
2 ‘Am I in love?’

"What?.." I ask bewildered. "You're going to Earth," my dad says again. At this point I'm so bewildered I can't even think strait. 'Why am I going to Earth? Why now? How am I going to Earth?' I thought. "I decided that I didn't want to keep you cooped up in here," he seemed to reply to my thoughts. "You will be going now," my dad said getting up off his throne and leading me to the portal room. "There will be a house for you, and you will have blood and souls as well," He sent me through the portal and in no time I was at Earth in human form. I looked around at my house for a second then went inside. It was already decorated quite nicely, and it gave off a cozy vibe. Then suddenly I heard a shrill scream coming from the beach that was on my property. I decided I would check it out, so I went down to the beach. When I got to the beach I saw a grungy looking man, around his 50's-60's harassing a young woman that looked to be around the age of 16. I ran over to the man and hit him as hard as a strong 17 year old human woman could, which is pretty hard if you ask me, and I was strongly built making it even harder of a punch. He was knocked onto the ground wheezing, and trying to catch his breath. He then looked up to see me towering over him, at his size of 5"8 and my size of 6"7. He looked pretty scared to see me standing there as I was much taller than him, but the girl looked grateful to see me there. They looked pretty similar making me think he was her father, and that just made me angrier. But, I decided to let it go and focus on how the girl was feeling, and why he did that to her. I turned to girl and said, "Why was he doing that? Who is he to you?" "He is my father... and he hates me and abuses me," She replied to my question. I had no clue why she was telling me this, maybe because my height? Or my strength maybe? I was confused but decided I would take her to my house. I did have normal human food so once we got there I offered her something to eat or drink, but she said it was fine and that she wasn't hungry, but I knew she was lying and got her something to eat anyway. She looked grateful to see I cared about her even though we had just met. Once I sat down I got a closer look at her and saw that she was about 5"7 with long, curly blond hair which faded to purple. I assumed it was dyed of course, and she also had medium sized lips, big, brown eyes and a smaller build. She was really pretty. 'Am I in love?' I thought.