

In future earth Monica is an age old vampire who hunts on humans and lives life like a normal human being on future earth and everything is fine in her life until she comes across Chris with whom she falls in love at the very first sight and instead of killing him , she ends up proposing him , only to come across the real identity of him which leaves her shocked and the readers will also be shocked to know about the same as the story progresses which will leave everyone in shock and thinking more about the same as the readers will crave for more even after the story ends because sometimes the more you see something , the more you want to know about it

AbhimayaAryan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


But before the film could get finished , she ends up sleeping as she is extremely exhausted and tired as well with whatever happened the whole day , only to wake up listening to the bell and she stumbles across a fact that someone is standing outside her house as announced by the security system

Upon which she looks into the camera which is installed in her house to have look at the one who is standing outside which is installed in her bedroom itself and upon looking at it she comes across a girl who is standing outside her house which leaves her little baffled as she didn't haven't seen this girl before hence she just orders the system to open the door

But as soon as the door opens , she sees that the girl is nowhere to be seen anymore who was standing there just few moments ago and while she is thinking about the same that girl once again appears before her who is around 8 years old and seems like she is here for some kind of help which is visible through her action

"Hey , I am Stephanie but you can also call me Steph which is short , sweet and simple and sorry to bother you so late in night but I needed your help as my mom hasn't yet came back from her work and tomorrow is a fancy dress competition in my school for which she told me that she will come and help me with my theme dress", The girl speaks out the reason to bother Monica so late in night

"And what is your theme ?", Monica responds

"Vampire , I am going to dress like the vampires as I really like those creatures as they really have some cool powers wich everyone wants to attain", The girl responds with a reaction that she knows very much about vampires upon which Monica gives a wide smile to her

"Then I'll surely help you out because I like them too as they are really cool without any doubt", Monica tells to help her out with her dress for the next day competition and soon she starts preparing dress for her out of some black clothes which is spare in her wardrobe

And within matter of an hour she prepares a beautiful dress which will perfectly resemble the vampire and the girl can surely win the competition with some beautiful makeup on her face which will add more life to theme

"Here is your vampire dress and now you just have to put on some makeup while you get ready for the competition tomorrow morning while going to school", Monica tells her while showing her the dress who is watching animation show on TV

But when Monica stumbles in her bedroom , she comes across the fact that the girl already slept on her bed and so she just switches off the TV and just covers her with blanket while she herself settles in hall on sofa to sleep as it's already 11:30 PM

Only for her to open her eyes after a while once again with some whispering sound in her ears and as soon as she opens her eyes , the very next moment the very same girl who was sleeping in the bedroom is seen by her now standing right in front of her sofa and suddenly the whole scenario of the hall changes as it turns into a pitch dark jungle kind of location

And before Monica could understand anything suddenly she comes across a voice ,"Welcome to the Neopatra land and now you are going die for sure as it's impossible for anyone to come here and get out without being sacrificed"

And soon after that she sees a group of Neopatran vampires coming towards her because of which she also comes in her real form which is way more dangerous than her simple look as suddenly her canine teeths comes out of her mouth while her eye colour changes in pitch dark red colour like blood along with the fang which appears on her back in order to fly and defend herself

And a battle begins between them in which she ultimately turns out to be the winner as Neopatran vampires are still very new before her as this clan itself came into existence just around 500 years ago and hence she ends up killing whole group of the Neopatran vampires and once again after that the location turns into her hall which was just an illusion created by them

And now she really understands the warning of leader Shoma that she shouldn't really trust anyone because Neopatran vampires are behind her and if they are able to kill her then it will destroy the whole balance of the underworld and thinking about the same she once again puts on TV and plays the same movie in order to calm down her senses because the protagonist of the film is the only person who gives her a sense of calmness

And now she really feels hungry after the battle and hence now she brings out the meat of the person whom she killed last night and soon she eats it after cooking it thoroughly while watching her favourite movie which she can watch continuously on loop just because of the charming and breathtaking hotness of the protagonist in the movie

The very next day she wakes up to see that last night she actually ended up eating all the human flesh in excitement as almost whole night she kept on eating the remaining flesh portions slowly and steadily while enjoying her film because if which again had to go for the hunt of new person today and hence she again reaches in one of the local bars

