

In the time when the dragons ruled the world of magic and brave knights, there was a great battle to defeat the demon god, who seek the destruction of the world to make it in his image. The order of dragons, powerful magicians, and brave knights banded together to fight against the demon god. Under the sacrifice of both dragons and humans, the demon god was defeated now a thousand years into the future, and the demon god worshippers were known as 'BLOOD CROW' have returned to revive the demon god. Noticing this, the dragon chose a champion who fought and defeated them but on the verge of victory, the demon god worshippers open a time portal to when the hero was young. Now it is time for the young hero to fight against the plot of the demon god worshippers with the help of the dragons and his friends. Prologue

black_ink1 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

I have been in the palace for two weeks now and I have already been sparring with knights in the castle, except for Sarah taking me for walks around the palace it was quite boring here, today she said she would take me to the training ground to watch her train.

"Wow, this place is huge, this is amazing," I said as I observe the training area.

"This is where I would be spending most of my time now, my teacher would be coming in soon, let's wait for her". Soon after a woman in her late twenties, enter the training area. Miss Helen, a sixth circle mage with power over win element, which is is one of Sarah's elements.

"Good morning princess, I see you brought a friend" she looked at me for a while before the hint of surprise appeared in her eyes, she seem to have sensed my mana flow, that was quick.

"So have you gone for the awakening yet boy," she asked me.

"Oh my name is Peter, Peter Grey miss Helen" that was awkward "and I haven't gone for the selection yet, but I believe my class would be different". I said and she looked at me curiously 'he has not gone for the awakening yet and I can already feel his mana flow and it's so pure.

"So what class are you aiming for Peter," Sarah chuckled and said.

"He has this idea of using both sword and magic, is it not funny, I have heard that class before," Sarah said to Miss Helen.

"I also want to see how you can use both sword and magic together," she said and walked closer.

"When are you going for your awakening, I want to take you personally," she asked me.

"Tomorrow Miss Helen," I answered. She held my palms looking at them as if she is examining a rear specimen. That was all for me, I just watched Sarah follow Miss Helen's instructions. She has started gathering mana and I guess by the end of the month she would have been able to attain her second circle.

It's quite impressive I must say, me being trained for almost a year and have attained my sixth circle, it's going to be interesting.

After her training we headed to the dining room, the dining room is as huge as the town hall back in my village, making me look so small inside. We sat at the table, the queen sat on the right side, while I and Sarah sat on the left and the head of the table sit was still empty.

Since I came into the palace I haven't seen the king, we were told that he went to the kingdom of Falmut for a diplomatic visit.

As we entered the dining room we saw the queen sitting close to the chair at the head of the table, she was wearing a green evening dress with a set of white heels.

"Good evening your majesty, you are looking good as usual," I said while bowing, and she smiled.

"You are such a charmer Peter, and how was your training, any improvement today," she smiled.

"I have mastered one first circle spell today mum, hehe, Miss Helen said that I was a genius," Sarah said with happiness.

"That's great Sarah, keep it up you will be great at no time like your mother," she said with a satisfying smile.

Queen Elizabeth is a sixth circle mage, she was nicknamed the 'storm queen'.

We just were seated, before the queen told us that we would be having guests joining us.

"Baron Paul and his son David would be joining us for dinner" there was a trace of a surprise and then anger on Sarah's face.

"What's wrong Sarah, you look so happy", it was then she told me about how a jerk David was and her bossy his father was.

As soon as the servants started serving the meals, the door was open and a middle-aged man and a boy probably fifteen years old walked.

"Excuse me for being late your highness" baron Paul bowed his head slightly, and so did his son.

"No problem, we are just about getting started" the queen replied.

They got their seat and David flash Sarah a toothy grin before looking at me.

"Sarah who is your friend," before she could reply to him, I answered.

"I'm Peter Grey, from cloud Cliff Mountain", Baron looked at me with disgust, but before he could say anything Queen Elizabeth spoke up.

"Peter is a guest of the palace and would be staying here for a while," after she said that, David looked at me with the 'you not worthy of being in my presence look' and said.

"I heard you picked him from the bottom of cliff mountain on your way from the waterfall, isn't that right Peter" he gave a sly smile. Sarah was furious.

"David can you please mind your words, he is my friend and it is not your business where he came from". Seeing her defend Peter, David was angry as his face turned and glared at me. The dinner continued in a weird atmosphere before Baron Paul spoke.

"My son, David has just reached the last level beginner's rank and would soon reach sword knight, is that not amazing," David is already fifteen years old, he started training two years and only at this stage, it was so funny.

"Pfff". I tried holding it in, and with anger in his David looked at me.

"What's so funny, you think I am funny," he said angrily.

"Sarah look at who you brought to the table, if it wasn't for you I would have chased him out," Sarah gave me a side glance and kicked my leg under the table.

"Sorry David, I don't know what's funny to him", still angry David asked "which stage are you Peter, do you think you can spar with me", with a chuckle I said,

"I haven't taken the selection yet, but I am my training is enough to spar, as long as it friendly spar".

Sarah led us to the training ground. When we got there, some knights were sparing.

"Say Peter ready for another sparing section, really want to know how strong you have gotten," said Alex, he was one of the knights I usually spar with and he was a peak-level aura sword knight.

"Another time Alex, someone wants to spar with me," Alex laughed.

"Who is that unlucky person," he then saw David walking in with the rest.

"Young man you just reach beginner third level right," he asked looking at David who was shocked, he nodded in reply "then you are no match for Peter who has been training for a long time," David was angry and said.

"How do you know that today I will beat him up and make him kneel before me," Alex was shocked by what David said, so was everyone else except the smiling me.

"Ok then, let's begin", a wooden sword was given to both of us. Alex came forward.

"I will be officiating this sparing section, no lethal attacks from both of you and Peter go easy on him" I gave him a big grind as a reply, 'boy I am going to enjoy this' those were my thoughts.

David was flexing his shoulders preparing for the fight while I just held the wood sword and waited for him.

"Begin!" Alex gave the signal, and David dashed towards me with his full speed covering the distance between us and giving a downward slash, I just sidestepped and the sword came down and passed my face, he continued with his attacks while I just dodge and hit it off.

The fight was going at a fast pace with David in constant attack showing his sword skills while I was just casually dodging or knocking the sword away.

'This kid just keeps attacking, guess it's my turn. David attacked with a forward thrust, I took on a step back and then moved around David before kicking his left leg off the ground, and he fell dow after losing his balance.

"Please don't tell me this is all you got" I teased David while resting my sword on his shoulder.

Clouded by rage David got up and attacked me, I smiled at David and readied himself for the incoming attack. David was faster than before attacking with a side slash which I returned with equal attack power, stunning David.

"From now David I am going all out". After saying that, I countered every David attack with equal attack power, before long David was at the losing end of my constant attack.

I gave a slide slash, which split David's sword into two halves, and just then a voice sounded.

"That's enough" everyone was surprised by the voice and turned around to see the king watching us with a smile on his face.