
Parallel World Romance

Traversing a parallel world and transforming into a girl, Lucy Anderson initially desired a leisurely life at home, indulging in food and drink. However, she never anticipated being summoned by her mother to participate in a romance show. Of course, it's all in jest; falling in love seems impossible, especially in her current situation. Yet, despite her protests, her mother insisted on her involvement, treating her like a child. Just as Lucy found herself in this predicament, a peculiar passive heart system activated. Suddenly, she became the center of attention for male guests, creating humorous scenarios for the show. The first male guest exclaimed, "I bought this coconut for Lucy Anderson." The second male guest eagerly asked, "Lucy, would you join me for dinner tomorrow?" Not only the male guests but also the female guests couldn't resist Lucy's charm. The second female guest gushed, "Oh, Lucy, I adore you! How are you such a great cook?" The fourth female guest remarked, "She's so kind and gentle; I wish she'd marry me." Dumbfounded by all the attention, Lucy turned to her best friend for help, asking, "What should I do? It seems like everyone is confessing to me." (Don't get married! Don't get married! Don't get married!!!)

Vigilante04 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


A few days later, amidst the eager anticipation of countless fans, the long-awaited variety show "Lightly Acquainted Lovers 2" finally began airing!

This time, the program aimed to showcase the guests' status more effectively. The production team opted for a live broadcast format, with highlights to be later edited and shared on the app as recorded broadcasts.

As the broadcast time approached, numerous viewers were already gathered in the live chat room, eagerly waiting for the show to start.

"It's almost time! I can't wait!"

"I'm so excited!"

"I heard Reba will be a guest on this show!"

"Yes, the program team confirmed it upstairs!"

"I can't wait to see Alice Tang and Mr. Jackson; they're such a great couple in the entertainment industry!"

Fans expressed their excitement, filling the chat with their anticipation.

Within moments, the live chat room's popularity soared to over a million viewers, with most tuning in for Reba.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, amidst the flurry of comments scrolling on the screen, the show began with a ray of light.

"Welcome, everyone, to Penguin Video's popular social reasoning variety show, 'Lightly Acquainted Lovers 2.' I'm your host, Evan Wu!"

In front of the camera, former Kaizen host Evan Wu greeted everyone with a smile.

Then the focus shifted to the guests in the adjacent observation room.

"We have a mix of old and new faces in our observation room today, so let's have everyone introduce themselves."

After Evan Wu spoke, the guests in the observation room promptly introduced themselves.

The returning members are Ryan, Alice Tang, and Professor Snow, who were part of the observation room in the first season of Lightly Acquainted Lovers.

Joining them as a new member is stand-up comedian Jackson Bo.

"Hi, everyone, I'm the new member of Lightly Acquainted Lovers, Reba~" the girl in front of the camera beamed.

Her exotic yet radiant and delicate appearance immediately ignited the chat in the entire live broadcast room.


"Hey, sweetheart! Weren't you talking about kissing and hugging me last night? Why did you disappear?"

"Quit it, buddy! Who are you calling your sweetheart? She's clearly mine!"

"Wow, they're already daydreaming, and it's not even dark yet."

"My lovely Reba, why are you so adorable? Blow your wife a kiss!"


It turns out girls also have their crushes.

According to unofficial stats, Reba's female fans make up more than 70% of her fan base, while male fans are less than 30%.

So, Reba's female fans have a special nickname: "87," which means Reba's wife.

After all, who can resist Reba?

Certainly not me.

As for the excitement among the fans in the live chat room, Reba, who was currently in the observation room, was unaware of it since there was no barrage displayed in front of them. In that sense, it didn't differ much from recording and broadcasting.

Meanwhile, Evan Wu, acting as the host, took control of the show. He started with an emotional speech that resonated with millions, then proceeded to ask the guests questions like how they perceive familiarity or how a lightly acquainted romance differs from teenage love. These questions were relatively straightforward, aimed at sparking resonance and contemplation among the audience.

After some time, Evan Wu smiled and remarked, "The first impressions of our contestants this season will certainly differ from those of last season."

"The last season began with online chats, but this season starts with social circles."

"Everyone knows that social circles have become an integral part of life, so starting from there allows us to see each other's lives and statuses."

"Exactly, like me, I prefer posting on Moments."

Ryan responded with a smile.

Evan Wu smiled and turned to the other guests. "And Reba, do you usually share your life on social circles?"

"I do," Reba replied with a smile. "I enjoy sharing delicious food with my friends. If I'm tired from filming, I'll catch up on others' Moments and gossip a bit."

Hearing this, everyone chuckled warmly.

It seems even top female stars aren't immune to a bit of gossip.

But yes, that's how it goes.

"After all, gossip is human nature. It's like stopping to watch when you see people arguing while shopping."

"Actually, I'm not a big fan of posting on social circles. I rarely do so," Ping Ba had a different perspective on the topic.

Curious about everyone's thoughts, he explained further, "If my friends are curious about what I'm up to, they'll just ask me directly. I don't feel the need to post on social circles; they'll come to me."

"Pfft~" Everyone chuckled at this notion.

"Is that so?"

After chatting for a while, Evan Wu steered the conversation back, "So, after discussing our habits, I wonder what the social circles of our Lightly Acquainted Lovers 2 guests will look like?"

"Let's find out; I'm eager to see," he added, putting on his earphones.

Others followed suit.

When the camera switched, it revealed a picture of eight guests—four men and four women. However, their faces were not visible; only their bodies were shown.

The production team aimed to create a sense of mystery, but the director was confident that once that individual appeared, the studio would erupt with excitement. After all, this person had been a source of amazement for a long time.