
Overlord: In The Naruto World

What would happen when the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown Finds itself within the shinobi world? What would happen when a brand new soul finds itself waking up in the throne room as the new guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown? Well, the shinobi world is going to be flipped upside down.

itachi1010 · Komik
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3 Chs

The New World?

Within a throne room, one would find a skeleton that was currently sitting on a throne. To his right was a woman whose looks transcended common sense. But there were two eye-catching things about her, other than her beauty, were the horns on her head and wings on her back. She was not human, but that didn't lessen her beauty even by an inch, this was a beauty whose charm could lead people to go to war over.

Going down the stairs leading to the throne, one would find a butler who stood closest to the throne. to his left was a group of a females whose beauty also transcend the realm of common sense.

Everyone there stood there, not even a hair moving. it was like a still picture, or as if they were all turned to stone... the only thing that was moving in this world of stillness was the red flames which took the spot of eyes for the skeleton. The skeleton was looking around, confused as to where he was at.

'What? Where am I? Wait, is that Sebas? thats the combat maids... and thats Albedo.' The skeleton thought in shock at the sight before it. It froze for a second before it looked down upon itself and found it had a bone for hands, without a hint of flesh. it was a beautiful white bone, without a hint of dirt anywhere.

The skeleton's nonexistent heart began racing, panic, confusion, and excitement filling the skeleton. But a strange power or force suddenly acted upon the skeleton, causing all of the skeleton's growing emotion to be suppressed, causing the skeleton to return to calm and clear thoughts. As an undead, there was a cap to how much emotion it could feel, and it had hit it.

'My feelings were suppressed... interesting. it looks like I became an undead in both body and mind.' He thought calmly, before turning to look at the beautiful demon who was looking at him the whole time in confusion. He looked away from her and looked at Sebas... well, the maids behind him.

"Solution Epsilon, I need someone skilled in stealth to go outside Nazarick to see what has happened to the surroundings." He said calmly. Something about all of this scared him, was he trapped in the game where these NPC all came from? or was this in the new world where the Anime took part?

He knew for sure he could order them around... well, at least he guessed. this was also just a test to see if they would listen to him or not. After all, he should be their master.

Solution Epsilon is a slime battle maid and a member of the "Pleiades Six Stars," the battle maid squad of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Although a slime, she was a stunning blonde hair woman, with a figure that would make anyone's mouth water.

There were a total of 6 maids, the leader amongst the six was the Deputy Leader Yuri Alpha. Yuri Alpha was below Sebas Tian, and he was below the highest member of the Pleiades.

"Understood." Solution without hesitation stepped forward to take the task given to her.

{First POV}

"I have a feeling we have been transported to a new world, so be on high alert and be stealthy. I don't want any attention to be drawn towards us, but if the danger does find you, I don't want you to face it alone... so, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta join her." I said to which Entoma, the shortest of the combat maids stepped forward.

Entoma Vasilissa Zeta had the appearance of a young girl, and although she spoke to accept my order, her face didn't move.

I picked these two for a reason. Solution was an assassin and had high stealth capability, and Entoma was an arachnid who could summon insects to do her bidding. If she used them to scan the land, they could avoid a lot of danger or alert us for backup if they ran into trouble.

How did I know all of this? These here were all NPC from an anime called Overlord. In that Anime, the main character Momonga was in love with the game YGGDRASIL. He had created the strongest guild with his friends, but as time passed, he found himself to be the only one within the guild, surrounded by the NPC he and his friends had created.

As of this moment, I was Momonga. Things were pointing to look as if I had somehow taken over Momonga's body when the game came to an end, and Momonga found himself and the guild in the new world. The new world is the name given to the world where he found himself after he didn't log out of the game, and instead, he and all of the NPC came to life.

I watched as Solution and Entoma left the throne room, I sighed softly as this pretty much proved I was in the new world. YGGDRASIL was a game like none other thanks to the fact it gave the players so much freedom. the NPC here were all customized, down to their personality. In the game, you could have the NPC act in a said way if the conditions were met.