And after reaching bar she starts waiting for a good guy to appear before her as she plans to hunt a gentleman today as she is fed up of hunting the cunning and pervert guys and hence she now wants to change her taste and simultaneously she stumbles upon a guy who is enjoying his drink sitting in one corner of the bar sofa and she gets kind of attracted towards him at very first sight

He is claded in a tight fitting tuxedo with the same colour from top to bottom which is pitch black in colour which is really complimenting his complex which is amalgamated with a beautifully trimmed beard which is adding more beauty in his looks

Soon after noticing him , she also decides to join him as she feels that she has finally got the one which she wanted and hence she starts conversation with him as soon as she settles down on the sofa kept before him

"I hope you won't mind me sitting here", she tells him while settling down on the sofa

"Not at all , rather I would like to have company of such a beautiful lady like you", he responds with a smile on his face

"By the way , I am Monica Swazsky and I work in a law firm", She introduces herself which leaves that guy little confused as he never saw someone who could tell things about her within few seconds of beginning of the conversation

"I am Chris Romano and I am an investment banker", He also introduces himself with a bit of awkwardness and confusion as well

And now she starts staring him from top to bottom and the more she looks at him , the more attractive he is looking with the passing time and she makes it clear that she will surely hunt him down today under any circumstances

As she feels that he will really provide her with many important aspects like beauty , intelligence and many other things as she knows about the level of his intelligence after having few minutes of conversation with him as she really cannot stop but just stare at him helplessly as if she is mesmerised

But she is feeling little awkward today to offer him to stay back at her house today which is also bit odd for her because she hasn't felt anything like this before as normally she has met perverts by far who don't even know that her invitation is death bell for them

But this guy is bit different as he is really not interested in her as throughout the conversation he just keeps on speaking about random topics rather than trying to flirt with her like others whom she has met by far while the situation is totally different here because she cannot even blink her eyes while staring him like perverts

But still she has to hunt him down and henceforth she now plans to dramatise before him , so that he should drop her till the house where she will easily be able to hunt him down and hence she soon starts the drama

"Miss , are you fine ?", He asks her as she cannot stand properly on her legs as she tries to get up

"No , I am alright and I guess I can manage ...", She suddenly falls on the sofa again while hardly trying to complete her sentence as a part of her plan

"If you won't mind can I help you out to reach your house , I mean I don't think that it's safe for you to be alone as you have drunk little too much", He stoods before her while providing her with helping hands

And that's what she wanted so she accepts his help without any further delays and within few minutes they both are in his car which is 2020 model of Bentley and is considered as vintage car which is very rare to be seen nowadays which makes her realise his taste for vintage stuffs like herself as she has decorated her house with many vintage stuffs which belonged to the beginning years of her life before she turned vampire

But after getting out they come across a fact that rainfall is heavily flooding the road because of which even his car got stuck in a puddle which wasn't visible due to heavy rainfall which led to water blockage

Which is left open because of which they decided to cover the distance till her house by walking as due to heavy rainfall no means of transportation are available on the road

And unfortunately due to heavy winds even their umbrellas too break leaving them helpless only to get wet in the rain but fortunately before the situation could get any worst as even his tuxedo buttons broke as umbrella gets stuck in it due to heavy rainfall and wind which soon breaks it into pieces

They reached near her house where she insists Chris to come to her house as he is too wet to fall sick easily which he tries to deny politely but she manages to make him come inside her house

And finally he came inside where she provided him with her uncle's dress who was an army officer and was as strong as him who died around 280 years ago and he was the only person she has been with throughout her life and this is his last memory which she has kept and it's very much important for her

And soon after he changes his clothes Anais prepared two hot coffee for both of them so that they can chit-chat over coffee and as planned she makes coffee for having chat

And soon they both started chatting as he tells her to move out once the rainfall gets moderate or low, but say it her luck or his bad fortune the rainfall kept on increasing with each passing moment because of which at the end he decides to stay at her place

But as soon as they get their places she could feel that he is not comfortable on sofa, as how a person of around 6'2" can fit in the sofa of 6 feet ? , so she tells him to take the bed as she can adjust in sofa as she is just 5'7" and could easily fit in sofa

Well as soon as he got comfortable on bed he dived into deep sleep while she keeps on staring at him unconsciously as she has never seen such beautiful face in her life before as he looks like a cute baby while sleeping peacefully that she feels like she should kiss him but somehow she controlls herself and soon she too falls asleep as she totally forgets that she brought her here in order to hunt him down and acquire his charismatic features