
our time together

idk honestly it's about a couples days together

kentisntimportant · Kombinasi musik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Jimins friend?

Sugas pov.

He fell asleep i smiled holding him as he curled up on my chest. I smiled kissing his head softly not to wake him up. he purred and moved around on my chest a little getting comfortable. I rubbed his fur gently as i heard the door bell ring and he jumped off my chest hiding under the blankets hissing "sh sh kitty its ok come here"i said as he slowly came out and the door bellr ang again he ran into my arms holding my waist "its too loud master" he whined as i picked him up walking to the door answering it "jimin!" the boy at the door said smiling he turned to look at the boy and smiled "master my fweind is here!!" he said excitedly. I smiled allowing the boy who looked about 16 with blue hair and an adorable smile i smiled looked at jimin and he was cuddling him "baby i want cuddles too" i said pouting as he jumped on me giving ne kitty kisses and licking my lips. "master gets cuddles and kisses!" he exclaimed smiling i laughed a little at his excitement and he looks at his freind who looks jealous "chimmy i want kisses too"he said on the verge of crying "nuuuu jungkoook nuuu cry pweas" jimin replied as a tear fell onto my chest

Jungkooks pov.

I finally found him and he has another master and he calls me his friend i was your lover and here you are giving cuddles and kisses to him. I want kisses too "chimmmy i want kisses too" i siad on the verge if crying and then i noticed he was crying and what the hell wheres the blood coming from. He suddenlly collasped.