

An ancient prophesy foretold one of the most powerful knowledge of a Majestic remedy known as the TUTUS, a discovery ever known to Man that gives immense power to its seeker which was lost in the past. Legends and ambitious power-seekers in the future strived to acquire this power which lead to countless bloodshed and sacrifices, but it was still not found. until an ambitious Man's thirst for power lead him to the discovery of an ancient tomb of the formal Great Prince of a kingdom called the Angelic Kingdom...Regan Sanander. Whose death ended the existence of that powerful Remedy. Regan was a fearless prince who had unravel every war technique and exceeded beyond his capabilities as a young Prince. It was foretold he would be the greatest king the world had ever known, until he came across the legendary sacred TUTUS which changed the course of his bright destiny into a worse one. He was awakened into the future as a bloodthirsty vampire with the ability to read a future of anyone he came in contact with, just from a single touch, except Sabreena Foster. Sabreena was an innocent girl whose lives was already entangled with Regan in the past but she was sent into the future to recreate a peaceful era in a world where humanity seemed to be lost, as her punishment for engaging in the worse crime in her past. Her determination to bring back the joyous times of the past, led her into the clutches of a ruthless gorgeous vampire Prince known in the future as Regan Deoz. Sabreena thought she had finally met an ally in her course to bring difference into this chaotic world, and turn it into her home, just like Heaven! But she was wrong, the devil was always meant to destroy the world and this ruthless vampire was the version of that devil. And his drop-dead beauty became a distraction for Sabreena, and nearly deviated her from her course... But she was given two options; It's either she put an end to the devil Vampire, and change the world she was destined to create, or doom the world to its destruction along with the devil. But Sabreena was determined to never give up on her meaningless journey to change a ruthless monster, whose only aim was to drain her of her sweet-scented blood to the last drop, and drag him along, towards the PATHWAY TO HEAVEN!

NobleRemmy · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The long-awaited Prince

"Wait my Prince... don't run, you might fall and get hurt." Seeta chased after a mischievous Lazarus, who was now a blooming ten-year-old energetic kid, running behind a teenage Roga. They were playing by the huge tree when Lazarus witnessed Roga's departure and tried to catch up with his fast-paced walk on the streets towards the market.

The four kids were now stuck to each other. They grew up like real siblings in a kind and responsible intimate relationship. Even though they had to survive the harsh economy of the Kingdom, they relied on each other to get by and shared a unique bond which didn't come as a surprise to Diana.

Diana had always watched how Arabella took great good care of them. She trained them to defend and support each other at all times...since this strange world they found themselves in was different from the one they came from.

Nevertheless, Diana did a great job too raising the kids into a great version of the deceased Arabella, whom she missed to death. She and Arabella had gotten close over the years, and they discussed matters on all issues in the Kingdom. But what Arabella left out in all their years of friendship was how she ended up in the Cyras Kingdom and what exactly happened to her. Apart from that, everything went smoothly between them, and now here she was keeping the promise she made to Arabella on her deathbed, to take good care of her kids.

Even though, Diana had no idea who was indeed taking care of whom, when the kids came as a blessing in her life...She didn't have to do much. Seeta was a hardworking girl who assisted her the most throughout the years, while Roga also go on hunts after following the hunters in their expedition all these years. He was indeed a fast learner...After simply three years he had mastered the traps of hunting at the age of ten and never ceased to bring back meat since.

However, Roga now grew into a cute seventeen-year-old teenager who help the villagers in minor jobs to earn and support them, as the responsible boy he was.

Lazarus also grew up with so much love and pampering from all his siblings who wouldn't leave him to himself. They take turns taking care of him until he was now grown into a ten years boy who was eager to always follow roga to hunts and markets to trade.

Even though Seeta had refused strongly for Lazarus to go after Roga. but Roga simply didn't like Seeta's paranoid upbringing. So he would take Lazarus along with him, with his repeated excuses to help build Lazarus's confidence and bravery, like the Prince that he was.

It seemed today wasn't an exception as Lazarus run behind Roga to follow him with Seeta trailing behind him to catch him.

