

In the time when the dragons ruled the world of magic and brave knights, there was a great battle to defeat the demon god, who seek the destruction of the world to make it in his image. The order of dragons, powerful magicians, and brave knights banded together to fight against the demon god. Under the sacrifice of both dragons and humans, the demon god was defeated now a thousand years into the future, and the demon god worshippers were known as 'BLOOD CROW' have returned to revive the demon god. Noticing this, the dragon chose a champion who fought and defeated them but on the verge of victory, the demon god worshippers open a time portal to when the hero was young. Now it is time for the young hero to fight against the plot of the demon god worshippers with the help of the dragons and his friends. Prologue

black_ink1 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

My head hurt, "hey get up lazy ass", I opened to see a tall red-haired man looking down at me with his azure blue eyes. He was wearing a blue sleeve, black pants, and black boots.

"Hey, how do you feel, that was quite a fall you know", then I remember I fell from a cliff. Looking at my body I don't feel any pain even after the fall and no sting from that last blast.

"don't worry about that I healed you up well". He then squatted and looked into my eyes, it was like I was looking at a mirror,

" you look exactly like me," I told him, "I am you dummy" he patted my head.

"but not you right now, but the you that you will become", "the reason I am here is because I sense that you are in danger, and I guess it was a dark mage that attacked you wearing a black robe with a sign of a crow right?". He knew the mage, "how do you know him?", "because he is the leader of the dark mages "BLOOD CROW".

He told me about the battles he had with the dark mage and I was surprised that I will this strong in the future. When I got to my feet I looked around and saw that we were on some kind of strange plain.

"where are we?" I asked him, "this is my magic domain where I will be training you for now", I looked and saw that the trees are far taller and there are no sounds of birds or insects, wait domain.

"magic domains are only created by six circle mages, wait would I be a strong mage later on?" he looked at me with a smile

"you are not only going to be a mage but also a swordsman", wait a swordsman "MAGIC SWORDSMAN!!!" I screamed with joy knowing I got what I dreamed of and wanted,

"let me introduce myself to you formally, I am Sir Peter Grey, sword saint, ninth circle mage, and the first magic swordsman", I looked at him with admiration.

"From now on I will train you on how to be a magical swordsman still you are at the fourth circle and have achieved sword aura knight". I knew it was going to be tough but I was prepared for it.

We trained for what seemed like an eternity, it was able to open up the second circle and stepped into sword knight first level. It continued for months at that pace until I reach the sixth circle and sword general level two, then our time together came to an end.

"Before I go I want to link the power of the dragon to you, it is a large source of mana which can be very useful to us since we are both mages and swordsmen". He placed his right hand on my chest. I felt a sharp pain, followed by a burning sensation. When he was done I saw the crest of a dragon on my chest and it was also the same pattern on his sleeves,

"This is it off you go little warrior, be sure to make us proud", he lifted his hands and there was a blinding bright light and I passed out.

"Mum he is awake, come hurry", I heard a female voice, when I open my eyes there was a girl looked the same age as me with silver flowing hair and green looking at me, the door was open and a woman with the same silver hair but it was packed up like a bun wearing royal attire, I could tell she was royalty.

"you are awake little boy, how do you feel?, hey don't bug him too much Sarah, hope she didn't disturb you, she has been taking care of you since we found you", I looked at the girl by the side of the bed and she hid her face, hmm she was the shy type I thought.

"I am, ma'am where am I ?" she looked that me with concerned eyes "we found you at the bottom of cloud mountain three days ago, and by the look of your clothes you were blasted off the top, but there is no sign of injuries in your body just the damage clothes". I could not tell them that I was healed and left there for them to find me by my future self, I just kept quiet.

We seem to be moving in a carriage with an amazing interior design, and it was huge.

"What is your name little boy?" asked the lady with a smile.

"My name is Peter Grey, I am from Gales kingdom and I live in a town located close to the top of cloud mountain", "and may I know the names of the people that saved my life" she looked at me with a smile.

"I am queen Elizabeth and this is princess Sarah of the kingdom of Gales". Looking at how she carries herself, she is a queen.

On the way to the palace, Sarah and I chatted and I found out that we were the same age and my fall was just two days ago.

"Princess have you gone for your talent selection, which class do you belong to" she looked at me with a big smile.

"I'm a mage and a duo element user at that hehe" wow she is amazing.

"I need to also go for the selection too, I can't wait to know mine", I already knew mine since I am quite strong and all the training cannot be for waste.

We soon approach the capital, looking at the tall majestic blue gate that opens up to the palace, 'this is going to be interesting, I just hope my parents are ok.

When we got into the palace, Sarah took me to the guest room, where I would be staying, "Peter, I will come to fetch you for dinner, so rest and freshen up a bit, the maid will bring you a new set of clothes." Sarah said as she left me.

The room was large, bigger than that of my parent's room. How I miss them so much, hope I get to see them soon and let them know I am okay.