
Outer God Adventure Through The World With Group Chat

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse. follow Kuro the first human to have join the the Outer God travelling through the Omniverse -------- First World : Mushoku Tensei -------- This my first time writing a fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know and i will try to improve the mistake that i made when i'm writing this and I do not own anyting except for OC

Yuuki_Shirogane · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 1 : Outer God descend and Group chat?(edited)

Outer God.

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse.

Even to this day no one has been able to reach realm where Outer God is, but after what it seem an uncountable amount of time a being finally able to reach where the Outer God finally reside but the being in question is actually a human, even though human are weak but they're tenacity is even more impressive in the eye of Gods.

And the name of that said human who have become an Outer God is Murakami Kuro, he has silver white hair that reach to his shoulder and has heterochromia eyes that on the right is golden eye that represent his embodiment of infinite evolution while on the left is wine red eye that represent his embodiment of the end,even though his eye represent two of his authorities, he has many more which he seals dued to dislike, like for example seeing everthing past, present, future he immediately erase that memory because he doesn't like knowing everything it's ruin the fun in discovering thing, he has a perfectly build body and is standing around 6,5 feet.

Kuro who is currently in a slumber while floating around in the seemingly endless void that is where the Outer God reside, after he became an Outer God the favourite thing he liked to do is sleeping and watching human doing stuff, but sometimes can get boring if that the only you do.

Kuro got woken up because it's getting very repetitive considering it's been 100 Decillion year that he become an Outer God, but to human that might be very long but to an Outer God it's actually very Young, considering they've live even before the creation of the omniverse.

"hmm what to do" (Kuro)

Kuro is Currently thinking what to do, he liked sleeping and watching human doing it's own thing but sometime it can get boring.

"should I just descend to the lower realm?" (Kuro)

"but what Universe should I descend?"(Kuro)

"hmm, well whatever I guess I just roll the dice"(Kuro)

Kuro create a dice out of seemingly nothing and tossed it into the air, He look at result went into thinking.

"Six- Faced World"(Kuro)

"I see it's the world of mushoku tensei"(Kuro)

Kuro said with a shrugged, before he was an Outer God He was Actually an otaku. So him knowing the Six-Faced World and the self-proclaimed god is a given. And he doesn't what to do after he get there. should he get the beautiful woman or just enjoying the world there.

"Well, I'll when I get there"(Kuro)

Kuro tear open a dimensional tear that lead to The Six-Faced World but before he enter it he decide to seal some his True Omnipotence so that when descend he doesn't destroy the world that he's enter, after sealing his power he enter the dimensional tear that he created. The Six-Faced World is gonna go through a change that no one could guess and the strongest being that is residing there should tremble before the might of the Outer God.


The Six-Faced World



In the seemingly pure white world of nothingness there lies a being known as Hitogami, he has blank white face coupled with a grin that eludes memory, which gives off the feeling that his face is covered in a mosaic. After giving Rudeus some advice on where he should go next he felt something that makes him and the white world known as void world tremble in fear.

"W-What was that?"(Hitogami)

when he spread his senses he sensed nothing and he just dismissed it thinking it was nothing. But the fear that the being or whatever it is that it will be dangerous for his future endevour in preventing Rudeus's child being born because the being that brought that fear will bring him to end without even confronting that him. So that's why he will warn this to his apostle to look said being that brought such fear into the Void World or himself.


The Six-Faced World

Outskirt of Millishion


In the lushful green forest that is on the outskirt of Millision,a dimensional tear suddenly appear and when it gets bigger someone suddenly steps out of it and the man that steps out of it is Kuro who final appear the Six-Faced World.

Kuro is currently wearing white T-shirts while the outer part is a black long jacket while the bottom he wears black jeans.

When the breezeful wind hits against his skin he knows that he finally arrived The Six-Face World but he doesn't know where he is and what it is so he uses his omniscience. After knowing he was in the outskirt of Millision and currently on the year K422, he stop using his omniscient.

"So it's been 7 years after the teleport incident and Rudeus is already enroll to Ranoa Magic Academy with Elinalise and it's already four month."(Kuro)

Kuro Muttered under his breath just shrugged and decided to walk to Millision. After arriving at the entrance of Millision, when he saw the line that lead to entrance he decide he doesn't want to deal long line and he doesn't even have an identity so he teleport himself into the city, after teleporting he appear in backalley he decide that he need an adventure card.

Afte trevarsing the backalley he finally arrived at the main road but he has to say it's a bustling city teeming with life but his though was broken by everyone word of him when he heard what they have to say and it is pretty weird, even he looks handsome if he were to go to modern world but to the people of this he look weird considering what he wear and his mismatch color eyes.

