

In future earth Monica is an age old vampire who hunts on humans and lives life like a normal human being on future earth and everything is fine in her life until she comes across Chris with whom she falls in love at the very first sight and instead of killing him , she ends up proposing him , only to come across the real identity of him which leaves her shocked and the readers will also be shocked to know about the same as the story progresses which will leave everyone in shock and thinking more about the same as the readers will crave for more even after the story ends because sometimes the more you see something , the more you want to know about it

AbhimayaAryan · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Only to open her eyes at an unknown location which is dark and she really unable to see anything in her surroundings but still she could feel that someone is speaking in that very same place

" You have to pay for your sins as you can run but really cannot hide from me" , and the very next moment she hears someone screaming because of which she opens her eyes with heavy breathing only to realise that it's morning and this was just a dream

Seeing Chris standing right in front of her with a mug of coffee in his hand one of which he offers her which really shocks her as how come he knew about her kitchen stuffs ?

To which he replies with a charming smile," I really didn't did anything as all I wanted to do was to order the machine and it vended two hot brewed coffees for both of us"

But for Monica the most important thing is that she is spending the time with the most handsome guy of her life as due to heavy rainfall he is still unable to get to his house so finally he decided to take shower at her house with Monica's permission which she gives him without any second thought

And soon he goes in to take bath and tells Monica to provide with towel for which she takes out towel from the cupboard and goes near the bathroom to hang it on the handle , but to her surprise she sees that the door is not locked from the other side and hence she thinks to inform Chris about the same

But suddenly the door opens slowly and she gets shocked to see the scenario inside the washroom as she sees Chris standing below shower in his briefs closing his eyes towards shower with his back towards door and suddenly turns towards her with closed eyes because of which she is able to see his physique which is an epitome of term hunk

He is looking like a Prince for whom girls are even ready to die for with the most charming personality she ever saw in her lifedpan of 350 years and finally her forbidden dream of seeing what's inside his outfits comes true to such an amazement that she just kept standing there lost in her thoughts just staring at him with towel still in her hand

But fortunately she comes out on time by placing towel inside before he could open his eyes and see her standing in front of him she sits on sofa and surprisingly starts shivering which also leaves her little awestruck as she is really unable to understand of what exactly is happening with her all of a sudden as she never felt like this before ever in her life as suddenly her pulse rate increases and she becomes breathless

Because of which she catches the necklace made up of owl eyes and closes her eyes holding it tightly and starts praying Lord diancecht and after continuous chant of around 5 minutes , she gets normal only for her to see Chris when she opens her eyes

Who is wrapped in towel below the belt because of which she looks on the other side of her room as she thinks that if she will get attracted towards him then most probably she will again suffer the same problem which she faced just now as she sees him totally bare bodied while water drops still dropping from his dark fluffy hairs

"Actually I am extremely sorry that because of me you are having problem as .....", He was about to complete but before that Monica intervenes in between

"It's nothing like that as even though I live totally alone here but still I love when some gives me company because it's really boring after a certain period of time to stay alone and so that's perfectly alright as I am really enjoying your company

So don't worry but actually I should thank you that because of you , I am not getting bored because even my office will remain closed for next few days as the sudden strong rain led to damage in office building and hence it will take some time for the renovation as it's totally made up of glass and on top of that this nonstop rain, I could have gone totally psycho under such circumstances ", She tells him while still trying to hide her sight from him and checking her phone in which she reads the message and even tells Chris about it

As they are still talking but suddenly a thunderstorm voice hit her ears so hard that she hugs Chris tightly out of fear as she is very much scared to even hear the voice of thunderstorm right after she ate a person who has the same fear as she also acquires the weakness of beings along with their features, but as soon as she touches him suddenly a vision starts floating before her eyes

Which shows her a dark place and suddenly she hears screaming of someone as she tries to know about the whole surroundings through her clairvoyant power only for the vision to fade away as suddenly she feels his hand on her head and he is moving it to and fro on her head as if he is trying to calm her down as she starts getting breathless once again

"Relax , just take a deep breath and just try to imagine something beautiful which will help you to come back to normalcy...", As he is still speaking suddenly once again a thunderbolt hits her ears which makes her more anxious because of which she holds Chris even more tightly and just keeps her ears on his chest

In response to which Chris once again continues ,"Ssshhhh , just relax , let me just wear something as I am wet and even you will get wet because I am still not dry because water is still dropping from my hairs"

"No , please don't leave me , I am extremely scared of this thunderbolt voices as it's really very scary and I just can't ..."

