
Paradise Lost: War for the Crowns of Calamity

Varjo is a young boy who is abandoned in a strange forest and taken in by one of its inhabitants. Despite facing discrimination for his unique appearance and lack of horns, Varjo becomes a skilled hunter, bringing game to his caretaker. As he grows older, he begins to wonder about his past and where he comes from. One day, he is finally given the opportunity to leave the forest and discover the truth about his parents. Along the way, he encounters challenges and makes new friends, ultimately learning to embrace his true identity and place in the world.

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6 Chs

Withering Hopes and Changing Seasons

"Dear, would you mind explaining to me what exactly they are doing?" The Queen asked her beloved as she pointed at what was happening outside of the carriage. The cabin was drawn through the Lakewoods with greater ease and comfort, no doubt the driver acting out of fear of the Queen's attendants.

"Love, do not trouble yourself with such matters. Simply think of it as something to keep me occupied upon our return. I know our home will be in greater care with you at the helm" The king leaned over his partner to draw the drapes closed, blocking out the sight that had disturbed their mood. Planting a kiss on her cheek before vanishing in a puff of glittering dust.

Appearing atop the carriage beside the driver, who almost jumped out of his seat before the King pulled him back down. Sitting comfortably, as he spoke.

"Dioghaltus, I don't believe you need to leap out of your skin each time you gaze upon me"

"Your highness! Your penchant for appearing when I least expect you is something very few will ever grow accustomed to"

"Old friend, are you calling me dramatic, me, your king?" King Anu teased him while the driver focused on leading the cart through the dense forest.

"Not at all, my liege. I simply wish to understand what they are doing" His eyes flickering to the panting and winded pair of younglings that were chasing after the Royal carriage. Almost a full day had passed since their departure from Fis and the Anu wasted no time putting his new curiosities to work.

At his order, they were to follow the carriage with them being given specific commands to remain moving as long as they did, with the mention of a punishment for either one who fails to heed his words. Through the Lakewoods, past the Rivers Rin and Rua, the pair raced with waning strength, with Fionn using his magic to cut a path for himself to keep up while the young hunter's time in the Lakewoods imbued him the awareness of the best path to keep up.

Coming to the edge of Fis, the titular Lake that spanned the depth and width of several seas came into view, noted by the lack of salt in the air despite witnessing a sight that would have convinced any unsuspecting visitor that their short journey had led them to the coast.

For the boys, with nothing else to compare it to, the blue glass waters that flowed endlessly shimmered with a mystery as untouchable as the very sky and just as inviting. Despite its boundless depth, it possessed astounding clarity with the pair mesmerized by all manner of finish they could spot with surprising ease, forgetting how exhausted they actually were as they collapsed by the shore.

During the First Summer's Rains, the waters of that flowing into the Rivers of Rin and Rua are touched by the light of the Moons, creating the same effect of the Shimmering Pools. Under the influence of the royal family or with the presence nearby, the Shimmering Pools are made active, allowing the citizens of the Feylands to travel between their villages, towns and cities, with the added benefit of bringing a blessed touch to these lands to keep them nurtured and full of life.

While most would have traveled to the Lakewoods using its Rivers, the royal family have a special gate that they use to travel around, accessible to only them while they are in contact with the Shimmering Pools. Their most favored and least tumultuous path would be outside the Fis, deep in the Lake of Tairn.

Because these pathways between realms are only accessible under specific conditions, when they aren't in use, their magic is not sustained and is permitted to return to its more chaotic nature, being formed entirely of magic, they are malleable and fluid, always ready to be shaped by a capable force.

Parking the royal carriage near the banks of the Lake, the driver moved with great speed to attend the door pulling another lever to set a step-ladder out anchored into the dirt, he knocked on the door to alert the travelers that they had arrived at the docks.

Helping the Queen's aids out before the awaited Queen leaves the cabin reeking with a potent mix of perfumes and floral scents of an otherworldly nature. The source of them coming from the intoxicated King, still fast asleep.