But he just shrugged it and decide to the adventure guild, after few minute of walking he finally found the adventure guild it's pretty big. So without futher a do he entered the building after entereing he many people some drinking in the middle of the day while the either talking with they're party member or looking at the quest board.after looking for a bit he goes to the reception desk. When the receptionist notice him and she ask.

"What do you need sir?"(Receptionist)

"I want register myself as an adventurer ma'am"(Kuro)

"I see then please wait a moment"(Receptionist)

He waited for a moment until the Recepcionist brought with what it seem to a with block with rune or something with a card on top, after placing the block on the desk she said to Kuro

"please put your hand on top of the block and the card"(Receptionist)

When he put his hand on the top of the block, the block suddenly glow for after a second the glow die down. The Receptionist ask if kuro does have any party member and he said no after that his register I finally done after registering he decide to look at his guild card what is pretty accurate.

[Name : Murasaki Kuro

Gender : Male

Race : Outer God

Age : 100 decillion years old

Job : ------

Rank : F

Party : None]

After looking at the guild specifficly on the age part because to him it's only like a year or two but to live a 100 decillion is crazy but he just shrugged it like it was nothing.

'I guess being an Outer God age really doesn't to it it's just a number in the infinite flow of time.'(Kuro)

After that he put his guild card in the sub dimensional space that created to store that he created In the past to put he stuff, he decide go out when got out of the adventure guild he look at the sky and its already evening so he decided to find an inn to sleep or he could just sleep in sub dimensional space that he create, after thinking for sometime he decided to find and inn and then grab dinner even though Outer God doesn't need to eat he just want how it feel like to eat even though it been so long.

After walking for sometime he finally found an inn to stay, when he enter the inn immediately go to counter get some room and some dinner.

"what do you want kid?"(InnKeeper)

"well I want get a room and some dinner"

"I see that will be 1 millis silver coin and 5 millis large copper coin"

Kuro reach out to his pocket and took the coin that he create when he was trying to find the adventure guild after paying he go to an empty table to wait out on his food, but if he has to the in is bustling right now, while waiting for his food he decided to think what to do for the next day but thought were broken out when a Waitress deliver his food.

"Thank you for your waiting sir"(Waitress)

She place the food in front of me, what she brought was a steak, a soup, a bread and an ale after she placing the food the Waitress she immediately leave for him eat his food and start serving other people but if he has to say the food here looks amazing, when he taste it it taste amazing he doesn't know if it because so long or not but doesn't care.

After he finished his food decide call it a night and go to his room when he entered his it's not that big and not that small, he sat on the be d thinking for his next move.

"What should I do?"(Kuro)

"Should I go to Ranoa Magic University or just explore the first, money is not a problem I could just create the amount of money that I need"(Kuro)

Even though his power is currently sealed it doesn't mean that he can't create a simple coin if he can't even create simple while he's sealed he shouldn't even be ana Outer God.

"hmm, I should just sleep first and then think on the next day"(Kuro)

So with that kind thought he change into outfit to that of a pajama and then he tuck himself on bed sleeping like a log for the next day, but unknown to him Hitogami apostle is already when on the move trying to find the being that made even God like him to be so afraid.


The Six-Faced World



Rudeus who is currently sleeping suddenly got brought into the dream where he always meet with Hitogami.

"what do you want from me right now?"(Rudeus)

"hmm can't I just have some companion to talk to from time to considering it's very lonely for me here"(Hitogami)


"Well enough messing around, I just called you here because someone just entered into this world"(Hitogami)

"hmm what do you mean?"(Rudeus)

"What I mean is someone or somebeing just entered into this world just like you but this time the being that enter it is lot more powerful that even made me fear it"(Hitogami

Hitogami said it with bit of fear in it, when Rudeus heard that he was shock because someone or some being just entered into this what's more shocking is that Hitogami feared this being. If the being that make even hitogami who is a God feared it that that being probably strong just like Orsted.

When Rudeus thought about Orsted he got scared because It always reminded him of how he almost died fighting him.

"So that why I want you to becareful when meeting this being that I mentioned"(Hitogami)

"even though you said to becarefull how I know what this being trully look like"(Rudeus)

"Well just becarefull alright. Well that what I want to tell so goodbye"(Hitogami)


Before he could say anything he was ejected for the dream Hitogami Pulled him into.

"well I've already warn him I just hope that the being that entered this world doesn't ally with Orsted or else I would be dead"(Hitogami)

To Hitogami this matters is lot more complicated unlike Rudeus child because he doesn't know what this being name or what he looks like so that's why he became very paranoid and after the unknown being that came to this world he can't see anything through his future anymore the being came to this world is not just strong, dangerous, but also unpredictable so that's why him being a paranoid is given.




