
Chapter 6

The guardians looked upon the empty space their lord stood just a moment before with wide eyes. Not sure how to react after the recent events.

"'Standing on the top of the world' truly an ambition worthy of a Supreme Being!" Demiurge said with a smile as his tail was wagging behind him.

"But lord Utgard is a Supreme Being, isn't he already at the top of the world?" Aura asked to no one in particular but still waited for an answer, which was provided by Albedo.

"But this world is not truly aware of that fact. Which means it is our duty to show them this truth." The guardian overseer said with a blush on her cheeks and wide eyes as she held her hands in front of her chest like a prayer position.

"A duty, we shall not fail." Cocytus said as a breath of cold air came out in excitement, already anticipating the battles he would wage in the name of his lord.

"That already goes without saying, Cocytus." Tisiphone said, having no intention to fail her savior in any way.

"S-Shalltear, a-are you okay?" Mare asked the sole guardian who was still kneeling, making the other guardians aware of her state.

"I, I apologize. After the shock from our lord's power… I am afraid my underwear is in a bit of a crisis." The true vampire said and Aura immediately pulled her brother away from her with a look of disgust.

"Hmph, not being able to hold yourself in a serious situation like this, you truly are worthless." Albedo said as she looked down at the vampire who wasn't exactly happy with the treatment.

"We just have been blessed by the power of our lord Utgard, problem is with the women who don't get wet in front of his power you get that you Holstein!" Shalltear hissed at the guardian overseer.

"Our lord deserves to be surrounded by the women who are the best of best, not little skanks that can't even properly control themselves! He can just get some pet for that! Is that what your role is?!"

"Hah, jokes on you! I'm into that shit!" And their arguments went on, not likely to stop anytime soon.

"Aura, I'll be leaving this… girl problem to you." Demiurge smiled and waved as he sacrificed… I mean he left Aura to deal with the problem. A course of action that was followed by the others in the area as well, leaving Aura in despair as he gazed upon the two women looking ready to tear each other and everything between them apart.

"I must depart now, a butler's place is beside his master." Sebas said and with a bow left the sixth floor.

"I must also go, now that I know what our lord wants to do, I must make sure that the third floor is ready to supply him with undead." Tisiphone said and teleported out.

Cocytus, Mare and Demiurge were the only ones left as Victim had left the moment Albedo and Shalltear begun their argument. Not that they didn't want to go back to their floor, but they thought that Aura might need some help if the true vampire and succubus actually came to blows.

"This is fine." Demiurge said and as he watched the argument, he tried to imagine exactly what kind of master plans that his lord was preparing in order to subjugate this world at the moment.

<Utgard at the moment>

Utgard laid down on his bed with his face pressed deeply on his pillow as he tried not to shout in distress.

After the high got from the guardian pledging themselves to him, he realized exactly how he was acting and holy fuck was he embarrassed with how he acted! He felt like one of those weird kids he used made fun of when he caught them trying to do 'Kamehameha!' in secret.

With a deep breath he got up from his bed and tried to calm himself down. Sure the way he had acted had been ridiculous but that didn't change his course of action. He wanted this world. He wanted to know the feeling of having power over the populace. He also wanted to taste the most beautiful women of the world so he probably should make sure that Demiurge wouldn't end up killing that holy queen, using her as a makeshift baseball bat wasn't something he wanted to happen.

In exchange of saving her life he would just take her kingdom.

Speaking of taste, he should also check upon the kitchen of the ninth floor and their resources. It wouldn't do well to rely entirely on the new world for food after all. Except for some residents of the tomb like Shalltear, Kyouhukou or Solution; their food would be dependent entirely on the new world.

As he was thinking further into the matters, someone knocked on his door.

"Enter." He commanded.

"Yes, my lord." Pleione and Gudrun entered his room and immediately knelt on one knee.

"Pleione, Gudrun; hope that you two brought good news." Utgard said as he looked down at the angel maid and the dragonoid guardian.

"Hai, my lord, there seems to be no problems with the mines under the lake, they are overflowing with ores as usual." Pleione said and Gudrun nodded her head to support the head maid.

The news they brought also brought a smile to Utgard's face. This was the best possible outcome he was hoping for.

It was something that he had noticed in the lake where Gargantua resided, one part of the lake had several caverns that had their pixels… wrong, for a lack of better term. So he had brought it to the rest of the members of the guild and they had all decided to take a risk by placing several rare ores in the caverns and then they started to multiply.

A bug, one that allowed them to create their own mines that couldn't be depleted of ores and would give out the ores they wanted. Through it's use they had even made the equipment of the NPCs even higher ranked.

Utgard had then written some nonsense plot about it in Gargantua's bio, something about his existence causing the mines to become enriched as long as the guardian was under the lake.

The fact that the bug didn't disappear with the game meant that Nazarick had ores that could create even Divine ranked items. And more importantly, if the rules of the ores stayed the same they could still produce Caloric Stones! A World Item that was completely specialized in item smithing and golem creation and also the only World Item that could be mass produced.

"That is good to hear." Utgard said with a large smile, making the guard and maid sigh in relief that they didn't disappoint their savior.

"M-My lord…" Pleione said and Utgard looked down at the kneeling angel. Pleione was fidgeting and there was a rather heavy blush on her cheeks, she looked really embarrassed.

"Rise, Pleione, and tell me what you want." Utgard said with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"…be-before I go back to my duties… can I pray?" The dark haired Angel stuttered out with her blush becoming even a darker shade of red.

"Yes." Utgard said, already knowing what was about to happen. He was the one who added this little quirk to her bio after all.

Pleione ran up to her lord and immediately went down to her knees with her hand in front of her chest and started praying with closed eyes.

"O' my great savior, I am once more grateful for your…" Knowing that her prayer would go for a long while, Utgard sat down on his bed and started to think how to deal with the kingdoms of this world. Not aware of how different the world he came to was to the one he knew of, though…

He probably wouldn't care much about it anyway.