

Royd read about the mysterious world introduced in PARTUM. Then he slept waking in a best mood next morning. As usual he started to colllege. His pet "Rogue' the dog gave him a send off. In the way he saw an accident then he helped them and reached college. In college his first class was Economics. He actually forgot his economic book and was punished. Then there was an announcement for the college fare. Then he went to his friend birthday party and enjoyed so much. He returned home.

As routine he spent time with his parents had his dinner and went to bed . He started reading the PARTUM.

He was shocked!!!!!!!!

There was a boy named Royd in the dragon PARTUM world. He have a dragon pet.

He used to go to wizard's college . Even was punished in his first class. Then there was a announcement for Dragon world anniversary. The PARTUM Royd went to party as Royd did and returned home.

Royd stunned by reading the story in book bought by his father a day ago mentioning the incidents of that day. Then he got an idea of reading next days incidents but it was in vain. He was unable to read next days incidents.

He realised that some magical force of PARTUM is stopping him to do that.