"I shall awaken my dear beloved, please prepare our ship and…fetch my dear husband's playthings. I'll deal with him" She informed them before conjuring a handful of jolting sparks while the driver and her aids were quick to clear the scene, with the former rushing to drag the drowning duo out of the water while the aids approached the docked ship.

As though aware of their presence, the ship began to unfurl its sails with its port opening up to allow them their passage into its bowels. The skin of the boat was made of grand leaves, golden in hue of a tree not known to even grow in the Lakewoods with live veins texturing its surface and hardy branches strengthening their skeleton.

Giving the entire vessel a vivid and elegant design with the sunlight permeating its sails giving a shower of rainbow light as though they were stained glass.

With the vessel ready to welcome its passengers, the aids moved to unload all their cargo and prepare the holds to welcome their new guests.Stepping onto the bridge of the ship, they witnessed the sudden boom followed by a thick plume of smoke rising from the smoldering remains of the royal carriage.

Floating above with butterfly wings that appeared so delicate they could have been crafted from refracted light, the many lights and colors changing during flight. Looking downwards, a charred and soot-covered Anu stumbled out of the wreckage, coughing as he did as much of the smoke he could.

"All right dear, I'm awake and at your service" Waving his hands in a shaken stupor only narrowly avoiding the sparkling bolts she cast at him, rousing him to his senses as he ran for the ship to seek cover from her barrage.

Being the last to board, as her duty to rein in the king seemed to be the most frustrating, the port into the ship fused shut as the driver prepared it to leave the docks. He urged them to return below the deck to their rooms as the magical winds drew the boat into the flowing waters of the Lake.

Within the Royal Quarters.

Anu was busy quelling his beloved rage the best way he could, in their settled quiet, she found him calm and in control of his senses enough that he may be able to answer her curiosity with some reasonable honesty.

Not an expectation that would be fair to constantly ask of the King, with the burden of being the most talented seer among the Faefolk, his mind drank from the font of time allowing him visions of the future and past, whilst muddying his perception of the present.

Because of his unique affliction, the best way for him to deal with the knowledge possessing no peer, he must renounce parts of his wisdom that he has attained across the centuries, doing so allows him to accommodate his vast awareness without suffering from insanity.

Though none have had to see him change as much Queen Aisly has had to. Undressing from her royal grab and taking off her crown, allowing her bangs to cover most of her bewitching expression before leaning over the bedside to sit beside him as the ship swayed gently at the mercy of the entrancing waves, she thought to ask him:

"What have you seen in your little distractions that you found it necessary to invite into our home? I've never known you to possess any interest in the nurture of adolescents, so tell me, what did you see"

Brushing her flowing locks out of her face and planting a kiss on her forehead:

"I saw the burning of the Starlight Birch, splintering the Dusklight Willowood and bathed in the sap of the Elm of Twilight and the very beast that spewed those accursed flames. I saw something in need of answers that I don't not have yet, though I intend to find out".

He spoke with a strange focus that felt like an unusual departure from his jovial nature.

"What you see is what can be, not what will be. Remember to center your mind on the present" resting his head on her breast. "Allow my heart to still the storm of thoughts that plague you. Are you still me?"

"I am…"

"And them? Did they have a part to play in that vision" Running her fingers through his hair as she asked.

The king's mind fluttered between the thoughts her question arose in him, with the moments that followed the last two days. Once the celebrations welcoming the Royal pair had concluded, they were escorted into the Lakewoods. This journey was made with no other individuals aside from his chosen Knights ready to defend the Queen at a moment's notice.

Noting the same area of the forest where he and the young hunter encountered the Sol'ruaig stag, he couldn't help but think of what other kinds of fun he would have with him around. Queen Aisly's curiosity was teased after noticing his expression but she chose to focus her mind on the task at hand as Anu pulled on his reins to bring his steed to a stop.

Getting off and helping her down, he raised a hand to inform his guards to remain vigilant while they were away.

The knights remained at the ready, with no word of protest utter by them, they turned to the path they took, waiting side by side to create a wall that shielding the King and Queen from any wandering eyes.A deep emerald light shone from behind them before vanishing alone with the couple.

