
overpowered multiversal cafe owner.

A 21 year old died and is reincarnated as an overpowered cafe owner.

Daoisty4n49c · Lainnya
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4 Chs

chapter 2

( have decided the first customer will come from the Percy Jackson world and from the Olympic pantheon, and remember this is fanfiction. I do not own Percy Jackson or other works of fiction I am going to use.)

I see the door open only to see Hades and his wife Persephone. I wonder what they are doing out of the underworld, it must be Persephone's doing, I should greet them using their names. "Hello hades and Persephone, what can I get you today"?

hades pov

How did he know us, I thought we hid ourselves pretty well, at least he knows me.

Persephone pov

a mortal knows use, wait he could be a god, I can sense a abit of divine energy from him. " Hey mister are you a god"?

mc pov

I heard her ask a question I thought nobody would ask. I decided to be honest and make some loyal customers. " Yes I am Persephone and lets leave it at that" I say to avoid saying my divine titles. I see them shocked for a while until they finally realize they have a card with 100uc. they read the signs with rules and what they can buy. they are shocked as I can tell as they never seen anything like what I have except ambrosia and that's divine food. they look around until Persephone orders first.

" I would like the enchanted strawberry milkshake with a stake meal" she says. Hades then orders after her. " I would like to order a abyssal black coffee with the typical American breakfast" He orders. I can see the looks of interest in their eyes and I quickly get to work. I quickly and gracefully make a hot cup of abyssal black coffee( which restores physical and spiritual stamina and enhances shadow power) and the enchanted strawberry milkshake( which induces calm minds and enhances mind resistance) and put them on their table. I then make the stake meal which is stake, mashed potatoes and some rice. I quickly put them down and head back to the counter. I see them eat and can even here slight moans from them, though they know I hear and go red. I can see a SMILE on hades face which shocks Persephone and me alike. they finish eating and I deduct 25 from hades and 20 from Persephone. I then head back and bring out a complementary soda(regular) and Persephone asks if I can make apple pie for their daughter melinoe. I didn't realize they had a daughter but I quickly made it and deducted 10 as it enhances ghost control and induces calm minds. I then see them leave and go back to the kitchen to prepare menu items and put them in a preservation spell. As I was preserving menu items, I can see that sally Jackson ran in here, must be trying to get away from Gabe for a while( her mind is not that well protected). I quickly go to the counter to see that Percy is with her. I quickly greet them. Hello sally Jackson and Percy Jackson what can I get for you".

Sally pov

I quickly ran as Gabe finally 'let' me have some time to myself and my son this summer. I took Percy with me around new York, stopping at candy shops( though he tries to make not spend money on this trip to save it for myself, I buy it anyway). He is a good but misunderstood boy, thanks to Poseidon. Why couldn't you have warned me so I could be better prepared, I love Percy but getting kicked from schools is a little tiring. I then see a new café called mythos. I wondered who ran it as it just opened today, but it seemed Percy was interested as well so I went inside and was shocked well surprised. I could sculptures of different mythological figures including Percy's dad. I then here him calling Me and my son by our name even though we have not been here before.

I got defensive, ready to defend Percy at any moment. "Who are you, how do you know our names?" I ask. " Well I also work for the more mystical side of things, so me knowing his name and parentage should not be a big deal miss Jackson" he said with a smile. I of course see he does seem to be kind but I am still apprehensive. But we sit down at a table with a blue card carved with a trident and Greek lettering. " What is this sir?" I ask as it seems ornamental yet I can feel the divinity in it. "That is a card to store this places currency with an exchange ration of 10:100 with only 100 per month" He told me. I look over and see Percy looking at the card with a skeptical look. "Hey mister, why are you giving away such expensive cards?" he asks as if the man wants something in return. "Well because I want to. Now the cards hold at least 100 starting currency that you can refill at the first of every month. If you feel unsafe leaving it at home, you can buy a personal holder with magic that keeps your card from being stolen unless you grab it yourself and can use it to get quick cash at the cafes atm. We also rent rooms if you need and other mystical supplies. there is an enchantment on the card to enter my café from anywhere if you wish by a door appearing wherever you are and when you walk out you will be at the same place you left" he explains without missing a beat.

That is pretty cool I think. But Percy seems to have another question. "But sir magic is not real though" he says, as I feel lucky for him not to be able to know his heritage sooner. " Well Percy have you seen something that should not be yet it is there?" he asks my son. I can see he is thinking and comes to a conclusion. " Yes I have" he says, almost giving me a heart attack. " well then, maybe magic does but you can't perceive it. Now what do you want to order" he explains and asks.

MC Pov

After my spiel they decided to order. For sally she ordered a burger with fries and enchanted coke, while Percy got fish sticks and mash potatoes in coke but with blue color. I of course got their meals done in quick time and brought it to their table. "Hey mister the food is not blue" Percy says though not rudely. I of course had a plan for this. " watch this Percy, I am gonna cast a magic spell. <<May your color become blue>>" I said with mystical tones and sounds which turned it blue to Percy's and sally's Delight. " thank you sir" said Percy. " just call me George, Percy" I said and they finished eating. " Come again" I asked and they thanked me and left. " well that was a good day" I said to myself as I close the shop and went up above to my room to practice my abilities.

-Mc's room-

in my room I decided to practice omnificence first. Using the book I was given as a reference, I first imagine the holy Fuyuki grail, its wish granting abilities and its evil. I then remove the evil and its weakness and limits, making a powerful artifact. It then manifests itself into reality as a cup of power which I can use as a summoning tool and catalyst for magic. I then make more things like a master sword and a fuinjutsu scroll. This confirms my abilities and now that I confirmed it I decided to go to bed for the next day.

In this fanfiction is borrowed ideas from gods cafe and many others. Also if you know, can you tell me how to add pictures to show the image, please let me know.

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