
Overpowered odyssey

Embark on a journey through the vast and magnificent world of Eon, a place where time and space collide in a symphony of undiscovered wonders and treasures waiting to be unearthed. Follow the enigmatic and multi-faceted Eli as he leaves an indelible mark on the history of the universe, a complex figure who embodies the seemingly opposing qualities of brute force and scholarly wisdom, of teacher and destroyer, of killer and king. With his sharp mind and impressive physical prowess, Eli blazes a trail through the uncharted territories of Eon, uncovering hidden mysteries and overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles with ease. But as he climbs higher up the ladder of power and influence, his journey becomes more perilous and his decisions more fraught with danger. Will he succumb to the temptations of ultimate power, or will his quest ultimately lead him to redemption? Through breathtaking landscapes and heart-pounding action, Eli's story unfolds in all its complexity, leaving readers spellbound and yearning for more. ‐------‐-------------------------------‐------------------ #Overpower Protagonist #3D side characters #No simp #no Dumb MC #Brutal MC # World Building and Adventure This is my first novel, so i am welcoming comments reactions and advice in the comments. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts and POV. Thank you.

Judejayden · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 15: The War Begins

As the soldiers heard the orders from their generals, they were hesitant and confused. They had just arrived at the camp and were not prepared for a full-scale attack so soon. They began to grumble and complain about the sudden change of plans.

The generals tried to explain the urgency and the importance of following orders, but the soldiers were not convinced. Some of them even went as far as to suggest that the new commander was a coward who was trying to avoid a direct confrontation with the enemy.

Despite their initial reluctance, the soldiers slowly started to follow the orders. They gathered their weapons, put on their armor and headed towards the north gate. However, there was no coordination or strategy in their movements. Some of them ran ahead while others lagged behind, unsure of what they were supposed to do.

The confusion only increased when they arrived at the gate. The soldiers didn't know where to position themselves or how to set up their defenses. They milled around aimlessly, muttering to each other and waiting for someone to take charge.

Finally, the generals stepped forward and started to give orders. They directed the soldiers to set up barricades and dig trenches around the gate. They assigned small groups of soldiers to watch over different sections of the wall and keep an eye out for any signs of danger.

Despite the generals' efforts, there was still no real organization or coordination. Some soldiers worked quickly and efficiently, while others dragged their feet and complained about the orders. The result was a haphazard and uncoordinated defense that was unlikely to hold up against a serious attack.

As the day wore on, the soldiers grew increasingly tired and frustrated. They had been forced to abandon their original plans and now found themselves in a difficult and potentially dangerous situation. Some of them began to question whether the new commander was really up to the task, while others simply resigned themselves to their fate and waited for the night to come.

The cold wind whipped around them, causing Eli's hair to fly in all directions. He couldn't help but shiver, despite the warmth of the sun on his skin. Looking out at the magnificent light mirror barrier, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sacrifice Rayden had made to create it. It was a symbol of the Mio sect's existence, a reminder of their roots and their fight against those who would seek to destroy them.

Yeshua appeared next to him, breaking him out of his daze. "It's magnificent, isn't it?" he said, his voice full of admiration.

Eli snorted. "The foolish act of a nostalgic old man," he muttered, though there was a hint of respect in his tone.

"But it became the root of our existence," Yeshua replied, his voice turning serious. "Even if some of us are rotten, some of us are still fighting the good fight."

Eli turned to face him, his expression grave. "You have saved my life, so I would lend a hand," he said, his voice low. "But remember, everything has to come to an end."

Yeshua nodded, understanding the weight of Eli's words. "A hand from you should be enough to solve our crisis, your excellency," he said, his tone respectful.

Eli took a deep breath, as if steeling himself for what he was about to say. "There's something you need to know," he said, his voice serious. "The barrier will crumble, and your purpose as a sect with it. Either you evolve or you die out."

Yeshua was taken aback by Eli's words. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice filled with fear.

Eli sighed heavily. "Rayden knew that the barrier was not a permanent solution," he explained. "He created it to buy us time, to give us a chance to evolve and adapt to the changing world. But we have not done so, and now the barrier is beginning to weaken. It's only a matter of time before it falls."

Yeshua's eyes widened in shock. "What can we do?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"We must evolve," Eli replied firmly. "We must find new ways to protect ourselves, new ways to live in this world. The old ways are no longer enough. If we do not change, we will die out."

Yeshua nodded slowly, his mind racing with the implications of Eli's words. It was a daunting prospect, but he knew that they had no choice but to face it head-on. The future of the Mio sect depended on it.

Yeshua bowed deeply to Eli, a mix of respect and fear in his eyes. "Thank you, your excellency," he said, before turning and hurrying off towards the sect's headquarters.

Eli watched him go, his mind already turning to what needed to be done. He knew that Yeshua would bring the news to the elders' committee and the sect master, and they would have to come up with a plan of action quickly.

As he stood there, overlooking the barrier and the heathen's forest beyond, Eli felt a sense of foreboding wash over him. The Mio sect was facing its greatest challenge yet, and he knew that the coming days and weeks would be filled with uncertainty and danger.

