
Paradise Pokeball System

Alright, so I could tell you some fancy synopsis, but you came here for Pokémon, so it's not like you don't know what is up. Instead, I am going to tell you a bit about the mechanics of my story. First! If you are looking for a journey that includes catching Pokémon and battles, you have come to the right place! But! The Pokémon will all get human like forms after they are caught, and will not be battling very much. They will be doing other things with Landon, the trainer, but I am sure you can rub a couple cents together to figure out what that means! Second! Humans will be caught, but mostly Waifu material. While some guys will be caught, there will be no gay stuff with them and the MC. The girls that he catches will be doubling as his Pokémon because of special skins they get for there poke balls. I could go into that more, but read the damn book! Lastly, there is a lot of sex in this book, but there is a storyline, so there will be times where the smut is spread out, or where it happens back to back. Also, the beginning is a bit rough, and I have to go back and fix some, but everything is straightened out later on. Sorry about that! Extra chapters @ Patreon.com/magic_ Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

Magic_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
196 Chs

Pawmi's Pride

[If you do plan on training, I suggest that you wait for a bit until you can reach somewhere that is more private. There are a good number of trainers in this area, so it might be a good idea to practice battling them some.]

I had just walked out of the east gate, but the place was much more lively than it had been the night before. There was even someone that looked like they were having a picnic with their Pikachu. I also saw all the trainers that were everywhere battling with wild Pokémon or trying to catch them.

'Are you sure that it is a good idea? I am kind of worried about everyone seeing my Pokémon,' I sent back to Cryo.

[While your Pokémon will be shocking for most, the world is filled with variations of Pokémon. Considering that you have proper clothing for them now, I don't think that you should restrict yourself to the type of people that you battle with. The clothing can not be destroyed, so you don't have to worry about them being exposed for others to see. This is going to have to be this way for now since Prisma is still so small, and we have yet to even establish it as a village, much less a city.]

Cryo had a point, but I wasn't sure who to challenge. There were a few trainers on the road up ahead that led into a canyon area that was surrounded by rocks, but who to pick?

Suddenly, Popsicle, my Pawmi, appeared in a flash of white beside me.

"Hey, master! Are you looking to see who we are going to challenge first?!" she asked with unbridled excitement, and I just shook my head.

"That was the plan, but if you come out of the ball too soon, they will know what to use against us, right?" I suggest, but Popsicle flexed her to show her small bump of a bicep.

"I am all that you are going to need! I will be able to take them out without a problem! Don't worry, master!" she said, and I just chuckled before nodding.

"Alright, let's go find someone to battle!" I said, and Popsicle cheered before running off ahead of me. "Hey! Don't run off!"

Popsicle ran up to the first person she saw, and it happened to be a woman that was older than me. She was in shorts and a tank top, but her backpack was strange. I narrowed my eyes at it, and my mind showed me a picture of the same thing from my own memories.

"Hey! Do you want to batter my master and me?!" My Pawmi asked, and then the woman stepped back in shock.

"You can talk?! And wear human clothing?!" The woman exclaimed as I came over and put up a hand.

"Hey, my name is Landon, and this is my Pawmi, Popsicle. She looks different than the ones you have seen because..." I started to say, but my brain started working in overdrive to give me too many answers that sounded crazy.

"It's because Landon is a Paradise Trainer! There are super duper smart specialty trainers that can make us smarter and prettier!" Popsicle said, and I shrugged. That was a pretty good estimation of it all without giving too much away.

"Oh? A special trainer, you say? And he is looking for a battle?" The woman asked, and my Pawmi nodded, making the woman smile. "I have heard about a new trainer coming from a strange place, so that must make you him!"

"Yeah, I am more than likely the one you have heard about. This is only my fourth battle, so go easy on us. I also haven't had a real match where we bet, so I am not sure how much we are supposed to be betting," I explained, and the woman nodded and waved for me and Popsicle to follow her over to a large open grassy area.

"Since your Pokémon is only level 9, I will use the same level as you, but I am not going to go easy on you! I am sure that you can handle it!" She said, and I nodded.

"I am ready when you are!" I said as the woman smirked, releasing her own Pokémon.

"Go! Jolt!" She said, and a small blue bird with yellow lightning markings around its eyes and talons came out. I could tell that it was a Pidove, but it was much smaller than the one that I had seen before.

"Popsicle, let's go!" I said, and my Pawmi nodded.

"Popsicle! Use Thundershock! Show her what we can do!" Popsicle said, and I watched as she unleashed a powerful electric attack that hit the Pidove hard, making it flinch and then back away.

"Good job, Popsicle! Now, use Quick Attack!" I said, and my Pawmi ran forward, striking the Pidove with a flurry of punches and kicks that sent it flying into a nearby tree.

Pidove tried to get up, but it was too weak and fainted as the woman smiled and called it back.

"You really are a special trainer, Landon. That was an impressive display. I would love to see what else you and your Pokémon can do, but I think that this is enough for today. I will see you around!" She said, waving as she started to walk away.

I smiled and waved back before looking down at my Pawmi.

"Good job, Popsicle! That was a great battle!" I said, and she clenched her paws.

"Told you I am the best!" My Pawmi cheered, and I gave her a hug.

Truthfully, she got lucky that it was a flying type, but a win was a win. I was sure that she was going to do great in the future.

"Do you want to try battling some random Pokémon this time?" I asked, seeing some more Pokémon off to the north.

"Sure! Let's do it!" Popsicle said, and we both ran off to the north to find some new challengers!