

Alex, a young man from the modern world, is mysteriously transported to the unpredictable seas of the One Piece universe. Awakening on a pirate ship, he finds himself caught between legendary pirates and formidable Marines. Gifted with strange new abilities and a destiny intertwined with the world's greatest treasure, Alex joins forces with Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates on their epic quest. As dark forces conspire against him Alex must navigate a world where dreams and danger are boundless. With the One Piece within his reach, can Alex unlock the full potential of what this world has to offer, or will he be lost to its depths?

piratepenman · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs



(Hmmm... did someone search for this before me? Are there other people in this verse? Or maybe parallel ones?)

Alex tapped on the top result already showing: <one-piece >

(Whatever, it will be fun)

Alex thought as he waited for the search to be finished. A new panel appeared in front of him.


 < ONE-PIECE > 1,00,00,000 (99.99...% off)


(What the hell? Why is this thing so cheap? Some Devil Fruits are more expensive than this.)

Alex wondered, recalling some Devil Fruits he had come across while searching.


<---------------------------------------------------------- >

 HIT0-HITO NO-MI MODEL NIKA - 10,00,00,00,000

 TREMOR-TREMOR FRUIT - 1,00,00,00,000

 RUMBLE-RUMBLE FRUIT - 1,00,00,00,000




 DARK-DARK FRUIT - 10,00,00,00,000

<---------------------------------------------------------- >

(Oh, most of the Devil Fruits are here. The Nika one is about 10 billion, Whitebeard's and other emperor-level ones are about 1 billion... and Enel's is the same as that.)

(Does their price drop when their current user is dead and they're free? If so, it might be better to wait until Marineford—a lot of people will die. Maybe I can get both Ace's and Whitebeard's fruits.)

(Hmm... Blackbeard's fruit is the same level as Luffy's. That's surprising. Is there more to that fruit than shown? I didn't see Imu's fruit nor the Five Elders'. Maybe I didn't recognize them; there were a lot of fruits on the same level as Whitebeard's. I wonder where they are now—maybe they are unawakened.)


Alex, seeing the message in front of him, suddenly jumped up from his seat in excitement.

Zoro, seeing this, looked at Alex with a questioning gaze. (o?o)

"Nothing... nothing. Just remembered something. Nothing to worry about. You keep on sleeping; I will wake you up when we get to the nearest island," Alex said.

Not convinced but choosing the better option, Zoro decided to meditate.

Alex focused on the text.

(ONE-PIECE for just about a 10 million. Man, Whitebeard died for this; he had a fruit that was 100 times more valueable. but it's discounted... why?)

Alex asked himself. With no concrete solution, he decided not to dwell on it.

(If we go by the original story, by Dressrosa we'll have 5700+ members, so... we'll have around 57 million points.)

(DAMN... maybe Luffy will be Pirate King before he becomes a pirate... but is this the same ONE-PIECE I'm talking about? Whatever, let's wait until two and a half years later till we get the Grand Fleet.)

Alex was thinking of the day he would get to hold ONE-PIECE when suddenly another idea came to him.

(Why wait that long? Since we're Straw Hat Adventurers and there's already an Adventurer's Guild, let's make this guild a lot bigger. Let's invite more people to the guild.)

The excitement of finally having the legendary treasure <one-piece > overwhelmed Alex, and he kept thinking about all the characters he could remember to join them.

Suddenly, he heard Zoro's voice.

"Oi, Alex, we're near an island."

Alex snapped out of his fantasy and started to look at the gloomy reality.

"Where... is my treasure?" he asked, looking around confusedly.

"What treasure?" asked Zoro.

"Ah... nothing... nothing. You were saying we've reached our location. Let's go and find Luffy."

"By the way, remember I heard that town is occupied by the Buggy Pirates. He's a very... LUCKY man. Don't provoke him much... and he has eaten a fruit that lets his body be sliced endlessly. You, as a swordsman, should stay away from him."

"What?! He can't be killed then?" Zoro asked, surprised and amazed by the Devil Fruit's power.

"Not really, but... just stay away from him for now. I'll fill you in on the details later."

The few people on the boat quickly disembarked and reached the island's border, standing at the edge of an empty city.

"Now we just have to find Luffy... hope he didn't drown in the sea," said Zoro.

Alex chimed in, "Maybe he did... let's find a new captain. What do you think?" :)

Zoro replied, observing the surroundings carefully, "Yeah, let's find a new captai—"

Just as he was about to finish his words, an ear-piercing sound came from in front of them.


The small Buggy Pirates and Alex covered their ears in a hurry. The next scene left Alex in shock. The building that had been in front of him just a moment ago was suddenly demolished. The power left him speechless.

He quickly remembered something, looked at the farthest standing building, saw some people above it, and quickly suggested to Zoro, "Look at that building. The shot came from there. Let's go quickly, otherwise we will be too late."

"Okay," replied Zoro, as they both ran as fast as they could towards the building.

Alex hoped he hadn't changed their timing too much so that Zoro could reach at the perfect time.



Luffy said, smiling knowingly towards a scared and hesitant orange-haired girl.

"Half-prepared for what... to take lives?" the girl asked Luffy loudly.

"NO, prepared to... RISK YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE," Luffy said, smiling more.

"What are you doing there? Standing, go on, fire the cannon."

"Yeah, go on, fire it." "Let us see a good show."

Came some excited voices behind the orange-haired girl. She looked behind, seeing the many different kinds of weapons in their hands and fearing getting killed.

< She lit the fuse of the cannon, aiming it at Luffy, ready to destroy the random pirate she had met a few moments ago. >