing heavily, as the Mimawarigumi worked to stabilize his condition.

Meanwhile, some members of the group peered cautiously into the abyss, speculating about Momonosuke's fate. "Could he have survived?" One of them muttered, scanning the depths for any sign of a body.

"There's a water canal at the bottom." noted another member, pointing out a potential landing spot. 

However, Jack, with a tone of confidence, dismissed the possibility of Momonosuke's survival. 

"In his state, he wouldn't even survive the fall. And even if he did, 'cough' he'd definitly drown!" he asserted.

The leader of the Mimawarigumi nodded in agreement with Jack's assessment. 

Having witnessed the ferocity of the duel and the dire state in which both combatants had been. 

He felt certain that Momonosuke could not have survived.

Yet, there was a sense of regret in his voice as he lamented.. "It's a pity we couldn't bring The Ghost's body to Lord Orochi." 

The sentiment echoed among the troops, a mix of relief and disappointment at the conclusion of this tumultuous event.