
Face to face with myself

After that he left and some women servent came inside my room they hold my hand and one lady who looks like their head came near to me and inject somthing inside my body before i can do anything i lose my consciousness . After that when i woke up the room was different there's a beautiful garden which i can see from the balcony. Then i saw a mirror in the corner of that room as i stand up and start walking toward it i notice there's no chain around my feet i ran towards the mirror to check that thing on my back but when i saw my self i found i am inside someone else's body of a very beautiful lady who have this long black hair, big eyes and the eyeballs looks like a rainbow, lips are red and very beautiful wings on my back. so i thought if i tell andreos that i am not person he thinks i am then he might let me go so i ran out of my room to see him but the gaurds in front of my room didn't let me do that they stopped me and didn't let me go so i just came back to that room but then i thought i have wings and as much as i saw in movie's if you have you can fly so i thought why dont i use the balcony to escape and with that thought on my mind i jump from balcony but i guess my wings were only for show i directly fell down on the ground but for some reason i get hurt but nothing serious happened but now i am at the garden i just had to find a way out and then i will be free from this cage. I was lucky i found the exit and then i realise i am at some market out of palace so i thought i had to tell andreos but then i just don't want to go back i was free to go, i was out of that fucking Palace so i decided not to go back