

As dusk fell, Kong Linlin, after much deliberation, decided to go to Cheng Zinuo.

Since she couldn't be with Du Jinnian, she decided to help him save Cheng Zinuo.

When she reached Cheng Zinuo's room, she took a deep breath, then raised her hand and pressed the doorbell.

Cheng Zinuo quickly opened the door for Kong Linlin.

Seeing that it was Kong Linlin, Cheng Zinuo was stunned for a moment before she asked in confusion, "Kong Linlin, why are you looking for me?"

As she was speaking, she recalled the night at the Magic Stairway bar when Kong Linlin helped Du Jinnian go to the restroom.

Her heart suddenly hurt.

Lili fixed her eyes on Amy and spoke in a low voice, "Sofia, I have something to say to you. Can you invite me in?"

Cheng Zinuo had no reason to not let Kong Linlin in, and there was no deep hatred between her and Kong Linlin.

"Of course, come in. What would you like to drink? Milk or water? "