But he also knew that they had a chance to survive, if they were willing to change and adapt. It was a daunting task, but Eli was determined to see it through. The future of the Mio sect depended on it.

The night slowly descended and the atmosphere around the camp became intense as they all prepare for an eventual attack from the other side of the barrier.

"He is just bluffing look the barrier is still there" said a soldier. That lone comment allowed the army to relax and let go of their awareness.

Some soldiers lower their weapons to engage in banter and gossip. Eli who was watching the scene from above turned and left for his chambers.

Taliyah could not calm her instincts, before she could issue a warning message to the troops

A giant wooden club smashed through the other side of the barrier and landed right in the middle of the troops crushing some and disrupting the defense formation. The dust generated by the fall of the club dissipated, there were casualty everywhere, screams could be heard all over the place. The generals were disoriented and trying to think of a countermeasure and assess the situation.

Suddenly a giant hand came from the hole created by the club, cracking the barrier on both sides like a eggshell, the creature passed his giant head and body before someone could scream " Troooooooooooooollll " grabbing the attention of the survivors of the first assault toward the incoming danger.

Taliyah's warning message came too late, as chaos had already erupted among the troops. The soldiers scrambled to regain their composure and form a new line of defense, but it was too late. The giant wooden club had already smashed through the barrier, and the creature that emerged was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

It was a troll, towering over them at least twenty feet tall, with skin as hard as rock and muscles like steel. Its eyes glowed with a fierce, primal intelligence, and its breath was hot and fetid.

The soldiers tried to mount a defense, but it was like trying to stop a landslide with a broom. The troll smashed through their ranks, crushing armor and bone alike, and sending the survivors scattering in all directions.

Taliyah could only watch in horror as the scene unfolded before her. She had trained for years to become a warrior of the Mio sect, but nothing had prepared her for this. The troll was a force of nature, and it seemed like nothing could stand in its way.

As she tried to regroup with the surviving soldiers, Taliyah couldn't help but wonder: what other horrors lay beyond the barrier, waiting to strike at them in the darkness? The night was full of terrors, and it seemed like the Mio sect was about to face them all.

Taliyah's scream echoed through the night as she called out to her comrades, "Soju! Renjun! Hold him back while I reorganize the troops!" Her celestial aura shone brightly, illuminating the darkness with her Soul Nourishing Constellation. With a wave of her hand, she cast a wide area-of-effect heal on the troops around her. "Gather your weapons and help the wounded! Prepare for the assault now!"

The soldiers were inspired by her bravery and quickly began to regroup, tending to the wounded and picking up their weapons. Meanwhile, Soju and Renjun charged towards the giant dark troll, their weapons at the ready. The monstrous being was over 50 meters tall, with red eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light. Its skin was cracked, and dark smoke seeped through the fissures.

As they closed in on the troll, Renjun conjured up a light element spiritual shield to protect himself and Soju from the wild swings of the monster's fists. The heat from the shield was intense, and Renjun vomited some blood, but he stood his ground, stabilizing the monster long enough for Soju to climb up its arm.

Soju, with his spear in hand, ran along the arm of the giant troll with determination in his eyes. He ducked and dodged the wild swings of the troll's other arm, barely avoiding being smashed. Renjun provided cover with his light element spiritual shield, blocking a slam attack from the troll that sent him flying back, blood spilling from his mouth.

But Soju was not deterred. He leapt with all his might toward the face of the giant. His Heavenly Solar Spear Anima appeared above his head, glowing brilliantly with celestial energy, blinding the troll for a moment. This gave Soju the opening he needed to release his grip on the spear and launch it with all his strength toward the face of the troll.

As the spear flew through the air, it grew in size and rotated onto itself until it reached the head of the monster, lighting up like a firecracker just before impact. The dull-looking spear suddenly glowed with celestial energy, shining brighter than any star in the sky. It drilled into the skull of the troll with incredible force, crushing its brain and splashing black blood everywhere.

The explosion of energy from the spear sent shockwaves throughout the battlefield, and the air crackled with celestial power. Soju landed next to Renjun, panting heavily from the effort, and both of them raised their heads to observe the state of the monster after that last attack. The piercing cries of the dying monster filled the air, causing the troops to refocus their attention on the main protagonist of the night.

The Celestial Spear attack was a moment of pure awe and power, a testament to the strength and skill of Soju and the celestial magic that he wielded. The spear drilled into the skull of the troll, crushing its brains and splattering black blood everywhere. Together, they watched as the monster's body fell to the ground, its dying cries piercing the night sky.

The soldiers cheered as the troll was finally defeated. Soju and Renjun exchanged a weary smile, relieved that they had survived the battle they had emerged victorious, and the sect would live to fight another day.

"Maintain formation!" Taliyah bellowed, her focus honed on the shattered barrier ahead. Soju and Renjun immediately scrambled back to their original positions, realizing the error in their previous hesitation. Renjun's face drained of color as he felt the imminent attack approaching, and he barked, "Stand your ground!"