
Chelo's job ends

"Chello!! Open the door quickly." Rangga called from outside the Chello barracks.

Chello who was sleeping suddenly woke up from his sleep and opened the barracks door.

"What's wrong? Why are you here? It's still early?" asked Chello in surprise.

"There's a letter for you from the center." said Rangga while giving the letter he got from the local army courier.

Chello quickly received a large brown envelope that Rangga gave him.

"I think this is a letter of proof that our task has been completed." said Chello as he opened the envelope he was holding.

With a pounding heart, Chello took some of the sheets that were in the envelope.

"It is true that the letter in this envelope is proof that our assignment letter has been completed. There are some that belong to our team." said Chello as he took out some belonging to his team members.