
overpowered multiversal cafe owner.

A 21 year old died and is reincarnated as an overpowered cafe owner.

Daoisty4n49c · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

-- in the morning--

I awoke in the morning refreshed and regenerated. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee and an English breakfast. I cleaned my plate and went over what I figured out from yesterday. 'I could create objects and magical abilities, proving my abilities work and exist. I should modify my statistics'


Body: 20-300



ep:90,000,000 _)

there that should keep me at top strength. So I then went out of the café and walked around New York, until I arrived at the museum that will set up Percy's spiral into his supernatural side. I walked in straight to the Greek mythology section looking at the art. I then made a list of the artifacts and made a little sketch. I then left back to my cafe:mythos. I flipped the sign open and started making coffee and stocking food when I heard the door open. When I looked around I was surprised who entered.

-Unknown Pov-

My name is Toshinori Yagi or known as All Might. I am the number one hero and I have received an injury years ago that puts strain on my career. I have tried to get my injury fixed but have not found anyone who could heal. I am on the rope to look for a successor when I cam home to find a glowing door in my apartments hallway. I instantly thought of a villain attack in my own home and called Nezu who I talked to for a job in UA. " Hey Nezu I think a villain may have found my home" I told Nezu. "How did you come to this conclusion All might" asked Nezu in a calm tone yet waiting for a quick answer. "I see a golden door in my hallway and nobody knows where I live, even the commission except you" I said. I could sense he was thinking of something, a plan no doubt. "I will send over Aizawa, myself and Naomasa to your location" said Nezu as he hangs up. I wait for them and as soon as I hear the door click I transform, ready to fight. They then come in with gear on and Nezu in Aizawas scarf. "Lets go All might" says Nezu. We head to the door and quietly opens the door, hoping for a sneak attack. when we look inside all we see are tables, a coffee machine and a man cooking behind the counter.

-Mc POV-

" Welcome to my cafe may I take your order" I say to the confused heroes and rat, bear thing. "Wait this is a cafe, not a villains hideout" asks Aizawa. "Um no this a cafe would you like to order" I ask. They seem confused at first and one tries at least to attack but can't do to the advanced security features and they sit down and pick up a menu. I leave them to try and pick their items when their cards are delivered. "Okay here are your personal cards used to contain the cafe currency needed to order. Here is a brochure to explain the functions of the cafe and the cards and upgrades you need, you have a beginning account of 100 UC" I said to them to clear things up. they order Ramen,steak meals and erasure orders wine. I deduct about 35 and 50 from them for drinks and their meals. I cook their meals and bring it to them.

-hero POV-

'these meals cannot be for real' said the heroes as they look at the meals effects. they all decided to buy at least ramen and steak, with each ordering their preferred drink: wine for Aizawa, sake for Naomasa, water for Toshinori and tea for Nezu. all with calming and body strengthening. they receive their meals and they take the first bite and was instantly captivated by their meals. they eat with gusto and drink with delight as they have not had a good break for ages. though one of them was wondering about a certain item. " Hey owner, does this really work" asked Toshinori pointing at a picture of a shot of vodka. " Yes it does work but it will take the rest of your credits" says the owner. The heroes see Toshinori instantly buy and drink it without hesitation. They then see a visible change as his strain is gone and they see something grow back. "I really feel it, it is gone" says Toshinori with delight. "hey owner what's your name" asks Toshinori. the owner with a smile replies "George Luthor". Toshinori thanks profusely and leaves with his brochure, waiting to come back as they leave as well.

-Mc POV-

Well that was an eventful serving. I then clean everything up, preparing for the next visit while I made myself some chicken for lunch, while drinking some apple juice. I hear the bell ring, signaling a new costumer. when I turn around I saw a few characters from one of my favorite movie/book series, Lily and James potter holding a little harry. " Hello potter family, may I take your order?" I asked making them confused on how I know there names. "Who are you?" asks James. "Well I am the owner of the cafe your in, I also rent rooms which you can read about in your brochure, by the way my name is George Luthor. " I told him. They still seem apprehensive yet sat down at a family booth looking at their menu. " Hey is there any baby stuff in here" asks Lily. "yes there is and here is the baby menu" I told her and handed the menu to her.

They look through the menu, not entirely believing the effects of the items, which new items with different effects appear for different customers. they order a light lunch, a few sandwiches, something to drink and baby formula for harry. they get their food and the customary enjoy. They eat and drink with gusto and I deduct the credits needed. "hey sir is there a recipe for this and baby supplies we can buy?" asks lily. "yes there is ma'am. We have infinite of that baby formula harry drank. and infinite supplies that always match the size and age needed, though costs 12 UC" i told her. She seemed eager and quickly bought them, with James sighing like he was worried about supplies. They then look at the room renting's and found one that seem to particular interest them.

[ A secret room meant for hiding people, it cannot be tracked or found like all rooms and costs 12 Uc. ]

Potter POV

"Hey James this is perfect for us" says lily. "But honey we would be leaving our home and harrys things away and our friends" said james talking in a tone that seemed to convey sadness. "Well I believe that the safety of our son is our top priority in order to survive" said lily with hints of desperation. After those words the owner headed over. " If you want I can solve your problems" he told us. "How can you help us?" asks James with hints of distrust. " Well for one I could create perfect replicas with man-made memories to live in your house as a Diversion. Nobody can tell the difference as they are perfect replicas and will have the same powers and quirks. they will be the target and you can come out of hiding when the man hunting you is caught or killed. I also can modify the room your looking at to be a perfect replica of your house with space abilities and perfect replication" he explained to us which filled us with aw. " What will it cost" asked James as it seemed suspicious to him that somebody would do this without asking for something. " Well the room is 15 credits and requires eight credits monthly while the rest is free" he told us and it sold lily and james as well. We bought a room and he immediately created a perfect clone of each family member.

He then touches our head to recreate the memories and puts them in the clones. He then sends them off and then changes our room into a replica of our house and we went inside. We explore the house and he even made copies of our pantry and the baby supplies are on our coffee table. This is a good place to hide. "THANK YOU, SIR," said lily. "Your welcome" the owner responded.

(There will be a time skip for the next chapter ok, this idea is not original I got it from Gods Cafe and other cafe fanfics, I do not own MHA, harry potter or other shows I may use, Have a good day, Signed author).