

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Komik
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180 Chs

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 The Crystal Ball Prophecy, The Destruction Of Mariejois!

In the deep sea, there are countless terrifying creatures,

Even on Blue Star, humans have not been able to fully explore the ocean.

Not to mention this is the world of One Piece,

Even if there is Cthulhu Su Yi, it is not surprising.

However, in his perception, the sea monsters that appeared were just small sea monsters.

On top of this there are medium-sized sea monsters and large sea monsters,

"Little ones, go back to your respective posts, there will be trouble soon.""

Su Yi no longer watched, but stood up and said to the crowd.

"Hey, boss, what are you talking about, we're about to arrive at The fish men island."

"Yeah, look in that direction, that's the sun.

"I didn't know there was a sun under the sea, it was amazing."

A group of pirates were talking, unaware that the danger was coming,

When the spot of light gradually enlarged, someone finally noticed something was wrong,

"Hey, that spot of light seems to be moving, that's…"

I saw that behind the spot of light, a huge fish head appeared unexpectedly,

And that light spot is undoubtedly the lantern of this incomparably huge lantern fish.

"Sea monster!!!"

The pirates stared out their eyes, and their tongues popped out like springs.

Su Yi didn't expect anything from these guys,

He stood on the bow, looking at the lantern fish in front of him without changing his face,

As the lantern fish gradually approached, it can be seen that around the pirate ship, there have been more than 110 huge fish, and the number has exceeded ten!

"Okay, a lot!! It's horrible! Mom, I'm going home!

"It's over, we're dead. 39

"It's not The fish men island, it's hell! 95

The pirates have fallen into despair,

Su Yi looked around,


The lantern fish suddenly swam over and took a bite towards the pirate ship,

Su Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and a burst of energy radiated out.


The Lantern Fish suddenly stopped and looked at Su Yi with a look of fear.

Then, he fled far away.

The sea monster next to him also swam over at this time, biting towards the boat,

Su Yi's pupils shrank again,


Haki emanated, and all the sea monsters fled.

During the next journey,

Many sea monsters appeared one after another,

But they were blocked by Su Yi, and his mental power was constantly being consumed, but he had the power of thought as a backing, which could be replenished at any time.

Finally, there was a real hazy light ahead.

Then, the legendary sun tree Eve, who can transport sunlight to the bottom of the sea, appeared.

And beside Yangshu Eve, a huge bubble floated, half of it was the ocean, there were islands, and buildings of various colors, and there was a small bubble on top, which was the Dragon Palace.

"Arrived, The fish men island!!!"

The pirates can finally breathe a sigh of relief this time,

The legendary The fish men island, they finally arrived.

Moreover, they all felt as if they were separated from each other after having experienced nine lives.

I have forgotten the purpose of my visit to The fish men island this time.

Even, some people have been frightened and fainted by the continuous appearance of terrifying sea monsters.


Found the entrance to The fish men island,

The pirate ship entered the huge bubbles of The fish men island,

Breathed in the air with the smell of seafood,

The corners of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly,

It's a really nice place.

Maybe Sanji will choose to retire here when he retires in the future.

The pirates have stepped into the land of The fish men island,

The murlocs passing by suddenly looked over curiously.

"It's a pirate,

"But it's okay, we are covered by the Big Mom Pirates,

"Ah, although Whitebeard switched sides as soon as he died, our safety was also guaranteed.

Mermaid and fish people are one after another up.

When the pirates heard their conversation, they all grew their jaws.

"What, this place has already been protected by the Big Mom Pirates?"

"I thought Whitebeard was dead, so I could go here and loot the murlocs. 35

"How can it be repaired, it seems that we have come to the end of the step?"

Su Yi didn't have time to pay attention to these pirates,

He was walking on the streets of The fish men island, looking at the mermaid, he felt relaxed and happy,

It's a really nice place.

Mermaid Restaurant, Mermaid Cafe.

Suddenly, Su Yi noticed a place that impressed him,

Mermaid Cafe,

The cafe opened by Mrs. Shyarly, this person has the ability to predict the future with a crystal ball.

But what makes Su Yi speechless is that this man predicted two years later that Luffy would destroy The fish men island,


According to the fact that Luffy was standing in a sea of ​​fire,

So much so that Straw Hat Crew was hunted down by the guards in the Dragon Palace and disgusted by the residents of The fish men island.

So, ah, the magic stick kills people.

And, people who believe such foolish prophecies are even more foolish.

Because of a prophecy, a group of people who have not done anything as enemies,

It can only be said that this kind of guy is hopelessly stupid.

Su Yi finally understood why the Celestial Dragons would say that the murlocs are inferior races.

It can only be said that their intelligence quotient is really insufficient.

In addition, there are many places that make him want to complain.

For example, the murloc Arlong he had met, kept saying that the murloc's arm strength was ten times that of a human.

So theoretically, a child of a murloc could beat a human adult.

Then why are so many murlocs caught by human traffickers?

Could it be that their strength ten times greater than that of humans is not enough to break free from the rope or chain?

Taking a ten thousand steps back, the murloc's teeth are all sharp, can you bite with your teeth?

Moreover, after the great pirate era began, a large number of pirates flocked to The fish men island,

kidnapped murlocs and merman to sell,

You are ten times stronger than humans, so you won't form an army to defend against pirates?

Even if you can't fight on The fish men island, can you stop the pirate ship in the sea?

Murlocs can move freely even in waters with a depth of 10,000 meters, and can easily sink a pirate ship.

This kind of countermeasures that fools and idiots can come up with, but the people of The fish men island have not adopted them at all.

It can only be said that they are miserable for a certain reason.

Therefore, Su Yi has no idea of ​​saving the murlocs and letting the murlocs live in harmony with humans.

Why should he save these people?

Enter the Mermaid Cafe.

Su Yi ordered a glass of juice.

Drinking the juice produced by the fruit under the sea, Su Yi looked at the owner of the cafe.

"I heard that you can divination?"

Mrs. Shyarly looked at Su Yi in surprise,

A human appeared in her cafe and asked her to divination.

"I did divination several times, and it came true," Shyarly said.

"Well, how about you give me a divination once?" Su Yi took out a stack of Baileys.

That's what he got after auctioning Shock Fruit to Celestial Dragons,

There are at least a million Baileys in this stack!

"so much…."

Mrs. Shyarly was also surprised by so many Baileys.

She immediately collected the money, after all, this amount of money was enough for her to open a coffee shop for several years.

Then, she put her hand on the crystal ball.

Time passed slowly, and finally, a picture appeared on the crystal ball.

Su Yi's eyes moved over, and in the crystal ball, his own figure appeared.

And he was standing on the ruins of a building, covered in blood, surrounded by corpses.

When Mrs. Shyarly saw this, her pupils shrank, and she fell to the ground,

She was trembling and could barely speak.

Of course, if it is just such a simple picture, it will not make people lose their temper.

Su Yi had learned the result, stood up, and walked out of the cafe satisfied.

The ruins of the building in the picture, if I read it correctly, are the ancient city of the Holy Land Mariejois.

And the corpses in that place were all wearing space suits with their heads in the masks… Celestial Dragons!.