
In the city "Trone"

Trone is a well developed city having it as one of the best city in planet "Mars". It used to have many visitors from all over the Mars and even from other planets.

In the 21st roach of "Delot" area there are a few rich houses with billionaires living in it. 31/2300aj is house of "Mr.Sekhar Chane" chairman of the Shippin Pvt. He have a son and a daughter whom mr.chane loves to be with.

It's end of oct and the sky is going to snow. "Chand royd" son of mr.chane is off to college.

It was were new to him that day though he was frequent to college. Reaching the class wished all his buddies and then continued with his college work. Evening after the college he started home buying a roll to pass in time in way.

Reaching home he shared all his day chores with his parents and spending some time with his sis. Reaching his bed room he have a book as present by his father.

Before leaving to bed he thought of looking at it. It is the first edition of "PARTUM" the book of wonders. Royd started reading the book and found it mysterious from the day next.