In the depths of the Jewelled Cove, beneath the mystical Shimmering Pools, they appeared. The glow from the pools bathed the underground cavern in an enchanting light, illuminating the treasures hidden within. It was a place of ancient magic, and only a select few were granted access.

As they stood in the cove, Queen Aisly and King Anu took a moment to gather their thoughts. Anu's eyes, usually filled with a playful gleam, now held a sense of purpose. He knew that within the depths of this magical place, they might find the answers they sought.

"This is where it all began," Anu said, his voice carrying a mix of reverence and determination.

"The Shimmering Pools, the blessed waters and the essence of Fis. It is said that within these waters lies a connection to the very fabric of time and existence."

Queen Aisly nodded, her own mind filled with wonder and excitement. They knew that delving into the depths of the cove held risks, but they were willing to face them together. The couple ventured further, guided by the ancient whispers of the pools.

As they reached the heart of the cove, a shimmering figure emerged from the waters. It was a manifestation of the pool's magic, a guardian of the ancient knowledge within. The figure regarded the royal pair with ethereal eyes, and without a word, it communicated in a language understood only by the most gifted seers.

Anu and Aisly listened intently, their minds opening up to the secrets and mysteries that were revealed. The guardian showed them visions of the past, the present, and glimpses of what could be. From the ritual once more, their eyes glowing with golden and violet light, surrounded by ancient symbols.

The mysteries of the ritual's end would only be known to the participants, with the people of the Lakewoods awash with the ruler's success, the gods blessings showered them with Shimmering Rains, raindrops that were illuminated with faint violet lights that embraced the grounds in a vibrant aura.

As the children went outside to play during the eve of the night, all of Fis resembled the night sky, lit with gems of every kind and hue dancing through vivid nebulae, alive as the backdrop for the gloam-covered city.

Among those participating in the celebrations were two different families watching the spectacular display unfound, with an understanding that they would soon be seeing their children off. The families, whose emotions were starkly different.

One of them, a mother figure, clutched her child tightly, unwilling to let go for even a moment, wishing that all . Her eyes glistened with tears, and her face showed a mix of fear and love as she faced the prospect of parting with her beloved child, who wasted no time in preparing for his leave, despite the heavy pit in his chest each time he saw his mother's silent tears.

"It's just like before, first I lost a dear friend, and now I may lose my child" she whispered to herself after leaving his room so that he he could finish his preparations

The other was host to all manner of congratulations from all the key heads of their family, most prominent being his father, who appeared more composed, patient, and willing to let his child go on this journey. Providing a stern reminder to the young lad:

"You will return as His Majesty's sworn knight, or you will not return at all"

Upon their arrival that morning, alongside their carriage and attendants the entirety of the Lakewoods were present as an audience that was ready to see them off. The King and Queen could not spend very long outside the seat of their domain, lest it remain unguarded. Their throne allowed them to extend their influence to all corners of the Faelands, and so did their watchful eye.

As Queen Aisly thanked each of the dignitaries for welcoming them, King Anu approached a smaller crowd, standing behind the two young boys, Fionn waved off the last of his companions before taking his belongings and joining him. While Varjo tried his best to console Nia, who was in the arms of Evaline, urging him to take care and not to worry her too much while he was gone.

But leaving them, she gave the young man a hug and whispered:

"There's a gift in your pack, but wait until you arrive at your new home before you take a look. She put a lot of thought into it" Securing the straps of his pack and sending him off. His gaze was locked on them, only shaken by the call from the King.

"Very good, it pleases me to see that you will not be leaving your dear families in distress. Worry not, for you will return bringing honor to them" Resting his hands on the young boys' shoulders, Fionn immediately bowed to show reverence while Varjo's mind remained turbulent as noted by how he stepped out of Anu's grasp on his way to the carriage.

"You should have been the one to give it to him, it would have meant a lot more to me" Ms Evaline seemed to be talking to someone in the crowd, as they all watched the passengers get on the carriage while their guards led their way through the gates.

"I don't want to get him into trouble"

"I see, well, you can be assured that he will cherish it, my lady" She said as caught a glimpse of the flowing golden locks that disappeared into the growing mass of excited onlookers.