
Path of Chaos

The Hatching, an event granting the greatest powers and abilities to all lucky enough to experience it. Humanity maintain what remains of their of their rule, their status as overlords threatened, by an insatiable foe - Human nature and greed. Rowin, a once normal teenager whose life was changed forever by the hatching is forced to adapt to his new life. Can he achieve his ambitions with the power granted to him by fate or will he fail and be corrupted by power, like countless others before him?

chaoswalker_7 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Rule Breaker

Public Hatching Facility....

"So, where did you find this one?" A guard dressed in black and blue clothes asked his colleague.

"Hanging from a rope in the park south of Siletor Highschool." A female guard answered with a shrug.

"What do you mean by hanging from a rope?" The first guard asked. He wasn't always talkative but the boredom of his eight hour shift made him curious about everything.

"The Power Egg was suspended in midair by a rope tied to a tree. My guess is that whoever is inside tried to kill themselves when The Hatching happened." The female guard answered as she used her key card to open a thick metal door. A few clicks were heard and the door opened to reveal an incredibly large space.

There were thousands of enormous pillars supporting the place. The whole ceiling was like a single source of evenly distributed light. Despite this, the space was so large that the two guards couldn't even see any of the other walls of this place.Yet the size of the space wasn't the most shocking thing. The hundreds of thousands of Power Eggs arranged neatly throughout the space were the shocking thing.

This was one of many Hatcheries built all over the world. Hatcheries were basically large underground spaces where Power Eggs were stored till they hatch. These places were filled with Power Eggs of all kinds, whether they were from a human undergoing The Hatching or even a bug.

When someone undergoes The Hatching, it is unknown how long they will be encased in the cocoons that humans call Power Eggs. The Power Eggs themselves were proven to be completely indestructible and would only break once The Hatching was completed. The problem is that Power Eggs will also not hatch when the environment is too dangerous for the being inside them.

Once humans learned about this, The Guardian Guild decided to build the Hatcheries so as to provide a safe environment for the Power Eggs to hatch. The Hatcheries are controlled by artificial intelligence that monitors the Power Eggs around the clock. Power Eggs that were close to hatching were moved to a virtually indestructible room and allowed to hatch.

This was done since there was no way to know what's inside a Power Egg. The Guardian Guild saw this as an opportunity to get rid of anyone that could pose a threat to the society. For humans who complete The Hatching, they have their ability tested and are allowed to choose between joining The Guardian Guild, joining The Sleeper Association or being a space farer.

"This place always gives me the creeps. I feel like I'm always being watched." The female guard said to the male guard who was remotely guiding a Power Egg to a scanner located beside the door.

"I've heard from the techies that it's caused by the AI that monitors the Power Eggs. They say that the AI is made to mimic a human's gaze which triggers the sixth sense some people seem to have." The guard said as he watched the scanner finish it's tests. The guard checked the screen on the scanner that displayed the results.

His eyes widened and he immediately moved back. Less than a second later, a thick tendril, made of what the guard assumed to be liquid metal, wrapped around the Power Egg. It lifted it into the air towards a hatch in the ceiling. The Power Egg was pulled by suction force that came from the hatch and the tendril released it.

With the Power Egg gone, the metallic tendril turned liquid in midair and splashed on the floor. The liquid metal merged with the metallic floor and disappeared, leaving no trace of its existence.

"What was that?!" The female guard asked her older and more experienced companion.

"That is how the AI transports the Power Eggs that are close to hatching. We lucked out this time, that Power Egg had less than thirty seconds before it hatched." The male guard said as he headed for the exit. This wasn't the first time he had seen this but it was the first time it had happened so close to him. He was scared shitless but he had to look unbothered in front of the rookie, especially this hot one who had been playing dumb to his advances for months now.

"You said that the Power Egg would hatch in half a minute, right? Won't the person inside be stuck in the hatch when it happens?" The female guard asked worriedly. She didn't care about the stranger in the Power Egg, she was worried about her older sister who was still inside her Power Egg.

