
1 “You’re going to Earth.”

I woke up to the sound of my three-headed hellhound, Zennia, barking at me. It was pretty dark in my room, making it hard to wake up. When I did wake up, though, I went into my bathroom. In the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror, 'I look like a wreck,' I thought. I was a tall, 9"8 to be exact, but 6"7 in human form, curvy woman with long, black hair fading to a blood red colour, with palish skin. Right now my hair was a mess though, I had red eyes ,it was expected of Hades daughter though, of course, in human form I had dark brown eyes that looked almost black. I also had thick almost reddish lips, with a hint of a salmon pink colour. I was also extremely strong for the mere age of 170, 17 years old almost 18 in human years. I decided I would take a shower, so I quickly got undressed and took a shower. After the shower I looked less like a wreck, but I had had wet hair making me look strange. I dried off and went to my closet to choose and outfit. In my walk-in closet I had a lot of different outfits, most of which fairly revealing. I decided to choose a one piece outfit that was made out of dark red material and, what seemed to look like black bones gripping my body all over it, paired with a black leather bag. I walked over to Zennia, and pet her. I could tell she enjoyed it by way way she wagged her tail and looked at me with her 6 eyes. I then went downstairs to see my dad. He was talking with a demon slave, probably about the lowlier demon slaves, as this one looked like a higher level. I went over to our blood bag and soul storage crate and took out 2 blood bags and a single soul. I consumed the soul right away and put the blood bags in my bag. I told my dad I would be back later and that I was just going to see my best friend Annerose, a 5"1, skinny woman with shoulder length hair, that was orange and wavy. She had medium sized pinkish lips and green eyes. We had had been best friends since we were 2 months old, so I trusted her the most. We were just going to take a walk and chat for a bit, which I liked. When I got home my dad had a solemn face, and was sitting on his thrown. He told me to sit down, so I did. He then said " I have important news Xzenah," Which made me worried yet kind of excited, "You're going to Earth."