"I told you to stop treating him like a child, he is a grown-up now...He will surely grow weak in your care." Roga turns to scold Seeta for her upbringing nature on Lazarus, which she developed since they were kids, as their mother instead of a sister.

"Wait there...I am going to skin you alive." These petty squabbles were normality between Seeta and Roga while growing up, and it didn't seem to end well whenever Roga uttered such phrases to Seeta about over-worry and anxiousness nature whenever it comes to Lazarus's safety.

Diana opened the window to the house which views the wide streets towards the market When she saw seeta chasing behind Roga. And a humorous smile escaped her.

"It seemed Roga had messed up again with one of his silly comments and as usual, Seeta wouldn't let it go and chased after him." Diana smiled to herself at these petty fights they developed since they were kids. Always competing on who was a worthy candidate to take proper care of their brother Lazarus...Which was cute in a way. Their bond seemed unbreakable even with these fights and only grew stronger and stronger over the years.

Lazarus was quite lucky to have them, even though he didn't even know about his mother yet or was he ever told anything to date.

Seeta had long assumed Arabella's formal duties at the age of twenty-two. Sometimes, with the help of Maridine, who was now a fifteen-year-old teenager, with her pretty and elegant features which Diana couldn't help but praise at all times... a truly divine beauty Maridine grew up to become despite her young age of fifteen.

As time went on, Seeta engaged to build a minor trade to help Diana with the expenses of the house, and support her siblings in whatever they might need. Even though Roga sees himself as a man now, despite his young age. He insisted to help with working minor jobs for the villagers to earn every dime for his savings. Roga's only dream throughout the years was to raise Lazarus as the true prince he truly was, to make him as strong and courageous as his father..the king. So he had been saving all this time to have Lazarus enrolled in the Noble Royal Academy the moment he turned fifteen...So five years more for his dream to come true.

The training academy of the Noble was where the rich and heirs to affluent families were sent for years of martial arts training and etiquette grooming. It was the targeted dream of both Roga and Seeta toward their younger sibling Lazarus's great achievements later in the future.

Even though, Arabella had long advised them to forget the past and where they came from in order to build a new home here with new hopes, and thrive to achieve it. But it seemed all the kids were in hope that, they would return someday, just like they appeared out of nowhere. Arabella even went as far as to ban them from calling her queen or calling the child in the womb a Royal, whether it was a girl or a boy. Yet, It all fell on hard ears since they thought doing that will clear their existence in the formal world later down the road. The place where they were the happiest with having Arabella as their queen and King Rene as their King...everything was perfect until one day it wasn't anymore.

Seeta was the only one who still addressed Lazarus as Prince even though the curious prince had asked many times why she would call him that when they were only peasants.

"Because..to us, you will always be our prince wherever we maybe!." were Seeta's responses to the curious Lazarus anytime he asked, until he stopped asking after the same repeated reason from Seeta.

Maridine on the other hand was still young, with her extraordinarily attractive looks despite her young age which called for attention everywhere she goes. Roga and Seeta feared an unfortunate incident from Maridine out of the world's beauty. Since the news surrounding their kingdom nowadays was about the kidnapping of young pretty girls which had been going on till date. Where young girls were taken and sold to rich lustful men for their pleasures and Maridine's bewitching beauty wasn't the risk they could afford to lower their guard on.

So Maridine was like a rapunzel always home with nowhere to go. This had Maridine always putting up a fight for her siblings to stop treating her like a child and allow her to help around too since she was now fifteen and could take care of himself.

However, her siblings' worse fears and worries were what Maridine doesn't seem to understand whenever they usually left her home to go trading.


Thousand years into the past!

"Great news, My King...It's a Prince!" The head maiden who led the Queen's labor, came out to announce the birth of the heir to an impatient King Zach.

The good news he just heard, had him shocked for a few moments from extreme happiness and amazement. He never knew he could afford the luxuries of having an heir after twenty years of marriage to his Queen...Rosaline.