For example, looking at them for too long might lead to the NPC giving you a confused look, a disgusted look, a shily act, or whatever you programmed them to act like.

Although the game gave the players so much freedom, the NPC didn't have that. they shouldn't be able to leave the guild, and the commands I gave them were not something that was programmed into them. So, this couldn't be the game.

'I will go test and see how to use magic later... but what is the best move right now? thats right, should get ready to get that world item that would brainwash her.' I thought while thinking of something.

World items were the most broken items within the game, some even gave you the power to speak with the game developers to change something about the game. There was one item that could mind control anyone, this item could bypass all resistance and immunities to mind control. In the anime, it affected one of the level 100 NPC, and things could have been bad for Nazarick if they had given her a command.

Oh, the guild was called Ainz Ooal Gown, but the guild was within the great Tomb of Nazarick. 

'I don't remember the plot that well.' I thought with a sigh, I liked researching into anime I watched, this is how I know so much about the NPC here. I do remember a few things that would lead to the world item being used, but not everything. If one small thing goes wrong, then that event might never happen.

I also couldn't forget about Wild Magic. Wild Magic was a special magic that had the same effect as world items. Those with wild magic were immune to World items, but those with world items were immune to wild magic.

There were so many things I had to deal with, and it wasn't going to be simple. but with the knowledge I have of things, I should be able to get by in this world easily. And from what I know, every 100 years, players from the game would be sent here. so, 100 years from now, a new guild or player would arrive. I just had to ensure I had a good hold on this world before then.

"What is it Albedo?" Snapping back from my thoughts, I asked the beautiful demon who had been eyeing me, hoping for me to give her an order.

"I was wondering if there was anything you would like me to do." She asked with hopeful eyes. I thought for a moment, about what was the best move right now.

"Let's first await what is outside Nazarick, but I do want Nazarick to be on high alert," I said to which Albedo nodded while she set off to do the task, to make things quicker, she asked the combat maids to spread out to each floor.

Nazarick had a total of 10 floors, we were on the 10th floor which was the throne room. the lower the floor, the deeper underground it was. So, it was just me and Sebas in the throne room... and it was a bit awkward for me.

Sebas just stood there, awaiting orders, and I just sat there bored. I sighed while closing my eyes and resting my head on my fist. I went on to try and figure out the best way to deal with this new world, but such thoughts were thrown out of the windows when Albedo and all of the combat maids gathered within the throne room.

"I expected as much, the swamp and poison fog are gone... but what do you mean, shinobi were fighting?" I asked in confusion.

"We searched in a range of 10 km around Nazarick, north from us, and we saw a group of shinobi in combat. one side fleeing and the other following. I say they are shinobi as they moved and fought like shinobi. But the odd thing, they didn't use any spells or techniques I know of. they were spitting water from their mouth, with some controlling puppets with small strings which were covered in an energy unknown to me." Solution said causing me to frown deeply, although it didn't show on my fleshless face.

"What did you notice on these shinobi?" I asked while lining forward, truly confused as this wasn't in the new world.

"... they had headbands. those from the same sides seemed to have the same symbol on their headbands." She said to which I quickly had her go get someone to draw out the image. but Solution was an assassin and was skilled in such things. in a matter of seconds, I was looking at two papers that had the two images.

"I see..." I said while looking at the two symbols. I knew them. These were from Naruto World, another anime I had watched. One symbol was from the land of waves, and another from the land of stones.

"I need the mirror of remote viewing, have the guild be on high alert!" I said seriously while shooting up to my feet. The Naruto world? A world filled with people with the might to destroy mountains and such things? I didn't know how powerful those from the Overlord verse were, but I did know if they could handle such a high level of destructive power. they had hax, but not that level of destructive power.

"Understood!" Albedo said, unease seeing me so uneasy. I shot towards Momonga's room... it was weird that I knew where it was. but upon arriving, I closed my eyes and reached into the space in front of me. My hand reached into my storage and pulled out a mirror which I held in shock. but I put such thoughts to the side and went on to sit before the mirror to start using its ability to view things from afar.