
Peerless Librarian

In the aftermath of an unforeseen alien invasion from the far reaches of outer space, Earth was thrust into a harrowing battle for survival with the race, known as the Xandarians. Unidentified extraterrestrial forces descended upon the planet, unleashing devastation on a global scale. Cities were wiped out under the onslaught, and the skies resonated with the echoes of an interstellar conflict. Amidst the chaos, a phenomenon known as "The Awakening" rippled across the world. Mysterious dungeons, fraught with monsters and treasures, materialised in the wake of the invasion. Simultaneously, a select group of individuals underwent a profound transformation, gifted with extraordinary abilities to combat the newfound threats. Humanity, in the face of adversity, was given a fighting chance. In the heart of Aetherium City, an unassuming librarian named Arthur experienced this extraordinary awakening. In the midst of chaos and burgeoning dungeons, Arthur discovered a peculiar power within himself. A power that would help him change the world. Now, against the backdrop of a planet redefined by both alien incursion and supernatural awakening, Arthur's journey begins. Will he rise from the obscurity of the library to become a renowned Hunter, defending humanity against extraterrestrial threats, or will he remain a forgotten figure in this new, perilous chapter of Earth's history? The answers lay within the dungeons, in the crucible of his evolving abilities, and on the front lines of a world forever changed. [WSA 2024] A/N: *Please Add the book to your collections and support it with power stones! If you have any ideas/theories put them down in the comments.* *Rewards:* 200 Power Stones (end of the week) = 2 Chapter Mass Release 300 Power Stones (end of the week) = 5 Chapter Mass Release

TofSpades · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

The First Story (4)

"Everyone run towards the woods! Disperse!" Arthur roared, retreating himself. 

"It's a dragon! Run!" One of the soldiers screamed, picking up his sword and shield and sprinting into the woods with his comrades. 

'This was never meant to happen! What's going on?!' Arthur cursed, his brain jumped into overdrive as it tried to understand why this was happening? 

[Book Name: Rise of the Nobody Soldier]

[Difficulty has changed: ★★☆☆☆ >>> ★★★★☆]

Arthur cursed his luck feeling puzzled by this situation; he looked back momentarily, leaping from tree to tree. Morgen and Ruben had followed him but they were struggling to keep up with his speed. So the wolf horde that came their way was actually because of the dragon?

'Wait there are two… dragons?' Arthur stopped running, his chest heaving up and down. His face was ashen as he stared at the battle between the two dragons in the sky. 

'Is it because they were fighting high up in the sky, I didn't feel their presence. Either way It's impossible to slay them, I need mana and skills, both of which I have none.' 

"Cap'n what's wrong? We should run! This whole area will be flattened by their battle." Ruben looked at Arthur with worry, still feeling weak in the legs, he stared at the two mighty beasts, following Arthur's gaze. 

Beneath the cloak of a moonless night, two dragons fought with immense strength. One was a colossal creature of fiery crimson, its scales shimmering like molten lava. The other, a dark and formidable beast of obsidian black, seeming to absorb the very essence of the night.

The red dragon soared with majestic grace. Its wings, expansive and veined with fiery patterns. As it flew, tongues of flame danced along its scales, casting an eerie glow upon the landscape below.

In stark contrast, the black dragon, moved with a silent, ominous presence. Its obsidian scales absorbing the faint starlight, rendering it nearly invisible against the night sky. Only its piercing, blood-red eyes betrayed its position, like twin rubies gleaming in the darkness.

Their paths converged high above the world, creating a breathtaking juxtaposition of colors and energies. The red dragon's breath unleashed torrents of searing flames that ignited the very air around it. The night momentarily turned to day as it exhaled its infernal fury.

Arthur grimaced, covering his eyes from the bright light. 

"Let's move!" Arthur coughed, beginning running again. He just hoped his men wouldn't be killed as casualties to these mighty beasts' battle.

The dark dragon, however, countered with a wave of shadowy flames. In its wake, darkness spread, swallowing the flames and plunging the sky into an inky abyss again. The stars themselves seemed to cower before this overwhelming shadow.

"Drakonix! I told you I will not surrender my child to you! Go back to your territory! If you think you can take my child away from me, I will fight you to the death!" 

Arthur was shocked, as he could understand the roar of the Black dragon. The voice was from a female, so the black dragon was a female? Arthur continued running and observing the battle from a distance. He couldn't predict what was happening to the plotline but he needed all the clues he could get.

"You dare defy a red dragon's might! I want that child and you will give it to me. I won't rest till that dragon's reverse scale is mine!" A devilish voice reverberated through the night sky as a scorching heat followed right after. 

As they circled one another, their tails lashed out like thunderbolts, creating shockwaves that rattled the very foundations of the earth below. 

Amidst the fierce combat, they each unleashed their elemental breath with deadly precision. The red dragon's flames roared forth, while the dark dragon's black flames devoured all it touched. 

It was then Arthur realised, these two beasts decided to end their battle. 

A powerful shockwave resounded along with a bright flash of light. Arthur and the rest of the men covered their eyes. 


~Some Time Later~

"Wake up boy." A hoarse feminine voice echoed in the darkness, jogging Arthur's consciousness awake.

"Wake up." The voice echoed again, causing Arthur to open his eyes.

He gulped, staring directly at what seemed to be the black dragon. Each of her breaths caused chills to attack Arthur's body as he shivered in such a mighty beast's presence.

She was definitely a Legendary Ranked Beast or higher! Arthur had so many questions on how this situation came to be, but he kept his calm in front of the mighty beast.

The ranks of beasts and monsters being Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and finally Mythical.

Arthur looked around sensing that he wasn't in the woods anymore. 


That's all that surrounded him; his feet stood on a clear body of water that rippled and moved autonomously. Was this a separate dimension?

"I don't have much time left. That battle with Draconix has damaged my reverse scale. The heart of a dragon's life." The black dragon's powerful voice echoed. 

Arthur was taken aback by this situation. What was happening? This was definitely not part of the plot. Forget that! How the? What the?! Just how?!

"I have a request for you to complete human, and only you can complete this. Open your arms." 

Arthur listened obediently, opening his arms to the mighty beast. Even being at death's door, its pressence was enough for Arthur to feel like death was breathing on his neck, ready to reap his soul.

Suddenly a heavy object fell in Arthur's hands causing him to grunt. He looked down at what was in his hands. 

An egg?

It was a dragon egg!! He could feel the warmth emanating from the dark scales encasing the shell.

"Please take care of my little one. It's my dying wish to you. I can see the purity in your heart and the strength and potential that runs through your veins. Draconix can't grow any stronger, or else he'll destroy this world, so I will take him down with me." The black dragon wheezed, her words becoming softer.

"I have no other choice and I cannot surrender the little one to Draconix. Take the little one and flee… Please." This time the voice of the black dragon had become even lighter.

[You have gained ownership over a Unique Item 'Black Dragon Egg']

Arthur stared at the large egg in his hands then looked back at the mighty dragon's eyes; they weren't the eyes of a beast but the eyes of a mother. 

Arthur gulped, making up his mind.

"Leave it to me. Rest well." Arthur mustered all the strength he could to put up the most sincere smile he could, opposing the pressure of the mighty beast.

"Thank you human."

Arthur closed his eyes as a bright light shone again, blinding his view.

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