

At the hospital in the center of Gangcheng.

Cheng Zinuo had been rescued, and the nurse took her into the ward and hung her up.

Du Jinnian came to the doctor's office and asked Cai Zhize worriedly, "Doctor Cai, how is Zinuo?"

Cai Zhize told Du Jinnian truthfully, "Zinuo was overworked and fainted. After all, she was a person who had undergone surgery, so her recovery wasn't that fast. It was possible that her normal intensity of work would become an overload if it came to her. So, for the time being, it's best not to let her go to work and rest at home for a few more months. "

Luckily, it wasn't a recurrence of cancer, so Du Jinnian secretly let out a sigh of relief.

In next to no time, his heart clenched once again.

Because Cai Zhize said Cheng Zinuo fainted because she was too tired from work.

Therefore, before her body was fully recovered, Cheng Zinuo had hurriedly thrown herself into work. Du Jinnian was suspicious of this fact.