
Path of Chaos

The Hatching, an event granting the greatest powers and abilities to all lucky enough to experience it. Humanity maintain what remains of their of their rule, their status as overlords threatened, by an insatiable foe - Human nature and greed. Rowin, a once normal teenager whose life was changed forever by the hatching is forced to adapt to his new life. Can he achieve his ambitions with the power granted to him by fate or will he fail and be corrupted by power, like countless others before him?

chaoswalker_7 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Tale Begins

Deep in space on the barren surface of a crater filled moon, a handsome man could be seen seated on a rock. His body was completely exposed to the fatal environment of the atmosphereless moon yet he looked entirely unbothered. His chest rose and fell making it look like he was breathing despite not needing oxygen to survive.

A palm sized, circular device was on the ground in front of him projecting a floating screen and keyboard. His fingers moved rapidly across the keyboard and his brown iris encircled by a silver light followed the words on the screen.

This man is non other than Ressay, The Silver Calamity. A man hated as much as he is feared. Currently, he is being pursued by both law enforcement and the scum of the universe. Yet he remains seated, a small smile of satisfaction on his face as he finally got the time to achieve two of his dreams at once. He could finally write a novel and his own autobiography.

"Now how should I start? Hmm, I know. A quick history lesson before we begin on my story. A very very long time ago, we humans conquered the stars and discriminated against anything nonhuman. But we only discriminate after taking away all the planets the aliens owned. (Isn't democracy fun?!)

Anyways, not so very long ago we experienced The Hatching. (It's a dumb name, I know). The first person to experience it was an old man on his deathbed. He was suddenly engulfed in a cocoon that resembles an egg and a few days later, he hatched. His body looked the same but he had gained something amazing. He gained an ability.

The ability itself was called body snatcher. And the first thing the old man did was snatch the body of a scientist who had come to study the phenomenon. At first, it was just the old man then it spread, random people on planets light-years away from each other underwent The Hatching.

The ruling power at the time tried to suppress the news but it all came crushing down when aliens experienced The Hatching. A war of unfathomable proportions broke out with the ruling power fighting off the aliens as the humans who Hatched reeked havoc to the civilization.

Just when all seemed lost, a group of The Hatched fought against the aliens. The humans won the war due to the numbers advantage. And like any good government, they sealed the victory through mass genocide. They killed every single alien species that participated in the war to send a message to the remaining aliens. (Was it a messed up thing to do? Yes. Did it work? Yes)

The group of heroes of humanity formed The Guardian Guild. A government for The Hatched humans that keeps the peace since people have to be monitored like cattle. Eventually, some people got tired of this and the Sleeper Association was born. (Who came up with these names?!). They were a group of The Hatched who just wanted to live their lives peacefully. They didn't want any responsibility to others.

That was a few millennia ago. Now, we have four groups. Or three and one unofficial group. The Guardian Guild and The Sleeper Association became universal groups for The Hatched of humanity and enslaved alien species. The Universal Government was formed to rule the mundane humans, those who hadn't gone through The Hatching.

The last group is unnamed since it isn't really a group. For every hero, a villain must exist. This so called group is made up of a bunch of people who want to watch the world burn. They cause destruction for reasons only known to themselves.

Over the years, humans invented a ranking for the abilities obtained from The Hatching. The three main classifications were Destructive types, Utility types and the Versatility types. Depending on what your ability could do one would fall under any of these categories.

The power rankings under each classification started from E rank to S rank. With E rank being the lowest and S rank being the highest. And recently a new rank was made, Z rank. In each rank, five divisions existed. Division 5 being weakest and division 1 being strongest.

This classification system also applies to Hatched Beasts and Hatched Threats. Hatched Beasts are a result of human compassion when we chose to bring the creatures from our original planet to any new planet we conquered. These animals and insects undergo The Hatching and becoming powerful and dangerous Hatched Beasts.

Hatched Threats are creatures, whether beast, alien or human who endanger humanity because they have intelligence. The humans who gain such a classification are all considered to be part of the unofficial fourth group.

This was the world I was born into. A world where the strong rule, the weak perish and the wicked prosper."

" Now for my story, I was born weak and sickly but I somehow survived childhood. My mother wasn't so lucky. I was seven when she was pregnant with my soon to be baby brother. Things were great till the hatching happened. My unborn sibling underwent The Hatching and my mother didn't survive the experience.

My brother hatched as a healthy boy with the teleportation ability. I hated that innocent kid. He took my mom from me and I hated him for it. I expected my father to agree with me but he didn't. He loved that boy, way more than I was comfortable with. At the age of five, my brother's ability was already rank C tier 1 with no limit to his improvement.

So, on the same day he got his rank, I left home. I took my mother's bank card and left for a different continent. The card still works since my mom left the cash under my name. I got to a different continent, pretended to be an orphan, got adopted, returned to the orphanage later on. I left the orphanage at sixteen and enrolled in the cheapest school available.

I was living the life I had chosen to live and it was perfect for me. But that didn't last long. An impulsive teenager who didn't exactly have strict parents or guardians to guide him doesn't really know how to handle some situations. There are a lot of things I'm not proud of and this stands at the very top of the list.

My first confession of love ended in the rejection of a lifetime. I remember holding a bouquet of flowers, down on one knee and a confident smile hiding my nervousness. Then the reply came, "Am I that ugly that you thought you had a chance?"

I couldn't believe it. I gave up on everything in that moment. I walked to my apartment, flowers in hand. Stared at the ceiling till questioning my life till it got dark, flowers in hand. Grabbed a rope and went to the nearby park, a bouquet of flowers lay outside the open door to my apartment.

The park was empty that night and the moon was bright in the cloudless sky. I found a secluded tree with strong branches and disappeared into the canopy.There I sat on a branch with a noose around my neck and the other end of the rope fastened to the branch I sat on.

I took a deep breath and jumped off the branch. The rope grew taut in an instant and the force almost tore my head off. Regret. Instant regret.

My life flashed past my eyes as desperately clung to the rope trying to pull myself back up. I want to scream but my windpipe lets nothing out or even in for that matter. I'm losing strength. I can't feel my legs. I see a light. I don't want to go yet. The light gets larger and closer.

At some point, it stopped being a small point of bright light and turned into a blinding wall. I can't see, I can't move. I feel warm for some reason. I need to stay awake. These were my thoughts as the blinding wall of light turned to darkness.

Hello everyone,

For those of you who might be confused, the first chapter is in Ressay's POV. The sentences in brackets are Ressay's thoughts or 'Author's note'. I will take over the writing from chapter 2.

chaoswalker_7creators' thoughts