
Otsutsuki In Multiverse

A man died and get the chance to reincarnate as an Otsutsuki with the power to travel multiple universes. ————— Tag: Incest, -------------- Warning: Selfish Mc, Cring alert, hypocrite mc, Prideful mc, Villain

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26 Chs

Blue planet where Shinobi live

An old man from the void is looking at the humans fighting and killing each other in mass. He has a wrinkled face and a goat-like beard. He has a horn on each side of his forehead.

He sighed as he looked at the fighting. He feels guilty as if all this war is happening because of him. Well, he isn't wrong either. Because he gives them something that is capable of mass destruction, the ability to possess and manipulate Chakra.

But he can't do anything except watch them from here. Suddenly he felt some disturbance in the space. He looked at where he felt the disturbance and saw the space suddenly tear up and a rift open.

He suddenly has a very bad premonition. Then he saw a man with pale white skin and sky blue hair, who also has horns like him, come out of the rift.

Finally, his greatest fear came true 'they are really here. People from my mother's clan.' The old man thought.

Suddenly he saw the man looking at him. But that should be impossible. He created this soul dimension before his death. How can The man see him?

He suddenly vanished from his place and came inside the old man's dimension. The man looked at the old man and said "hello, Hagoromo."

The old man was shocked when he heard his name from the man's mouth. But how can he know his name? He saw this man before.

"Oh, Don't be surprised. I know about you. How you, an otsutsuki even though half-blood, betray your own clan and mother for this mortal fighting and killing down."

The old man became more and more shocked as he heard him. "Who are you?"

"Oh, where are my manners? I am the 2nd prince of Otsutsuki, Aizen Otsutsuki." The young man introduced himself.

Aizen looked at the old man in front of him amusingly. The so-called god of the Shinobi world is nothing but a half-blood Otsutsuki.

Aizen didn't talk with the old man any more and appeared beside him. He grabs his soul and instantly uses the Human path.

Before Hagoromo could react he is already under Aizen's control. Aizen read his complete mind and finally fed him to the ten tail.

The reason why Aizen did this so easily is that first of all, Hagoromo isn't alive anymore, second, he is not like Kaguya. He is stronger than her and also not hesitant like her.

The first thing Aizen does is make a different folder in his mind computer and put Hagoromo's memories in it. He will check everything later.

He also collected his both eyes from the dimension and left them expressionlessly.

Second, he went to The moon where he met Toneri. Aizen collected a large amount of his energy and edited his memories with his Kotoamatsukami and making him his loyal follower.

After that, he stands above the blue planet and looks down. He saw the fighting and killing from up. He then looks at one point and looks at the Konoha village. He saw three heads on the back mountain.

His lips curved into a smile as he saw this. "So I am in the 3rd world wartime. Not too late and not too far from the story."

He then searches for a lone Shinobi. After a few minutes, he found one. He teleports from the sky and goes beside him.

The Shinobi was shocked to see him suddenly appear beside him. But before he could ask or do anything he lost consciousness and died.

Aizen read his mind and fed him to ten tails. He then makes a hand sign and uses Transformation Jutsu. He just moved his horn, nothing else.

Aizen then went inside his Kamui space and met his mother. Asa was shocked at first seeing that he doesn't have his horn. But quickly her confusion got cleared after Aizen thought of her new technique.

She also changed her looks without horns. She felt weird when she saw herself without a horn.

"Let's go, mom, you will be surprised when you see the outside world."

"Un, let me see what is so special about this world."

Aizen smiles and takes her out of the Kamui space. As soon as she came out she froze like a statue. She looked at one point and frowned. Pretty soon her expression becomes chilly.

She narrowed her eyes and asked, "who did this?" Aizen grinned and said "the culprits are long dead. Now we have the aftermath."

Asa grit her teeth and said, "how dare they give access to chakra to these mortals?"

Aizen patted her shoulder and said "calm down mother. What's done is done. Also, this world has a great destiny of its own."

Asa takes a deep breath and calms down. She then starts to fly up and reach above the cloud. She looks around but can't see the God tree that is supposed to be here.

She then notices something and looks at 9 different points. She can feel a large amount of chakra from these 9 places.

After that, she then moves down and looks at Aizen and asks "do you know what happened here?"

She knows that her son is very intelligent from a young age. And he also has information on many things. So she decided to ask him.

Aizen grabbed her hand and started to walk towards Konoha and said "let's go, I will tell you everything on our way."

Asa nodded and started to walk with where he wanted to go and listen to his explanation.

Asa And Aizen went inside the Village and looked around.

They had visited many places before like this. Though some of the worlds are dead now, as all the energies are sucked by the god tree.

When they were walking on the road many people looked at them. They aren't wearing Shinobi clothes and from their clothes look like they are Nobility.

When people saw their eyes they thought they were part of the Hyuga clan. But not many saw them before.

Aizen and Asa didn't care about this mortal's way of thought.

After walking around for some time, Aizen finally found what he was looking for. He quickly went towards it with Asa.

He went inside the shop and said "Mr, can we have two bowls of Ramen."

Asa didn't say anything and let her son handle it.

"Coming up"

"Lord Hokage, there are two unknown people in the village. They resemble the Hyuga clan, but we don't have any information on them." A masked man said while kneeling in front of a man who is smoking.

The man is Sarutobi Hiruzen, the current Hokage. He is not as old as the time the story starts. Maybe in his late forties.

Hiruzen inhaled and said, "observe them, and contact Hiashi and see if he knows this man."

The masked man nodded and disappeared from there. The man looked at the village outside the window and thought about this new guest.


"Patriarch, we have an emergency situation. Someone reported that there is a man and woman in the village who resemble our Hyuga clan but we have no information on them." A man with white eyes said to an old man.

The old man also has the same eye as the reporter. He has black hair and is wearing Black kimono as he sits on a mat.

He is Akira Huyaga, the current leader of the Hyuga clan and also the father of Hiashi and grandfather of the future heroine.

The old man frowned and looked at the front man. He asked coldly "what do you mean, we have no record of them. Are you saying there are Hyuga outside of Konoha and we don't even know that?"

The man shivered when he heard him. But didn't reply to the man. Just then A man wearing a mask appeared and said "Lord Third also wants to know about this."

Akira looked at the masked man and said "we will investigate our family matters." The Anbu nodded and disappeared from there.

The old man stood up and said "go and investigate them. The war is already at its peak. I don't want any trouble for my clan now."