

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 The Fish Men Island, Destroy The Hody Gang!

Su Yi thought about it, and sure enough, he still wanted to go to The fish men island first.

Since she came to the world of pirates, how could the legendary murloc princess not see each other.

Moreover, the new Yoren Pirates of The fish men island did not help the Straw Hat Crew's strength two years later.

It doesn't matter if it's wiped out.

Thinking of it, Su Yi immediately activated the Thunder Fruit ability and teleported to the bottom islands of Sabaody.

Soon after, Sabaody Bottom Islands.

Island Pier 33.

A group of pirates are gathering in front of a pirate ship, and their captain is giving a speech before entering the water.

"Little ones, the following is The fish men island. When we get there, there are beautiful mermaids and fish men. Whether they are caught as playthings or sold for money, they are all very good. Are you ready!" "


"Mermaid, here I come,"

"Hahaha, I'm going to make a fortune!"

"Isn't there a mermaid that was sold for a sky-high price of 500 million Bailey some time ago,"

"Ah, that was the work of Celestial Dragons, and under normal circumstances, it would be seven or eight million Baileys.

"That's not a lot, just one stroke is enough for us to spend a lifetime!"

"You guy, you really have no ideals, do you still want to go back to your hometown?

Immediately, the pirates boarded the filmed boat and began to dive.

The pirates looked at the bubbles on the surface of the hull with some fear in their hearts,

"No problem, can this layer of bubbles block the sea water?"

"This is the best coater we've paid a lot of money for, and our safety should be fine.

"However, still a little scared, 35

"That's a deep sea, 10,000 meters deep, and the water pressure is very high!"

"Really, we are pirates, and we can leave our families behind for the sake of money! Are you afraid of a little bit of seawater here?"

After the initial panic,

When the pirates saw with their own eyes that the pirate ship entered the sea, and the bubbles on the surface did not burst,

Immediately became relieved.

"Huh, it looks like it's alright."

Suddenly, a voice unfamiliar to many pirates rang out,

"who is it!""

"Who is there!

"Anyone else on this ship?!

The pirates immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and pointed their firearms at the speaker.

Suddenly, a stranger appeared on their boat.

And, sitting on top of the cabin.

"Wait, this face…~||…"

A pirate suddenly remembered something, took out a wanted notice from his arms, and immediately compared it with the person in front of him.

Came to an astonishing conclusion: "The Great Pirate, Demon Hunter, Su Yi!!!!!"


The pirates were immediately stunned, their eyeballs jumped out one by one, and their jaws almost hit the floor.

"It's really him, he looks exactly like the one on the wanted list,""

"There's nothing wrong with this face, but why did he appear on our ship."

It's different from Luffy's kind-hearted person who, even if he gets a bounty of 1.5 billion, will have a cat and a dog come out and say that he wants to take his head.

Su Yi is the kind of existence who knows not to mess with at a glance.

Coupled with his tendon flesh, and the fact that he has just practiced Haki recently,

The whole person exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

"The man who participated in the Summit War and survived intact.

"A man who posed a great threat to Marine."

"It's the son of that revolutionary army dragon, the crew of the Straw Hat!

Pirates, you talked about Su Yi's "deeds of glory",

Even Su Yi himself was about to be embarrassed to say,

Just when all the pirates were frightened, they didn't know why such a big pirate with a reward of one billion appeared on their ship.

Their boss, the captain of this pirate group, came out.

"Really, why are you panicking one by one? He is only one person, and there are so many of us."

The other party held a bazooka in his hand and pointed it at Su Yi, "Boy, you only went out to sea a few years earlier than us, Laozi is a big pirate with a reward of 30 million Baileys just three days after going out to sea. You can definitely get two billion baileys in two years,"

The pirates were stunned for a moment, and immediately took up their weapons.

"Yes, there is only one other party, what are we afraid of?"

"No matter how powerful people are, they will be killed by bullets."

"His head is ours, hahaha, that's a billion baileys!"

Su Yi looked helplessly at the pirates below,

Really, it seems that I am also looked down upon by the cats and dogs.


He suddenly jumped out of the cabin, and a dodge appeared in front of the leading pirate ship captain,

Seeing Su Yi's terrifying speed, the other party's expression changed immediately.

But before he could say anything begging for mercy,

Su Yi had grabbed his face and threw him out of the pirate ship.

Here, but a thousand-meter deep sea!

Whether the other party goes out, whether to live or die, depends on his lung capacity.


A group of pirates immediately dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground.

"Brother, spare your life, because we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai.

"Leave us alone, I still have an eighty-year-old mother at home.

"I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you, just please don't kill me."

"I also want to take a look at the murloc princess, and I will have no peace if I don't fulfill this dream. 35

"Boss, you will be our captain from now on!"

All the pirates have become aware of the current affairs, they don't want to be thrown into the sea one thousand meters deep,

That would be absolutely mortal!

Naturally, Su Yi will not kill all these people, after all, they have to rely on them to drive the boat,

As a result, Su Yi briefly became the boss of the ship.

The pirate ship goes to the deep sea,

When you are in the sea, you can see fish swimming around.

The sun above the head transmits on the water, giving off a sparkling feeling.

Occasionally, a few beluga whales swam by, and that dreamy body gives a very relaxed feeling.

".~ It's so good, it's like heaven here.

"It should be easy to catch fish, right?

"I heard that The fish men island has no fish to eat, so let's eat enough here."

A group of pirates came to the side of the ship and looked at the sea outside and the scenery in the sea.

Su Yi hammered the barrel with his fist, "You guys, send me a boat!"5


"Okay, I'll go right away!

"Don't be angry, boss! 35

Gradually, the sun disappeared.

The surroundings became pitch-dark.

Only the record pointer faithfully guides the direction of The fish men island.

This ship is not a casual pirate ship. There are cooks, doctors, navigators, etc. on board, so Su Yi doesn't have to worry about the sudden sinking of the ship.

"Hey, did you know that even if there is coating, 70% of the ships going to The fish men island will not be able to return,

"Nani, why is this happening?"

"It seems to be because there are many terrifying sea monsters in the deep sea, and it is said that there are ghost ships!

"Ghost ship?"

"Sea monster? 35

"It's scary, or let's go back."

A few whispering pirates glanced at Su Yi sitting by the mast,

He lowered his head silently.

Forget it, compared to the sea monster, Su Yi's threat was closer at hand.

"Hey, look, what is that, the sun?" Suddenly a pirate pointed to a place on the seabed and said.

I saw that a luminous spot appeared there.

"Oh~~ there is still a sun under the sea, which is really rare. 39

"It seems that we should be approaching The fish men island soon, I heard that the fish men island also has sunshine.

"That's it, that's great."

The pirates immediately cheered.

It feels like the most dangerous moment has passed.

However, among the crowd, only one person remained calm.

That is Su Yi.

In fact, he had already heard some strange noises.

With his specially-trained vision, he clearly captured some huge creatures that were surrounding the ship at the moment.