In the seemingly black void that Kuro appear another that is currently searching for him and the being that currently searching for is Nyarlathotep or commonly known as The Crawling Chaos, her current appearance isn't the same as those in the legend, the reason it was called "she" it was because she was trying to corrupt Kuro, because in the past Kuro fought Nyarlathotep the reason why is because why should a weak human like him became join the rank of the Outer God, Kuro hears that doesn't like it so he challenge Nyarlathotep into fighting him, and they're fight bilion upon billion of Universe were destroyed, and in the end the is Kuro who barely win against Nyarlathotep because if it was him having infinite evolution the he wouldn't even win against Nyarlathothep, he could win if he used his power over the end bring Nyarlathotep to an end But he doesn't know if it would work.

Thankfully after the battle Kuro felt kinda bad that his and Nyarlathotep fighting destroyed those billion universe so he reversed the time that the universe that were destroyed to the time before his fight with Nyarlathotep, so that's why it change to she because to corrupt him.

After defeating Nyarlathotep, Nyarlathotep suddenly change from giant blob into that of the human shape woman, Her appearance is that of a gorgeous demoness. In her new form, there's a habit hangs from the two massive black and pink-lined curved horns extending from the sides of her head. Her black hair (with pink tips) now flows in twisting locks behind her and on her forehead lays three vertical dots similar to those of Savior or in this case, it's a world destruction mark. Her attire has become that of a revealing long golden coat with belled sleeves and thigh-high pink boots. Her usually pitch-black eyes now turned golden with a black slit. She has a devastating curvaceous and voluptuous body that would make any man drool and overcome by lust if they gaze at her body long enough. Especially her bountiful chest and firm yet perky butt and also slim waist.

"hmm where are you Kuro, don't you usually sleeping here in the void?"(Nyarlathotep)

The reason why she searching for is because she want corrupt him because after losing to him Nyarlathotep doesn't know why her heart starting beating fast, when she lose to this human because this the first time weak creature like human could ever defied and defeated an Outer God like her and when she was defeated the first thought that came to her was make him her and no one else.

So that's why she has been doing this for 100 decillion years but he still hasn't notice her feeling for him considering she always says that she want to corrupt him. And to those who doesn't know what corrupt mean to her is to make them fallen head over her so that's why he always gets way whenever there is Nyarlathotep.

"hmm if he's not here now where. Could. He. be?"(Nyalathotep)

Nyarlathotep said that with a bit madness in it. she try sending her senses but it seems that he isn't here anymore so she started thinking hon where he could be when she sense a dimensional tear in the void she tried to traces it where it ends and when she found where it end she was ecstatic because the traces where it end has actually one of the many avatar she has so she immediately create the same dimensional send apart of her soul to the avatar that is currently on The Six-Faced World.

"this time I'll make you mine and mine alone and no else will have you and anyone that will try to hurt die by my hand"(Nyarlathotep)

Nyarlathotep said it with a complete madness and insanity that the void that she's in tremble against her might.


The Six-Faced

Millishion Great Church


Millishion Great Church is the Headquarters and the center of faith of the Milis Religion, the world's largest religious organization which is a 4 storey building with a golden onion-shaped dome at the top and has 4 courtyards matching the 4 seasons respectively.

Currently one person is in the Great Church praying and in the middle of a night, she looks to be reaching her tweties has black flowy hair that reaches to her knee, when she open her revealed a blue sky eyes that shows her little, and she has a bodacious body that even when she's wearing her priestess outfit it still show shows her curvaceous body.

When she's about to stand up and go back to her she suddenly froze and fell to floor, after about a minute or so her body start moving when she open her eyes it's not the same color blue sky but golden one with black hue on the middle.

"he he hehehe, this time I'll make sure to corrupt now Murasaki Kuro"(???)

When she said that the area around The Great Church shake that make many wake up from they're sleep. While the guard that's currently on a patrol immediately invenstage it on what happen, what actually cause the shake but they found nothing what actually and they just dismissed it thinking it was just mage using they're magic while the other thinking it was an earthquake, but the perpetrator is currently just walking along the amin street of the city looking for her beloved.


The Six-Faced World



On the next day kuro who is currently sleeping suddenly wake when he sense a presence that is similar to one of his colleague when try to sense it again the presence just disappear like it was not there. So he started thinking what to do if that one colleague is here. So he get up and ready to leave the the inn and maybe even leave the millis continent.

when he leaves the inn and about to go to backalley to teleport to east port he got stop by blue screen that appeared in front of him


[Do you wish to create Dimensional Chat Group?]

When Kuro saw this he was confused.

'what the hell, a Chat Group?'(Kuro)

He looked at the blue screen that is in front and decided to accept it even if there is someone that made this trying to shackle him the his ready bring that being create the group chat to end.

[The Dimensional Chat Group has been created, congratulation on 'The End' to become the admin of the Group Chat]


This is my first time writing this fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know because I will try my best to improve my writing

That it for what I have to say and Thank you for reading my Fanfic