
Overlord: The Witch And The Sorcerer

A confused Overlord arrives in a New World lost and alone; see how he will deal with all kind of situations while becoming the obsession of a certain Witch Princess whose destiny will be changed forever by a chance encounter! *** { For Support or Want to Read ahead Join:- www.patre-on.com/zerosenpaiwriter } *** {Discord Link:- https://discord. com/channels/573240827963244582/862360983035838465}(without space) *** I do not own overlord or this fanfic all credits goes to its respective owners. fanfic owner:-'ZeroSenpai' from fanfiction. net [https://www.fanfiction. net/s/13646184/0] support the author by follow him on fanfiction. net so that author can upload new chapter a little bit earlier.

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21 Chs

Chapter 1

"Normal speech"


(Silent magic)

[Normal magic]

{Change of location, time or POV}


The girl ran through the dark alleys, her white noble dress torn in different places.

Her long golden blonde hair shone in the darkness as her sky-blue eyes looked carefully behind her to see if someone was following her.

She turned aroundjust in time to see the wall in front of her. She turned right and immediately crashed into something soft and dark.

She bounced back from the collision, but before she could fall, a hand grabbed onto her and helped her find her balance once more.

The girl looked up only to see a giant of a man… or at least she thought it was a man, judging from his shoulders' width.

He wore a beautiful regal dark gown with purple borders. A hood covered his head and a mask was on his face.

The mask was black with no features apart from the two sapphires placed where the eyes should be.

"Are you okay miss?" His deep voice asked.

The girl had to raise her head as much as her body allowed her.

He was almost two meters tall and she was just seven years old.

"Yes." She said after a moment of hesitation.

The man removed his gloved hand from her back and looked around before his eyes fell on her once more.

"It is dangerous for such a beautiful young girl like you to wander around these dark alleys. Where are your parents?"

The girl's face morphed into a pained expression as a voice echoed in her head.

"I don't have time for this, Renner."

"Renner, girls shouldn't think about these things. You must think about being proper and good."

Her parents never thought much of her, or at least, they saw only what they wanted to see, a perfect silent princess.

"Uhm… what about brothers or sisters?" The man asked again and more pain filled her chest.

"You think you are so special just because you are smarter than everyone else! Insolent brat!" Her sister's words came back to her mind, followed by her brother's.

"With such a good visage you will be a perfect bargaining tool."

Tears threatened to come out of her eyes, but she forced them back. She swore to never cry again, to never care again for anything in this worthless world.

"Now now, don't cry. It isn't fitting for such a beautiful girl to cry." The man said, as he rubbed her head with his gloved hand.

Renner's eyes widened. No one ever comforted her. No one ever rubbed her head like this.

Her father was the king and her mother was just a noble, who thought herself mighty just for being able to procreate with the king.

"Now, why don't you show me a smile?" The man asked.

She looked up and suddenly remembered she didn't know how to smile or at least how to truthfully smile.

She smiled a lot when she put up an act, so fake smiles weren't a problem. A true one was a different story.

She tried to set the extremities of her mouth upwards.

"O-okay it will do for now. Uhm… how about you tell me what troubles you?"

She hesitated. No one ever really asked her what she thought about something. Revealing her personal thoughts to strangers wasn't a smart move.

He has been really kind to her, so she could at least tell him something not too specific. She told him about her life. How her parents were always busy and never cared to check on her.

How her brothers and sisters looked at her with envy for her mind. How she couldn't get along with any boy or girl her age.

He listened, but Renner couldn't read his expression thanks to the mask. When she finished her story, he nodded in understanding.

"I see, you are a noble then. If what you told me are your personal considerations about these people, you are indeed very smart. Remember that the lives of the ones gifted with such talents are often lonely lives. To be able to sustain such a thing at your age, I must admit, is quite praiseworthy. I admire your perseverance."

At his words, her heart began to beat faster and faster. No one ever said they liked her, let alone admired her.

Maybe some nobles, who tried to get a link to the royal family did, but she could read through their lies like an open book.

For him, a stranger who didn't know who she was to say such a thing was mind blowing.

"What is your name, sir?" She mustered up the courage to ask him a direct question. He looked down at her.

"Oh, I'm Satoru, a magic caster." He said. To give only a name would mean he was a commoner, but looking at his clothes, it couldn't be.

Now that she looked more closely, she could say that those clothes were of incredible quality and a mere commoner couldn't afford them even after a lifetime of work.

His name was strange too. Surely, not from the Kingdom. Maybe the Theocracy? Since he said he was a magic caster, that was probable.

Realizing it would be rude not to introduce herself, she tried to calm her shaky legs and gave an elegant bow.

"My name is Renner." She presented herself.

Satoru: "It's a pleasure to meet you Renner. Now, can you tell me why you are here?"

She thought about lying, but she didn't see the point anymore.

"I escaped from my guards. I wanted to see what there was outside of the city walls for the first time in my life."

"Ah, curiosity, another really admirable trait. I would love to show you, but since you escaped from your guards, it would be better to return you."

She beamed at his compliment and wasn't too mad at his decision to return her. It was the most logical thing for an adult to do after all.

"Where are you from, Mr. Satoru?" She asked the question that was on her mind for sometime now, but before he could answer, a shout rang through the air from behind her.


She turned around to see a part of her escort running towards her. They are three knights. One of them grabbed his sword and pointed it at Satoru.


Renner rolled her eyes before realizing that once she resolves this misunderstanding, Satoru will go his way and she will return to the castle.

She couldn't allow that. Not with the only person who made her feel that beautiful, warm sensation in her chest.

"Knights, stop right there! I'm Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, third princess of the Re-Estize Kingdom, and you are pointing your swords toward the man who saved me from a kidnapper!"

The knights hesitated a moment before lowering their weapons. The knight who was ready to attack Satoru moments ago bowed his head to him.

"Thank you for your help, sir. I would be glad if you could follow us to the castle with the princess."

Satoru seemed to be deep in thought for some seconds before nodding in acceptance. Renner internally smirked and the new warm sensation came back to her chest.

{Satoru's P.O.V.}

If Suzuki Satoru said he was confused, he would be lying. He was totally lost. First, he was sitting on his throne in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, waiting to be forcefully removed from the game.

The next thing he knew, he had been transported to a grass plain with his throne.

Back then, he had been completely lost and stayed there for quite some time trying to understand what just happened.

When he finally came to the conclusion that this was not a normal situation, he tried to move around. Fortunately for him, the Throne of Kings went to his inventory once he stood up from it.

To say he was nervous would be an understatement.

He had two World Class Items with him and the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, that was almost a World Class Item itself.

He flew around, trying to understand where he was and if it was one of the nine realms of Yggdrasil.

It was this careless flying around that causedhis first meeting with the inhabitants of this world.

Well, he wasn't exactly the most careful person, but in that situation, anybody would just jump at the opportunity to ask for information.

He approached a group of humans, asking them if they could answer some of his questions.

The conversation didn't even begin before they started panicking, summoning stupidly low-tier angels and casting low tierspells on him.

Since the attacks didn't even damage him, Satoru tried to approach them peacefully once more, only for them to attack him again.

In his irritation, his Despair Aura V activated and instantly killed some of them.

After that, they summoned a mid-tier angel, but he just obliterated it with a spell.

After that display, they were finally willing to answer his questions.

They didn't have information about what happened to him, but they gave him important information about his surroundings and the various nations.


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