"The hatch you saw is like a tube that connects the Hatchery to the Incubators (the virtually indestructible rooms). The inside of the tube is heated to well over a thousand degrees, the Power Egg won't hatch under these conditions. Plus, it takes less than ten seconds to transport the Power Egg, so it'll be in the Incubator before the estimated Hatching time." The male guard said as they left The Hatchery. The thick metal door closed silently behind the guards as the echoes of their steps grew faint.

Inside an Incubator....

A Power Egg had just been shot out of a hatch on the floor and was lying on its side. A few seconds later, the Power Egg mysteriously moved and stabilized itself to stay upright. The Power Egg remained unmoved for a few minutes before cracks appeared.

The cracks spread quickly and the Power Egg was completely covered by the slowly widening cracks. A hand tried to shoot out of the spaces but only the fingers could fit. A few seconds later, the Power Egg dispersed into dust. The dispersal was instantaneous and the dust spread outward, away from the being that had been contained inside it.

In the middle of the room, a young man stood with his hands on his neck. More precisely, the rope that was still trying to suffocate him. He struggled with it for some time before he got it off. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed before slowly exhaling. After calming down, he looked around the empty room with white walls, floor and ceiling.

"Congratulations on your successful Hatching, you are officially a Powered. Please inform me, Temia, the artificial intelligence of the Hatchery, of your full name and details of your Hatched ability." An androgynous voice said. The voice seemed to come from every corner of the room.

"My name is Rowin Hendrick Jacobson and my Hatched ability is telekinesis." Rowin answered calmly. (Ressay's note; Yes, this is the younger me. And yes, that is my name. Did you really expect my name to be Ressay? What kind of parents would give such a weird name as Ressay. Grow up people.)

"Identity confirmed. Rowin Hendrick Jacobson, student at Siletor Highschool. Power Egg was found at approximately five in the morning, time of Hatching is 5:33AM. Based on the report of the collection unit, you had tried to take your life before The Hatching occured. Therefore I'm obligated to assign you to mandatory therapy.

Due to your age you cannot select a guild to join unless it is approved by your parents or guardians. Processing.... Lack of parents and legal guardians, you are registered under the Sleeper Association's Orphan Fund. You are automatically assigned to the Sleeper Association and can only move to another public guild once you have attained legal age.

Requesting permission to scan your body in order to determine your ability level." Temia said as it finished it's analysis.

"Go ahead" As soon as Rowin gave the approval, beams of blue light from the walls of the room scanned his body.

"Processing..... Ability type; Versatile. Rank; C. Tier; 1. Growth potential; A. Possible threat level; B. Signs of mental instability determine that Rowin Hendrick Jacobson may pose a higher threat to himself and others when provoked. Suggested precautions, 1) Mandatory therapy, 2) Emotional support animal, 3) Threat Tag.

Due to low age, the first two options are deemed to be most effective." Temia finished announcing the results of the scan.

" Can I pick the emotional support animal I get?" For some reason, Rowin wasn't even bothered by the fact that an AI just said that he was mentally unstable.

" Of course. Please pick a small animal that will fit well in your life without much change to your financial condition."

'Did this thing just call me poor? I'm just gonna ignore it and head back home. I need to rest.' Rowin thought to himself before he gave his reply, " I'd like a rabbit. One with multiple colors and very fluffy."

"Noted, the rabbit will be delivered to your apartment later today along with a few supplies necessary for the rabbit to live comfortably with you." One side of the wall opened up to reveal a tall man in a suit. "Please follow Mr Rogers, he will deliver you to your apartment."

Rowin sat in the back seat of a hover car a smile on his face. 'I must be really lucky for me to get two abilities at once. I should keep the second one hidden, it will be a good trump card. I'm curious as to what it does, unlike telekinesis, I only know the name of this one. Rule Breaker.'