Suddenly she feels as if she is burning because of which she gets away from him taking few steps back only to fall on the bed because of which even he also falls on her as she is still holding one of her hand out of fear because of which their lips touch each other

Which turns her crazy because of which she started kissing him madly, well he first tries to oppose her but soon he too got engaged into the act, and they kept on locking their lips for almost 5 minutes still in the same condition on bed on which they fall on it and soon she took out all her clothes and as it is against law for her clan to have sex with humans and if they do so their body can burn

So she took him in the shower once again and they became intimate in the bathtub and for the first time she got to know the meaning of happiness in her life of 350 years which is speechless experience for her as she never felt something like this before as it is sweet pain for her

The pain of surrendering yourself which is satisfying, the pain which has real secrets of life in it, soon after the act started she began moaning with orgasm as her whole body started shivering with that beautiful pain which Chris is giving her and with passing time he is getting more wild and uncontrollable like the climate outside

She never felt such magical touch in her life ever as of today which is driving her so crazy that she started breaking soon out of immense yet sweet pain which is magical

She never imagined that whatever is happening between them would take place so early but anyhow now it is reality and finally they both came out of the bathtub still wet while she is still in the sozzled condition lying in his arms and soon he took her on his bed with him over her and the same process started once again which ended after half an hour when both of them finally reached their climax which is intense

And no sooner they sle ep once again in the same condition with just a thin layer of bedsheet in which both of them were wrapped in only to wake up once again the very same evening where she comes to know that he has left her house but fortunately she finds him just out of her house getting wet in the rain

And shivering as well which shocks her to which she inquires him," Chris , what's wrong with you ? , Why are standing here and what the hell have you done to yourself, because you are shivering"

To which he replies in enraged tone," No, I am punishing myself for whatever happened inside because that wasn't supposed to happen"

Replying to which she holds his hands and said," Are you out of your mind ? , Because whatever happened inside was all consensual as even I was also involved in the act, so just stop this rubbish and come inside right now..."

But before she could complete her sentence the rain stops and hence he just walks away in the same condition towards his home without even uttering a single word

But I is not at all ready to leave him in the same condition, so she also started following him but soon her phone started ringing only for her to find herself still standing outside the bar and soon after that Chris comes beside her which makes her realize that it is just a dream and again he asks her to help out as she is really too drunk to be alone

Which now she denies as she really don't want anything to happen between them and surprisingly his car really gets stuck in the puddle the very next moment when he tries to cross the water filled road which even amazes her as it is the same incident which she saw in her dream or whatever one can say a while ago and soon after his car got stuck in the puddle

He comes out of it and again joins her as she is still standing out of the bar looking for the means of transportation in order to get out from there and he too comes and stands beside her with a statement with a smile,"I think nature wants me to help you out and hence my car got stuck , so now I hope that you won't disregard to join me because I'll bring you something sour to drink to get rid of your hangover as I really want you to be in your senses"

And soon he brings a lemon drink for her after having which she feels bit relief and soon they start talking while still looking for some kind of help for his car as well as mode of transportation and suddenly thunderbolts started hitting the ground one of which damaged his car which left him furious and helpless as well

But she ended up hugging him tightly in panic as she is really scared of thunderbolts even in reality but soon realized that she should get away from him in process of which her locket gets tucked in his tuxedo buttons only to break few of them which really scared her as everything is happening in the order of what she saw in her dream reality

And no sooner before she could understand anything one of the thunderbolts strikes the outer border of the bar where they were standing breaking it into pieces as it is made up of glass because of which they both started getting wet as both of them ran away from there as soon as the glass started falling down on the ground where they were standing which made her really uncomfortable

As suddenly he falls on her while they both were running from there and suddenly both of them lost their balance and ended up falling on the road itself which is quite embarrassing for her but anyhow he just got up and also helps her to get up from the place