
Overpowered odyssey

Embark on a journey through the vast and magnificent world of Eon, a place where time and space collide in a symphony of undiscovered wonders and treasures waiting to be unearthed. Follow the enigmatic and multi-faceted Eli as he leaves an indelible mark on the history of the universe, a complex figure who embodies the seemingly opposing qualities of brute force and scholarly wisdom, of teacher and destroyer, of killer and king. With his sharp mind and impressive physical prowess, Eli blazes a trail through the uncharted territories of Eon, uncovering hidden mysteries and overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles with ease. But as he climbs higher up the ladder of power and influence, his journey becomes more perilous and his decisions more fraught with danger. Will he succumb to the temptations of ultimate power, or will his quest ultimately lead him to redemption? Through breathtaking landscapes and heart-pounding action, Eli's story unfolds in all its complexity, leaving readers spellbound and yearning for more. ‐------‐-------------------------------‐------------------ #Overpower Protagonist #3D side characters #No simp #no Dumb MC #Brutal MC # World Building and Adventure This is my first novel, so i am welcoming comments reactions and advice in the comments. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts and POV. Thank you.

Judejayden · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: The Consequences Of Disobedience

The soldiers looked confused at first, but as the ground began to shake violently, their expressions twisted into terror. Taliyah could feel her heart pounding in her chest, but she refused to give in to fear. She summoned her Celestial Constitution, and the rest of the troops followed suit.

The tremors grew in intensity as a horde of dark creatures burst out of the broken barrier. It was a terrifying sight to behold. They moved with a sickening fluidity, their corrupted forms twisted and writhed in ways that no living creature should. Some were winged, flying through the air with grotesque flaps of skin that looked like diseased flesh, while others crawled on the ground like spiders, their limbs bending in directions that defied nature. The creatures had once been familiar animals, but they had been twisted and perverted by the dark energy of the heathen's forest, becoming monstrous abominations that were barely recognizable.

As the creatures flooded the battlefield, Taliyah's celestial aura shone like a beacon of hope against the darkness. Her Soul Nourishing Constellation illuminated the night, casting a bright light that revealed the true horror of the creatures that had invaded their world. The light of her constitution was like a shield against the darkness, pushing back the twisted forms of the corrupted creatures and holding them at bay. Her presence gave the troops the courage to stand firm against the onslaught of the creatures, to fight back with all their might, and to hold onto hope that they might survive this nightmarish battle.

Soju raised his spear, signaling the archers to fire, but their aim was uncoordinated, and many shots missed their marks. Left with no other option, Renjun gave the signal to charge into the melee.

Leading the assault, he smashed his shield into the stampeding creatures, using his short sword to slash left and right in a frenzy. Blood sprayed in every direction as he cut a path through the throng, driven forward by an unbridled fury..

The scene was a nightmare come to life. The horde of dark creatures was a writhing mass of flesh, fur, and scales. Their eyes glowed with a sickly green hue, and their twisted, contorted bodies were coated in blood and filth. Their stench was overwhelming, a nauseating mix of rotting flesh and burning sulfur.

The clash of swords and screams of agony filled the space. Soju was fighting like a man possessed, throwing fast spear attacks in every direction. He was soon overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies, and had no choice but to use his ultimate move to gain some breathing room. He unleashed the Celestial Spear before committing to a flurry of multiple 360 slashes, which cut through the creatures like butter. With his vision field cleared, he spotted Renjun and made his way to his side, before yelling at the top of his lungs for the troops to retreat.

"We need to retreat" he screamed again.

Taliyah's head was pounding, and her body felt numb as she fought against the horde of dark creatures. She knew they were overwhelmed, and their only hope was to retreat. But as she looked around, all she saw were her fellow soldiers falling one by one. She was in the thick of it, surrounded on all sides by grotesque and twisted creatures. Her ears were ringing with the intense high-pitched sound of their screeches, which left her disoriented and unable to focus on anything else.

She knew they needed a miracle to turn the tide of battle. That's when she spotted Renjun, who was also struggling to fight off the creatures. Taliyah called out to him and said, "Propel me in the air!" Renjun didn't hesitate, and he immediately raised his shield while Taliyah jumped onto it. With all his strength, he lifted her high into the sky.

As Taliyah rose into the air, she gestured with her hands and focused all her remaining spiritual energy to conjure the Celestial Sword once more. This time, the sword was even more magnificent than before, its aura radiating an intense brightness that illuminated the entire battlefield. The sword was larger and more imposing, with intricate golden engravings adorning its blade. Its weight was immense, as if it was the embodiment of the power of the heavens themselves.

With a resounding boom, the sword slammed into the ground, cleaving the earth in two and creating a deep ravine that separated the armies. The shockwave of its impact sent waves of debris and dirt flying in every direction, and the sound of its strike echoed for miles. The surviving soldiers were stunned, but as they saw the chasm created by the Celestial Sword, they understood the opportunity it presented. They quickly retreated and regrouped on the other side of the ravine, out of reach of the dark creatures.

