
Parallel World Romance

Traversing a parallel world and transforming into a girl, Lucy Anderson initially desired a leisurely life at home, indulging in food and drink. However, she never anticipated being summoned by her mother to participate in a romance show. Of course, it's all in jest; falling in love seems impossible, especially in her current situation. Yet, despite her protests, her mother insisted on her involvement, treating her like a child. Just as Lucy found herself in this predicament, a peculiar passive heart system activated. Suddenly, she became the center of attention for male guests, creating humorous scenarios for the show. The first male guest exclaimed, "I bought this coconut for Lucy Anderson." The second male guest eagerly asked, "Lucy, would you join me for dinner tomorrow?" Not only the male guests but also the female guests couldn't resist Lucy's charm. The second female guest gushed, "Oh, Lucy, I adore you! How are you such a great cook?" The fourth female guest remarked, "She's so kind and gentle; I wish she'd marry me." Dumbfounded by all the attention, Lucy turned to her best friend for help, asking, "What should I do? It seems like everyone is confessing to me." (Don't get married! Don't get married! Don't get married!!!)

Vigilante04 · Fantasi
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5 Chs


"What?! They want me to be on a romance show?!"

The incredulous voice of the girl echoed from the room, causing Lucy Anderson to leap out of bed in surprise.

His mother this afternoon had no idea what had triggered such a reaction.

She had been approached and asked to help sign up for a romance show!

But that's just a joke, right? Falling in love is out of the question!

Being a girl inhabiting a boy's soul, she couldn't imagine falling in love as a girl!

Yes, you read that correctly. There's a boy's soul residing within Lucy.

She herself couldn't make sense of it.

For some inexplicable reason, he had crossed over to this world and merged his soul with the body of a girl who had recently drowned, his predecessor.

Her predecessor was an exceptional girl.

Despite not relying on family connections, she had been admitted to Huaqing University's School of Business Administration based solely on her merit.

However, tragedy struck during her graduation year when she drowned while saving a child who had fallen into the river. Although Lucy Anderson could swim, she had sunk after ensuring the child's safety.

Subsequently, their souls merged due to the circumstances.

It was as if their souls were intertwined.

She was supposed to have lost her strength, yet somehow summoned the last of it to reach the shore before falling into a coma.

According to her mother, this coma lasted for a full three days, nearly causing her to despair, fearing her daughter might never wake up.

During those three days, Lucy fully absorbed the memories of her predecessor's soul.

After waking up, he didn't exhibit any flaws.

"You're not too young, so what's the harm in signing up for a romance show? Besides, even if you don't want to fall in love, it wouldn't hurt to go out and meet more friends," scolded Angelina, glaring at her daughter who seemed lost.

Since recovering from the coma, he had been spending every day at home, avoiding social interaction altogether.

It just so happened that the entertainment company affiliated with the group was launching a romance show, prompting Angelina to request a spot for her daughter as a female guest.

She simply wanted her daughter to step out, socialize more, and perhaps explore relationships.

After all, Lucy Anderson had never been in a relationship since childhood, leading Angelina to wonder if there might be something unconventional about her sexual orientation.

At that moment, Lucy snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing her mother's words.

She protested in a childish manner to Angelina, "Mom~ I don't want to participate!"

"No, you should consider it even if you're hesitant," insisted Angelina.

However, this time Angelina didn't push the matter too forcefully. She just remarked, "Forget about relationships for now, but meeting a few friends wouldn't hurt, right?"

Realizing that her usual pouting tactics wouldn't work this time, Lucy reluctantly agreed.

Yet, there was a sense of unease in her heart. Love? Forget about it!

Love was out of the question! ! !

Meanwhile, news about the upcoming romance drama was spreading rapidly on the internet.

"Wohoo! 'Light Familiar Lovers 2' is finally coming!!"


"Last season's balala energy killed me! I don't know what will happen in this season!"

"Gossip, I heard that Reba, the guest of this romance series, will also come!"

"What?! Reba is participating in a romance show, so what are the other female guests doing?"

"No...I mean Reba is a guest in the observation room."

"Goodness, that nearly scared me to death."

"Me too, I thought the goddess was going to be snatched away by others."


Perhaps the first season of "Light Familiar Lovers" was very popular, so when the news of the second season came, it immediately attracted the attention of countless fans.

Especially the gossipmongers who didn't know who said that Reba would also appear.

Now it's even more enticing!

However, they didn't know that Reba, who was being discussed excitedly at this time, was secretly enjoying herself.

[Xiaoyan: Let me tell you, my mother really wants me to participate in a romance show!]

[Xiaoyan: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so annoyed, I don't want to fall in love! ]

[Orange: Sweet, hot, save me (crying/)]

Seeing these messages, Reba couldn't stop smiling, then quickly typed a response.

[Reba: I can't save you, I will also participate in a show soon (hug/)]

[Reba: Looking forward to seeing you being chased by boys like crazy, I already have a feeling there will be a battlefield, hee hee~]

This is serious business.

With Lucy Anderson's qualifications and appearance, there would be plenty of boys chasing after her, maybe even hundreds.

The question is, why did Aunt help her sign up for the romance drama?

Got it, I'll continue the rewritten text with the added information about Lucy and Reba being girlfriends:

That's right, the 'Lucy' chatting with Reba at this moment is Lucy Anderson.

The two are girlfriends.

Because Lucy's undergraduate degree is at the Shanghai Drama Academy, and he and Reba are classmates, and they also live in the same dormitory. Their relationship is very close, and they often bathe together.

So they kept in touch even after graduation.

Lucy even signed Reba to her own entertainment company.

[Reba: Alright, alright, I have to catch a plane tomorrow, I'm going to sleep! ]

[Lucy : Then you go to sleep, woo woo woo]

Lucy opened it subconsciously, only to hear a sweet voice: "Good night~ baby, I love you mua!"

"mua! Good night my sweet hot hot!"


Don't doubt it, this is how girlfriends chat.

Maybe there are flirtier ones than this.

And some that can't be shared.

However, after chatting for a while, Lucy's mood finally improved, although she was still quite upset about this romance.

But at least she can sleep tonight.

Covering herself with the quilt, she drifted off to sleep! !