King Zach turned to wipe his tears before he held himself together to ask about the health of his queen.

"How is the Queen fairing?" King Zach asked after a few moments of silence.

"In great health my King, and extremely happy too...We will have her ready so you could see her and your son." The maiden replied with a huge smile on her face.

Every subject in the Angelic kingdom had the purest expressions of happiness and amazement by the birth of the King's heir. As it reflected in their actions of excitements and cheers which echoed throughout an entire kingdom...

Even though the strong bets amongst themselves were still intact with the consequences to pay for all those who favored the birth of a princess, however, none of them was left disappointed over the outcome of the Prince's birth, since an extremely healthy baby came forth, and the Queen was in great health too after her delivery, so everything else was not important.

A few hours later, the young prince was now bathed and prepared to greet his new Kingdom and family, as King Zach took his position on the tallest part of the Castel above his entire Kingdom's terrace which views his entire Kingdom. His faithful and loyal subjects, as all an entire well-wishers appeared in their largest numbers when finally, King Zach raised his son in his outstretched hand forward for all to see.

"Noble Angelic Kingdom...I hereby pronounced the arrival of our mightiest warrior. An heir to the Kingdom, after twenty years of patience, endurance, and benevolence of all your prayers. Finally, the fruit of our tireless labor is before us...I hereby present my son and heir to the Kingdom...Regan!" King Zach's powerful statements, and the extreme happiness which swept over his face when he held his son to introduce him to his entire Kingdom, were evident in all his expressions. Along with the hails and cheers from his large number of subjects, sharing with him the happiest day in his life.

An arrival of his heir whom he named Regan...which meant in their native dialect "The chosen to live beyond time!"

Behind King Zach was his elegantly dressed Queen in her Royal attire embroidered with sapphires and pearls in its lavish taste, with her long black hair swept from her face that securely fell behind her, as her crown stood firmly on her head. She exuded an ultimate beauty after a long period of pregnancy. The extreme happiness on her beautiful face was enough to brighten up the entire Kingdom.

And Beside her were the King's only brother Andre Foster and his wife...Samara, also in their Royal attire with the same brightest smiles itched unto their faces. While their only daughter Sabreena Foster, who just turned twelve, stood next to the queen and drowned her eyes in the sight of a newly born baby with excitement, the heir to the Kingdom who was held securely in his father's arms before the entire Kingdom below, in jubilations and cheers!

"LONG LIVE THE PRINCE! LONG LIVE THE PRINCE!! AND LONG LIVE THE ROYAL FAMILY!!! echoed throughout the Castel and far beyond.

Suddenly Sabreena was dragged from behind by a wrinkly old woman dressed in a long white dress and her long silver hair, with a tall stick decorated with ancient runes and markings supporting her...It seemed Sabreena was the only one seeing the Lady when she turned to look around her, from her parents to the Queen, who didn't have any idea of the presence before them or even show any reactions to seeing anything unusual.

"Beware, young lady, you have indeed committed a grave sin by touching the tree of Separation. Therefore, you shall be separated from all your loved ones into a world far beyond...But remember! your cousin, the heir to this Kingdom shall travel alongside you...But make it quick when that time comes before he leads you into that world, then maybe, you might be able to change both your fates. It is your destiny to end his doomed Fate!" The old woman's voice was the only voice Sabreena could hear despite all the celebrations and screams around her, which had her turning back and forth and all around in shock. Then suddenly the voice faded into silence but not before she heard the lady's last sentence as she pointed towards the young baby held tightly in his father's arms.

"Kill the Prince now, and end your indestructible fate...Save this kingdom and the one beyond from the outmost catastrophe!".

Sabreena followed behind the old lady through the hallway, to check where the old lady appeared and then disappeared after she ended her strange warnings.

But instead, All that happened flashed through Sabreena's face like a simple imagination, even though a little taken aback by fear, she made nothing of it, as she returned to join her Parents and Queen to continue the celebrations of the birth of the Prince.

"Kill him?! How preposterous..it must be the anxiousness from the crime she committed at the stream." Sabreena thought to herself.