
Oni's Destiny

This is a Harem. Y/N meets the straw-hats in Water 7 as he is trying to get stronger while being chased and hunted by top marines. But why is he being chased and will Luffy offer him a place in the straw-hat Crew...

IsiGod · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 7 Onwards

The Straw-Hats, plus Kaimaki, are all I'm the house as they are just relaxing and chilling while Kaimaki is sleeping with Nami just sitting right next to him just staring at him which annoys Sanji.

Zoro and Luffy are speaking to Kokoro about the Florian Triangle and how many, many ships go missing until suddenly there are many voices.

Mozu: Straw-Hats!!!

Chimnie: Come quickly!!

Zoro: Whats going on?

Kiwi: The Ship is done!!

Nami: Really!?

Luffy: Lets go check it out then!! Hey Kaimaki! Wake up

As Kaimaki wakes up as they run over towards the area where Franky has built the 'Dream ship'.

Franky: I present to you..your new ship!!

Luffy: SUGEEE!!!

Chopper: That looks so cool!!

As Luffy and Chopper start to jump around as Robin, Zoro, Sanji and Nami are just smiling while Kaimaki is just looking at the ship.

Luffy: Hey!! Franky Join us!!

Franky: No can do

Luffy: I have your Swim suit.

As Franky looks down and realises his Swim suit is missing.

Franky: I won't back down!

As Franky poses infront of a piece of wood which is luckily covering his 'thingy'.

Robin: Let me handle this Luffy.

As Robin steps forward.

Robin: Dos Fleur!

Robin: Grab.

As both of the hands start to grab Franky's Balls and they grab it quite tightly.

Nami: R-Robin!!!

Luffy: AHHH!!! She grabbed them!!

Y/N: Stay strong Franky-dono..

As Kaimaki just stands infront of Chopper so that Chopper doesn't see any of it

Franky: YAOHHHHHH!!!!

Franky: Okay okay.. I really do want to go with you guys but I have to stay here!! I made you my wish which is the 'Dream ship'!

Suddenly, Sanji and Zoro appear as they start running towards the others.

Sanji: This is bad!!

Zoro: Hey! Luffy! Your grandpa is coming back. They are looking for us!!

Luffy: EEH!? PREPARE TO SET SAIL!!. Franky take your pants back

As Luffy throws his pants back to Franky as he catches it.

Luffy: Now join us Franky!!

Franky starts to cry as he looks at the Franky family and back at the Straw-Hats.

Franky: Yawww!! I, Franky is nw the shipwright of your Ship. Monkey D.Luffy!

As Luffy smiles at Franky as they are about to set sail but Nami quickly turns around.

Sanji: Whats wrong Nami-swan

Nami: Kaimaki..Where is Kaimaki!?

As Kaimaki jumps off the ship and walks back towards the crowd but none of the Straw-Hats are able to notice.

Kaimaki: See I fly solo. I work for myself. Noone else.

As Kaimaki continues to walk off but bumps into someone he knows.

Kaimaki: Usopp-Dono? How come you are not on the ship.

Usopp: We have a fight and I want to apologise now.

Kaimaki: You are going to have to hurry. They already set sail.

As Kaimaki continues to walk off as Usopp runs towards the shore as he begs for luffy and the others to forgive him, as Luffy does and extends his arm to bring him back onto the ship.

Garp: You are not going anywhere Luffy!!

As Garp brings out the biggest Bomb they had ever seen.


Kaimaki: Oh for Goodness Sake..

Kaimaki says but he smiles as he runs towards the Giant bomb, transforms into his Dragon Form and uses a blast Breath on the Bomb.

Straw-Hats: K-Kaimaki!!!

Kaimaki: I guess you guys do need me!

As Kaimaki detransforms and jumps onto the ship.

Kaimaki: I guess I will be joining the crew then. Pleasure to be working with y-

As they all just run up to him and give him a hug as they sail away from the danger of Garp and Aokiji

The Straw-Hats, including Kaimaki have escaped the grasps of the hero of marines as they are now just sailing.

Luffy: Oi! Usopp! I caught one!! Help me reel it in.

As Usopp runs over to where Luffy is and helps him to pull up the giant shark that they have caught.

Usopp: Lets put it in the tank!

As a combined effort of Luffy and Usopp allow the shark to fall into the massive tank which is in a completely different room and in there is Robin, Franky, Zoro, Sanji, Nami and Kaimaki as they just watch the Shark go in.

Luffy: Has it come through! Has it come through!

As Luffy and Usopp come running down towards the tank.

Robin: Yes, Yes it has but its eating all of the small fish.


As Luffy points towards the Shark.

Sanji: One shark coming right up Captain

As Sanji drags the shark over to the kitchen area and starts to prepare it. Meanwhile, Kaimaki is just looking at the Kanabo that he has as he starts to polish it. Nami comes up beside him as she sits down next to him.

Nami: Thats a nice Kanabo..where did you get it from

Kaimaki: I used to have another one when I was younger but that got absolutely decimated.

Nami: How?

Kaimaki: I lost. In a fight.

Nami: Against who?

Kaimaki: My rival..She was the one who absolutely decimated my Kanabo. It all started when...

7 Years Ago (Flashback)

Kaimaki: Ahh...what a day today.

As a younger Kaimaki is just sitting down on one of the rooftops of the flower capital.

???: It is a fine day indeed Kaimaki-Juro.

As Kaimaki hears a voice as he jumps off the rooftop to look at the person.

Kaimaki: Hello Shopkeeper-Dono! Fancy seeing you at this early morning.

Shopkeeper: And its weird to see you at this hour Kaimaki-Juro! I thought you would be chasing marines.

Kaimaki: Gotta take days off! I'll just have the usual

As the Shopkeeper prepares Kaimaki's favourite food.

Kaimaki: Thank you! See ya Shopkeeper-Dono

As Kaimaki waves the Shopkeeper goodbye as he starts to walk off away from the flower capital as he starts to eat the food.

Kaimaki: Finally!! I was star-

Kaimaki isn't able to finish his sentence as he sees someone coming down from the air as Kaimaki drops his food and grabs his Kanabo as he prepares to clash against the person.

???: I have finally caught up to you!! Kaimaki!!

Kaimaki: Huh? How do you know who I am? And why do you have a Kanabo aswell?

???: It doesn't matter. Now engage me in combat!!

Kaimaki: Very well.

As the person comes closer towards Kaimaki as he starts to smile which causes a shift in the person's movements but they don't falter as they clash in the mountains.

Kaimaki looked as if he was winning but the person was winning as the figure was able to completely smash Kaimaki's Kanabo and send Kaimaki flying into a rock.

???: You gotta try harder then that to defeat me Huh Kaimaki!!

As Kaimaki grabs the rock and throws it as the person but they are able to smash it as Kaimaki sprints towards the figure and punches the person in the face breaking the mask.

Kaimaki: Y-you are a...

Kaimaki: WOMAN!!!!

As Kaimaki backs away. Yamato starts to walk towards him.

Yamato: Whats wrong! Haven't seen a woman before!!

Kaimaki: I have!! But I didn't expect to be fighting one!!

As they both just start arguing with eachother as they eventually stop as Yamato calms down and Kaimaki calms down as they look at eachother.

Kaimaki: Hey... you need to replace my Kanabo!!

Yamato: I will don't worry!

Kaimaki: Next time we fight, I will break yours!!

As Yamato just looks at him at a sideways glance as Kaimaki looks at her again and they start to argue again until the night...