

Alex, a young man from the modern world, is mysteriously transported to the unpredictable seas of the One Piece universe. Awakening on a pirate ship, he finds himself caught between legendary pirates and formidable Marines. Gifted with strange new abilities and a destiny intertwined with the world's greatest treasure, Alex joins forces with Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates on their epic quest. As dark forces conspire against him Alex must navigate a world where dreams and danger are boundless. With the One Piece within his reach, can Alex unlock the full potential of what this world has to offer, or will he be lost to its depths?

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15 Chs


CHAPTER 5: On the Execution Ground

After hearing Zoro agree to join them and state his condition, Luffy and Alex enthusiastically asked him, "Ah! Your swords, yeah! You'll need swords to become number one in the world. So, tell us, where are they?"

"They're in the Marine base. Bring back all three swords," Zoro replied.

Upon hearing this, Alex turned to Luffy and said, "Hey Luffy, you go and get his swords. In the meantime, I'll free him."

"Okay," replied Luffy. "But how do I get inside?"

"Hmm, let's wait a bit. Maybe we'll find a way," Alex responded, aware of the imminent chaos.

Inside the Marine Office

"Quick! Pull that rope, you worthless bastards!" yelled Morgan, instructing his fellow Marines to erect his statue atop the Marine base. He then inquired about the fate of the boy who attempted to rescue the Pirate Hunter.

"We've dispatched soldiers. We'll capture him soon," a hesitant Marine replied.

Spotting the massive statue atop the base, Luffy's eyes lit up. He stretched his arms and bound them around the statue, launching himself upwards. The Marines watched in awe as Luffy dismantled the statue.

"Ah, sorry about that," Luffy apologized casually to the onlookers.

"Kill him! Now!" screamed Morgan.

Successfully inside the base, Luffy hurried to locate Zoro's swords. As he ran, he encountered a blonde-haired boy he recognized.

"Hey! I know you. You're the one I beat up earlier today!" Luffy exclaimed, catching the boy with his stretched arms.

"Don't say it like that. Just you wait until my father gets here. He's a Navy Lieutenant. You can't run, pirate!" the boy retorted.

"You're Helmeppo, the axe-man's son. You must know where Zoro's swords are. Quickly, tell me, or I'll throw you out the window!" Luffy demanded.

"They're inside my room. Follow me," Helmeppo relented.

Listening to Helmeppo, Luffy quickly located Zoro's swords in Helmeppo's room. Just as he retrieved them, Morgan swung his axe towards Luffy. With Helmeppo stuck to his arm, Luffy jumped down towards Zoro.

Seeing Luffy descending from the Marine base, Alex remarked, "There are your swords, Zoro. Now, you can fight. Don't worry about us; we're strong."

Luffy threw the three swords to Zoro, who deftly caught and arranged them into a concurrent cross shape amidst the Marine soldiers.

Citizens of the island gathered as Luffy, Zoro, and Alex engaged the Marines. Luffy faced off against Morgan, while Zoro cut through soldiers with precision. Alex, less experienced in combat, held his own against additional Marines.

Midst the chaos, a voice interrupted, "Stop fighting and surrender, Straw-Hat, or I'll kill this boy," Helmeppo threatened, aiming a gun at Koby.

Ignoring Koby's plea to focus on Morgan who has already sneaked in behind luffy to deliver a finishing blow to him .

just as morgan began to swing his axe to finish luffy .

<clank >

the sound echoed as Helmeppo hit directly by luffys stretched arms hit the ground outside.

Luffy knew who had intervened.

"Zoro" Luffy said solemnly.

"Yes, Captain,"  Zoro affirmed, holding Morgan's axe above Luffy.

With Helmeppo incapacitated, Luffy, Zoro, and Alex continued their battle against Morgan. Despite his size, Morgan proved agile, but Luffy eventually knocked him out with a powerful attack.

"Gomu-Gomu no... Rocket!" Luffy shouted as he delivered the final blow.

Exhausted from nine days without food and a rigorous fight, Zoro leaned on Alex and fell unconsious

alex with zoro , koby and luffy entered a nearby restaurant.

A day later, the four sat around a table, enjoying a feast paid for by grateful locals.

**Inside the Restaurant**

"We appreciate your help, but you must leave this island soon. Otherwise, we'll have to report you," the Marine captain stated firmly, his battalion standing behind him.

"Come on, you can't do that! They just saved us from that evil Marine Lieutenant. Don't you have any respect for them?" the locals protested.

Alex intervened, "I think he's right. If we stay too long, the higher-ups will find out, and we might end up branded as pirates. This is East Blue, and your grandpa visits here occasionally. Can you fight your grandpa?"

"My grandpa? No way. He's too strong. I don't know how, but when he hits me, I can't turn into rubber. And he hasn't eaten any Devil Fruit either. I wonder how he's this strong"

Luffy reflected, remembering the pain of his grandfather's < FIST OF LOVE > 

"Your grandpa?" Zoro and the curious Marines inquired.

"Yeah, Luffy's grandpa is Vice-Admiral 'Garp, The Fist,' " Alex revealed with a smile.

"Whaaaat ? " 

came a collective exclamation from Zoro, Marines, and some villagers who knew something of Garp.

"You... you're Vice-Admiral Garp's grandson? then....Does that mean Vice-Admiral Garp know what Lieutenant Morgan was doing here? is.....is he around?" the Marine captain asked excitedly.

"No, he's not here, and he doesn't seem to know. We just came here to recruit Zoro into our adventurer guild and happened to end up fighting Morgan" Alex explained.

"Well... that's unfortunate. Maybe Vice-Admiral Garp won't need to visit after all-hahaha-" the Marine captain replied.

"By the way, what's the adventurer guild?" asked Zoro, now intrigued.

"It's not important right now. Just remember, we're not pirates," Alex said, glancing at Luffy, who was about to protest.

"By the way, do you have a communication snail and the Marine headquarters number?" Alex inquired.

At the Island's Coast

"Hey, isn't this pink-haired boy with you guys?" a Marine asked Luffy.

"No, I'm going to be a good Marine and catch bad pirates," Koby replied seriously.

After a series of questions and answers, Koby was accepted into the Marines, while Luffy, Zoro, and Alex boarded a raft, setting sail towards the Grand Line.

As Luffy and Koby engaged in a heated conversation, their voices filled with determination and passion, Alex watched quietly. The bond between them was clear, and their promise to reunite soon touched him deeply.

Alex stepped forward, shouting from the raft :

"Koby, I wish you the best," he said sincerely. "I know you'll become the good Marine you aspire to be. Stay true to your dreams and never lose sight of who you are."

Koby looked up at Alex, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Alex. I won't let you down. I promise to uphold justice and become the best Marine I can be."

Luffy grinned, his usual enthusiasm unwavering. "We'll see you again, Koby! Keep training hard!"

As they prepared to part ways, the people present shared a moment of understanding and mutual respect. Alex knew that despite their different paths, their destinies were intertwined, and they would meet again in the vast seas.