
I lose my temper

As i shout andreos turn back and answered very politely Katherine you are at my Palace as i told you but thats not i wanted to know so i said why i am here and why the hell you think that i will marry you. Yeah you are good looking but i am not someone who marry any stranger just because he handsome and also you thing i will believe your crap just unlock me or i will call the cops who the hell you think you are there's no ALORA in world map you stupid jerk. He still replied very politely that Katherine but i interrupted him and told him to unlock me and let me go but I still wish i didn't do that he ordered every one to leave and he closed the doors. He looked very furious so i just backoff and very politely i said sorry for being rude then i tried to defend myself by telling him my situation but he didn't say anything except that Katherine i don't love you i am marrying you cause you had a rare fairly blood in your veins so behave yourself otherwise i will shut your mouth for forever .....