As Taliyah landed, she was drained of all her spiritual energy, barely able to stand. She looked upon the Celestial Sword, now lodged deep in the earth, and felt a sense of awe and reverence for the power it possessed. She knew that it was only a temporary reprieve, but it was enough to give the soldiers a chance to escape the horrors of the heathen forest.

When Taliyah came to her senses, she was surrounded by her friends who were still fending off some monsters, she didn't know how much time passed but all she could see was blood and bodies. The original 300 members army had shrunk into 50 or so people. The sect walls were still quite far from their location, she knew they had failed to retreat, and they could not hold on much longer. She could feel desperation, in every action being taken.

A figure shrouded in black robes descended upon the group of survivors at breakneck speed, landing with a thud beside them. It was Ezreal, the Golden Child's ally, with a bandage covering his eyes. He wasted no time in commanding them to retreat before charging into the enemy ranks. The survivors were both frightened and relieved as they watched him take on the horde of dark creatures with ease.

Ezreal withdrew his spear, swung it with a casual flick, and the creatures in the vicinity were sliced in half. The others could only watch in awe as he created distance between himself and the group, drawing the ire of the remaining monsters.

Ezreal jumped in with a blur of movement, his black robes billowing behind him. The survivors watched in awe as he swung his spear with such deadly grace, slicing through the dark creatures like a hot knife through butter. The sound of flesh and bone being rent apart filled the air as he twirled and spun his spear in a dazzling display of martial prowess. The creatures were no match for him, and it was as if he was dancing with death itself.

But the beasts were not ones to be underestimated, and they fought back with a ferocity that matched their numbers. Their razor-sharp claws, jagged teeth, and glowing eyes were all aimed at the one who had dared to interfere with their plans.

Ezreal's senses were attuned to their every move, and he deftly dodged their attacks, sometimes narrowly avoiding their deadly claws. Soju watched in amazement as Ezreal moved with impossible speed, his spear a blur of motion as he took down the dark beings with a single thrust. His movements were so swift that it was hard to track his spear, which seemed to be everywhere at once.

His attacks were so powerful that they split the creatures in half, sending blood and gore flying in every direction.

As the monsters closed in on him, he unleashed his anima, the heavenly eyes. The eyes that appeared above the battlefield were gigantic, and their golden pupils illuminated the dark night, revealing the horde of dark creatures surrounding them.

The creatures, sensing their impending doom, rushed at him with even more ferocity than before. Ezreal dodged and weaved, his spear becoming a blur of motion as he took out the incoming waves of enemies with increasing speed. Soju could hardly keep up with his movements, and he watched in awe as the creatures fell one by one

As they retreated, the survivors witnessed Ezreal's true power. Ezreal moved with lightning speed, his spear dancing in his hand as he deftly dodged the creatures' attacks while dealing lethal blows with his weapon. He moved with grace and fluidity, his body contorting in impossible angles to avoid the swipes of the dark beings. He was a master of the spear, twirling and spinning it like an extension of his own body.

His eyes were shut tight, but he didn't need them to see. The heavenly eyes above his head were wide open, and they gave him a clear view of the battlefield. He could see the creatures surrounding him, their twisted forms and grotesque features, and he could anticipate their every move.

The survivors watched in awe as he continued his dance of death, his spear glowing with a fierce energy. Suddenly, he leapt into the air, twirling his spear above his head, and then plunged it into the ground. The impact was so great that it cleaved the earth in two, and a shockwave rippled outwards, knocking back the dark creatures.

Ezreal rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light. The left eye opened, and a powerful beam of solar energy shot out, obliterating everything in its path. The survivors were knocked off their feet by the force of the blast, but Ezreal stood firm, his eyes glowing like miniature suns.

Finally, the beam dissipated, and there was nothing left of the dark beings. The survivors were left in stunned silence, watching as Ezreal sheathed his spear and turned to face them. They knew that they had been saved from certain death, and they owed their lives to the enigmatic figure in the black robe.

The weight of the battle began to settle upon them. The smell of death and destruction permeated the air, and the sight of the fallen creatures and comrades lay strewn across the battlefield. The sound of silence was deafening, broken only by the soft sobs of those mourning their fallen friends.

The touch of sorrow was heavy upon them as they grieved the loss of their companions. They could still feel the weight of their absence, as if their presence was still lingering in the air. The tragedy of the battle was palpable, a reminder of the cruel reality of their situation.

The ground was soaked in blood and debris of body parts both human and animals. The weapons of the fallen, the memories of the terrors they experienced, the survivors could only watch the aftermath. The words "I have one rule: absolute obedience. If you don't be ready to lay down your life" resonated louder in everyone's mind. They disobeyed; these were the consequences.

While the group was analyzing the current state. Eli came through the north gate and addressed the group "These are consequences of war, your lack of experience coupled with your insubordination cost the lives of your comrades. It's on you today, it will be on you the rest of your lives." "Before we discuss punishment, clean up the battlefield, collect the dark cores, and bury your dead."

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