
Origins Revenge - DxD

The origin of all witnessed the creation of existence. As he watched worlds be created and destroyed he came to hate living beings, he wants to destroy existence and recreate it in his image. ------ First world - Highschool DxD ------ I don't own any of the anime's, characters and the cover photo.

BeginningOrEnd · Komik
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4 Chs

Beginning (Pt 2)

It took thousands of years for him to awaken but to him this is just a small amount of time and he is more than willing to spend that long to achieve his goals. On the day he opened his eyes, existence shook.

"Ahh so this is what it is like to speak, move, live. I like it." he said whilst standing in the nothingness, "Hmm my ego hasn't stabilized my omnisicents isn't fully working and I don't possess all my memories, it is just knowledge but still I will stabilized my ego then work on controlling my powers." he said whilst sitting down in the nothingness. He began focusing on his ego and having it adapt to his body. What he wasn't aware of was all the Gods were aware of his awakening.

The thing is the Gods discovered his existence whilst he was attempting to awaken and grew fearful of him because at the end of the day they are cowards who fear the strong. With his awakening they are fearful they will die and are coming up with plans to deal with him.

During his mediation he grew aware of beings entering the nothingness opening his eyes in front of him are numerous beings radiating divine power of different natures.

"Oh what's this the disgusting ants have come to me, how interesting." he said taunting the gods.

"We have come to dispose of you, you are a being of unimaginable power that shouldn't exist for the order." said the most powerful of the gods, he is surrounded by a bright golden light, holding a spear and has a higher than thou feel to him.

"HAHAH order? I created it you fucking idiot, here let me teach you ants your place." he said whilst summoning his power.

"Charge!!" shouted the God whilst pointing his spear at him. With that order most of the gods started to charge, some were apprehensive they were fighting a supreme existence.

"HAHA this will be fun" he laughed whilst using death to attack his enemies, do remember this is the first time he has actually used his powers so he has zero control over them.


The battle raged on, the army of Gods versus the creator of all, it was a glorious sight, his control over his power improved at a rapid pace, whilst the Gods with thousands of years of experience showed how they got where they are. "HAHA This is fun, I would have awakened ages ago if I knew how fun fighting is." he laughed, his skill is nothing compared to the Gods but he is keeping up with raw power, at the end of the day no matter how skilled you are strength will always win.

Moving his head back a fist comes flying in front of his face, turning towards the person who threw him, smiling at him which looked creepy with his whole body made of darkness and nothingness. The man who threw the punch has blazing red hair and is covered in flames. He grabs the fist, pulls him towards himself and headbutts him, caving the man's head throwing the body into the nothingness he turns towards his next target till he hears a click.

All of a sudden he feels his power being restrained, looking towards the click he sees the God surrounded by light and on his right arm is an old fashioned shackle.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE BASTARD!!!!!" He screamed whilst sending out a burst of power sending everyone flying away.

"Is that really not enough?!!" asked a female God to the God surrounded by light. "No but we have more so it is fine." said the God whilst casting magic that causes a change in the shackle sending out a chain into the nothingness bounding him to his place.

"BASTARDS WHAT IS THIS??!!!" he screamed in rage.

"That is divine iron, it is the rarest mineral in existence. It came about a few thousand years ago through the omniversal laws to maintain order due to Gods gaining too much power and it being hard to kill them. What you are wearing is pure divine iron; both the chain and cuff is enough to seal most Gods all at the same time. You still have so much power after wearing one shows how much power you have." explained the God surrounded by light.

"HAHA GOOD COME AT ME EVEN WITH THIS I CAN STILL KILL YOU!!!" he screamed whilst sending attacks at the Gods.

The battle continued, the Gods suffered heavy casualties whilst he had his full power but now that some of his power is sealed they are finding it easier.


The sounds of swords clashing at a rapid pace was heard, he had picked up a sword and was fighting one handed with two Gods. The fight is no longer a massive curbing stomping as it was before with one hand out of use, his inability to move too far and some of his power being sealed made it hard to do anything.

'Fuck this is bad, I can't control my powers and my ego hasn't stabilized.' Honestly it was going to shit and he was looking for a way out of shit but no matter what the shackle won't break. Then he heard the fearsome click sound. Feeling the same powerless feeling he looks down and sees his right leg has a shackle around it with a chain going into nothingness.

"FUUUCCKK" He screamed kicking at the chain but it won't budge. Click the same feeling of powerlessness washed over him, this time the shackle is on his right leg with the chain going into nothingness. 'Fuck fuck this is bad, think, think, that its, but I will have to use all the power I can to achieve it.' "HAHAHAH" he laughed.

"What is so funny?" asked the God covered in light.

"You like order right?" he asked.

"Yes" responded the God.

"Fuck your order!" he said with a smile. He covered a massive amount of power into his hand and sent it out into the omniverse. The Gods tried to stop him realizing what he was doing, but it was too late and the actions were done.

"HOW COULD YOU!!" screamed the God.

"HAHA I CREATED IT WHY CAN'T I DESTROY IT HAHA!!" he laughed like a madman, what he did was destroy the order and balance part of omniversal laws, removing the balancing function for the mortals and gods.

"HAHA" he continued laughing as a shackle was applied his left arm, using the power he still could access he did what would be considered stupid to most, he removed most of his ego and sent it into the darkness where the souls where born making his body a near hollow husk. But the Gods were unaware of this development, putting the last shackle around his neck completing the sealing process. The purpose of the small part of his ego left in his body is to try to break out of his shackles and return to the main ego.

"What a monster." said the female God.

"Yes he was, put the final touches on the sealing and seal the nothingness." commanded the God covered light whilst he walked through a portal.

But what they are unaware of is, at this moment the ego of that being is floating in the darkness looking for a soul that can handle his ego.